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Joined 1 months ago

I don't have their number, how am I supposed to text them?

Deeply curious about the down votes, isn't this accurate?

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I get the thought process from a market standpoint, but this is a trap we all fall into because the big services subsidize subsidize subsidize to keep you locked in. If you want 15gb free, you sell your privacy. That's the equation, not "service a and b are equivalent except more gbs".

And you've never heard of sqlite

It can also link nicely over odbc to full databases which are represented a nice tables...with links between sheets...waiiit a second.

Uses compute platform that's spent (all of personal computer history) trying to exclude any outsiders from working with them, a design intention of Steve Jobs from day one leading to significant waste and suffering for the past 50 years.

Sad that Microsoft doesn't care

At least Linux has a leg to stand on. The culture can be exhausting but is generally in the right.

Switched to them in 2022 after a 2-year of proton precisely because the revised proton plans were weird and because id heard a lot of negative stories about getting locked out (from the proton side, not losing password). Ironically I almost just went thru the lockout process but thankfully the email support guy was able to get things sorted.

Tbh I miss nothing and since I use simple login or anonaddy for most misc things, switching was easy. My proton account is de facto dead...I wouldn't refuse to return, but I'm really just an a la carte guy.

Wait who are the technical people you work with who are using things besides Excel?? Or by technical people do you specifically mean computer science people? Cause you get mech, civil, or electrical engineers in a room and I think I would have a heart attack if their designs were not all in Excel or word (+altium, solidkindaworks, etc)

It...was intended for those things. Excel is modern business' multi-tool. You're not going to excise it until there is a solution for the HR person to do basic bulk data processing, basic Excel programming without having to acknowledge they are doing programming, etc.

The other path is better spreadsheet software, but let's be honest most of the others are poor clones. Gsheets are nearly useless, only office is solid but...well, it's just Excel but free. Open office is Excel millennium edition and libre while better than open, and has a few nice quality of life improvements, it's still Excel.

You're both as bad as each other

Browser integration with quality biometric login is a beautiful thing. Keepass' implementation of both is trash, and keepassxc's browser integration may actually be worse than the original.

That having been said I always recommend to people they use two managers, with keepass being the secure base for things you don't often need convenient access to like savings accounts, password manager passwords, tax services, etc.

bitwarden, proton, et al I use for the day-to-day...I don't give any fucks if my Lemmy account is lost for example.

"A walled garden is a garden enclosed by high walls, especially when this is done for horticultural rather than security purposes, although originally all gardens may have been enclosed for protection from animal or human intruders."

Agreed proton isn't this

"A closed platform, walled garden, or closed ecosystem[1][2] is a software system wherein the carrier or service provider has control over applications, content, and/or media, and restricts convenient access to non-approved applicants or content. "

Try using thunderbird and id argue proton is this

Does pass support custom url filters yet? I self host and so I have a lot of 192.168 bookmarks...when I tried pass it had no way to organize them by url prefix (port number).

Maps is what makes degoogling hard ;p

Everything else is pretty straightforward.

  1. Find a distro, run into problems
  2. Ask for help
  3. Get asked why the fuck you chose that distro when it's obviously for super brains
  4. Repeat

Lol source pls

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To be fair arch has amazing docs, and even a rube like me can follow it decently well. I found endeavor to be the easiest distro to use. But agreed the attitude isn't great.

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Calling people stupid and lazy in nicer words is still calling people stupid and lazy.

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But the only reason we don't talk about the poors that way is because we can legally destroy where they sleep and run them out of town :)

To be fair the nobara website is very "pet project" both in the design and also in the frequent warnings about using it for anything real. Is a good distro tho, having said that.

Agreed, this is the distro that worked best for my needs (modern security, without wanting to die from maintenance of that security)

You can still switch, if I'm thinking of what you are, in the legacy "sounds" menu. Just turn off all their universal app shit and 11 is ok :)

Wow I've never seen anyone else say a bad thing about their 3a or 4a. 5 and 6 absolutely but I thought those were the golden days of pixel

Oh facts on that one, still dont really get it tbh but most of my use it's containered anyway


Not really

I feel like people have an interesting view of techy/advanced/etc

My view is that you need to pick something in line with your goals: some people may be techy but just need something to host files and a web browser and don't care about new packages or whatever, or modern security or anything. I wouldn't recommend mint or fedora for a gaming PC regardless of techiness, you know?

Bad bot

I think you are misremembering. Chrome won at the start because it was fast as fuck and Firefox was not. Firefox caught back up in the 2016 time frame iirc and they've been back and forth ever since.

Ironically chrome was named so as a goal was to reduce the chrome of the UI and focus on the web content, something recent versions of chrome and Firefox have abandoned in favor of massive swaths of whitespace and giant chrome buttons (on Firefox you can enable "unsupported" compact mode to reclaim some of the space if you're on a laptop)

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Oh and here I thought it was what gnome devs thought I would like ;p

Didn't say new, I'm assuming they refer to the WebView that many apps use which is chromium based. However if you have a calyx- or graphene- compatible phone the WebView will be non-g chromium.

To be fair, even in 2006 the Mozilla corporation was never going to outspend Firefox

Especially not given how much Mozilla wastes on executive compensation ;)

I think you should take a calm and sober look at what Microsoft actually does.

You may be right, I don't know, but what I do know is any time I ask people for facts I get "read the end user license agreement" which is typically the furthest from factual a lawyers will get (it's filled with claims that are designed to not hold up, but give a legal leg to stand on for other moves) or "remember candy crush!?!?" But few things in the realm of concrete facts.

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I found endeavour (arch) to be a much simpler experience vs fedora or opensuse or void. Tpm chip worked right away, clear instructions for setting up secureboot with a hook that signs everything as it's updated, etc. I could barely get void to boot, opensuse worked well but after a power outage the tpm stopped working and I was never able to get it back, fedora I had no success with tpm. I'm sure that's all pretty variable depending on hardware.

If you aren't looking for full functionality of your hardware most any distro should be fine, but...why sacrifice security?

Woof you must absolutely loathe linux

I'd love to see your list of "stupid" things... not immoral, vicious, incendiary, criminal, etc...but stupid. None of those things is stupid if they are also your fundamental mandate.

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You...blame the people who can't afford to own for renting and also blame that same situation for making it harder for you to buy? You seem to be missing the point here.

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yep :(

very disappointing all round. on a sliding scale thats not the worst thing brave has done, but given that the entire browser was literally birthed from "we don't want your hate here" its hard to avoid.

But ads are still often delivered by content delivery which is blockable by domain, hence the reason piholes work. Not that in-stream ads aren't the future, perhaps, but life finds a way.

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But what happens when everyone hates the design? How's that for morale?