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Joined 9 months ago

I'm going to try to help explain this, but i'll be honest it feels like you're coming from a place of frustration. I'm sorry about that, take a break :)

(I'm not a language expert, but here goes)

var test int < bruh what? :=

These are the two forms of variable declaration and the second one is a declaration and initialization short hand. I most commonly use :=. For instance:

foo := 1 // it's an int!
var bar uint16 // variable will be assigned the zero value for unit16 which is unsurprisingly, 0.

func(u User) hi () { ... } Where is the return type and why calling this fct doesnt require passing the u parameter but rather u.hi().

This has no return type because it returns no values. It does not require passing u. It's a method on the User type, specifically u User is a method receiver. You might think of this akin to self or this variable in other languages. By convention it is a singke character of the type's name.

If that function returned a value it might look like:

func(u User) hi() string {
    return "hi!"

map := map[string] int {} < wtf

This is confusing because of how it's written. But the intent is to have a map (aka dictionary or hashmap) with string keys and int values. In your example it's initializd to have no entries, the {}. Let me rewrite this a different way:

ages := map[string]int{
    "Alice": 38,
    "Bob": 37,

Hope this helps. In all honesty, Go's language is very simple and actually rather clear. There's definitely some funny bits, but these aren't it. Take a break, come back to it later. It's hard to learn if you are frustrated.

I also recommend doing the Tour of Go here. My engineers who found Go intimidating found it very accessible and helped them get through the learning code (as there is with any language).

Good luck (I'm on mobile and didn't check my syntax, hopefully my code works 😎)

The Gays would kindly ask this list include the HIV crises.

Thank you!

I'm more curious about the seemingly random reactions on every friggin message. What the hell is that?

3 more...

Except Google Pay had the ability to send money to/from friends and bill splitting. Wallet has no such features at all. And nothing they've published or any news on it seems to mention this. (Which has left me somewhat confused that I'm missing something. But as best as I can tell, I'm not)

4 more...

Is it bad my third thought after "🥰" and "unrequited love 😢" was immediately "oh gods I hope it doesn't start marking the porch"?

I dunno if you noticed or if that was the joke. But you said "8 megs" three times in your comment when I think you meant to say "8 gigs". 1 gigabyte ~ 1024 megabytes. Just wanted to let you know in case it wasn't a joke about how 8 wasn't enough. That's all, thank you!

2 more...

My gay ass doesn't see an issue at all with this.

Then again it's religion. And as we are currently experiencing, that is a shit show no matter what.

Metamucil Bulk Fiber

All the generics are awful in taste or consistency (for instance not being as finely ground it seems). And weirdly in Kirkland Signature's case, foamy.

Stupid expensive for what it is. But the effect is worth it.

Edit: sigh, autocorrect, you are the worst.

1 more...

If you look deeper at the recorded PR commit, comments, and package description it's clearly straight up mean-spirited.

Respectfully, please do not do this. Helium is a non-renewable resource. Once lost to the atmosphere it's gone for good. Nitrogen on the other hand makes up 78% of the atmosphere and is equally effective.

8 more...

TIL! Thank you 😊

A bot I'm very pleased to see! Very cool.

My gods. I think this just gave me flashbacks to this week.

I was recently battling node's import/require shenanigans trying to figure out how to import a typescript module in my basic program. I feel this so hard.

I walked away utterly hating the language and its ecosystem. Utterly defeated, I gave up.

From my understanding, transcode quality is a concern. I've unfortunately read AMD's implementation just isn't very good. That one is better off going Intel particularly from the last few years.

Jellyfin's docs specifically talk about the issue.

Intel's transcoding is also faster in the same generation.

Been debating which way to go for my next rebuild as I'm over due myself.

Stamped with a Wisconsin logo, yep that fits.

I agree with this.

Even people who make mistakes should be entitled to vote. Even while paying for their mistakes frankly. They may have lost their freedom, but they are still citizens of the Republic.

The only compelling argument I know of is that voting in local elections is a mess because there would be counties that'd suffer from the over representation due to the location of the prisons. I would just consider those to be absentee voters myself, and they just keep the last address they had before going in or next if kin instead.

Just my thoughts

My issue with FF's auto update is that the behavior is how painfully the auto-update works with multiple profiles.

I'll have one window (well three) open for some (measurable in days) time.

  1. FF updates silently, I haven't restarted my browser so I haven't noticed.
  2. I go to open a session in the second (or third profiles)
  3. FF decides now is a great time to apply the update, after all it just opened right?
  4. All the existing open browsing sessions in the other profiles get bricked. The tabs just stop responding, no browsing works, just dead in the water.

I have to shut it (all?) down to get it working again.

I don't know how Chrome handles this so I cannot compare. TBH still worth using FF over that adware!

Nope. Many are plugged in and it will keep the seat and water warm. It further warms the seat when it detects someone is sitting on it. Kinda depends on budget, features, manufacturers.

NGL, middle of the night visits are still a bit jarring because the heating logic tries to conserve energy at night so it tends to me room temperature. But whatevs.

Honestly, worth it. Absolutely no regrets other than maybe not spending more 😂. At a couple hundred dollar Costco Toto model, it was already a risky purchase that at the time I simply wasn't sure about. But yeah, it's awesome 😎.

D'oh. I missed that! 😔

Zenos. Zenos. Zenos.

I cannot update this enough. Just completed the Endbringer MSQ, and holy hell. His entire character, premise, every stupid monologue, every cutscene, his entire arc. Banal and awful. Felt like some 6yo on DBZ crack wrote his entire plotline.

I just searched for any reference of Zenos and I'm glad you posted this. His existence serves zero purpose in the story. Zero.

That is all, thank you!

Oh ffs. 🤯

But however will it determine the player one controller .... on a desktop computer?

Thank you for the correction and details.