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Joined 10 months ago

Does Chrome's run locally on the machine, or does it ferry it over to Google Translate?

Firefox's is done locally, it is not cloud based.

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This isn't a problem of Lemmy itself in terms of the software, so I'm not sure it qualifies... But, I find that Lemmy still has the same problem of Reddit where if you say something that the majority of users disagree with, prepare to be torn apart in the comments. And I do not just mean by getting corrected on something you said being factually incorrect, I mean more of a "your opinion is wrong because..."

For example, any discussion revolving around Linux (and let me just prepend this by saying I am a Linux user), if you happen to prefer using Windows be prepared to be told all of the reasons why you have to use Linux instead. And that's usually tame compared to what I've seen on other subjects.

Obviously there are cases where yeah, you absolutely deserve to be torn a new one in the extreme cases when someone is actually being truly vile, such as trying to advocate for the harm of someone/a group of people - but the "extremes" are not what I'm really referring to here.

I've blocked a lot of users that while I've had no interaction with them, I see how they are clearly engaging in, let's just say, bad faith with others.

In terms of software-specific issues, I can't say that I really have had a lot of problems with Lemmy itself as of recently. As an instance owner, I used to have a lot of weird (what seemingly appeared to be, at least) random federation issues, but I haven't seen any federation problems in a while now. Though just today I swear I submitted a comment somewhere, and its just poof not there - not even locally, but I'm chalking that one up to something I've done (whether a misclick, or I'm just hallucinating as badly as an LLM) rather than an actual issue.

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It uses the Marian library via WASM (their wrapper for this is here) to do translations, which AFAICT is "AI" based (which I presume knocks the file size down quite a bit) - additionally, the language packs (I'm not sure what term to use here so I'll just go with that) are not all bundled with Firefox, they're downloaded when you first use them.

The previous incarnation of it, the Firefox extension's repo was found over here - I assume the code is now within Firefox's main repo since its built into Firefox now.

I guess the best way that I'd word it is, Lemmy (and the Fediverse at whole) is run by people - not a for-profit company.

Also, having decent mobile apps again is very nice.

Yep, it's a test instance. There's a couple of other ones as well, and

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Also, IRC doesn't constantly try to throw "upgrades" (Nitro) in your face every single moment that it gets.

I haven't had much sleep today so maybe its just me, but I'm a bit confused here:

Valve isn't obligated to continue supporting all its games and software features on Mac, especially when Apple's reluctance to natively support Vulkan and other cross-platform technologies makes game development more complex.

Then the next sentence:

There's no excuse for Steam on Mac to be a far worse experience than on other platforms, though.

As others have mentioned, Apple was the one who chose to abandon x86 and go with ARM - and anyways are there any games that are on Steam that actually are ARM native? You would still end up having to launch a game that is x86 as far as I understand correctly (I haven't used a Mac since the Apple Silicon transition)?

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I can't speak for Epic Launcher games (I know that Heroic Games Launcher exists but I've not personally tried it with Epic games) however Blizzard games absolutely can be played in SteamOS - you can utilize something like Bottles or Lutris to install the Blizzard launcher, and then download the games from it as normal and run them. It is how I originally played Diablo 4 on my Deck before I picked it up again on Steam. I swear I remember both Bottles and Lutris even having an "Add to Steam" option to integrate shortcuts directly into Steam (and thus, coming up in the Gaming Mode UI) but don't quote me on that one.

Blizzard games are actually some of the earliest non-Linux-native games that I remember running very well back in the days where we just had Wine (before Proton, DXVK, etc) which is something that always impressed me.

Yeah, blizzard games have pretty much always worked for me on Linux, they were among the first games to "just work" on Linux without a lot of hassle for me.

I'm by no means a medical expert, so just a stab in the dark here - our brains constantly process all sorts of information. Whether that's memories, input from your various senses, or a million other things. During that process, your brain is also trying to make sense of it all ("Why?", "What does it mean", "How?", etc).

Our ability to communicate and express language is intertwined in this process, which of course is what gives you the perception of dialog. So in essence, I think its just our brains trying to make sense of... its process of making sense, if that makes sense?

On a side note, I'm practically dosing myself with semantic satiation with how many times I've used "sense" here (that last one being more tongue-in-cheek)...

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PIN number

For myself, I'm fine with using ChatGPT and other LLMs (I've been experimenting with trying to run them locally, so that I can gain some insight on them a bit better) to "fill in the gaps", or as a sort of interactable Wikipedia - but I try to avoid asking LLMs something that I have zero knowledge of, because it then makes it a bit more difficult to verify the results it produces.

Are they not Bluetooth? I swear I remember connecting my Wiimote to my PC via Bluetooth eons ago by just holding down the 1 and 2 buttons to enter pairing mode.

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My experience with Nvidia+ Wayland was... Less than desirable. Enough to make me pickup an AMD card.

However, once I did that my experience instantly better. Hell, even X11 worked better - I was never able to get the desktop to stay at a consistent 60FPS (I'm still on a 60Hz panel which I'm just now getting around to upgrading shortly) in X until I moved to my AMD card.

The 545 driver update just made things so much worse. So I'd say Wayland+Nvidia is not great (for others it works fine so maybe it's down to what card you have?) however on my AMD card (and my old MacBook with Intel integrated graphics) it's fantastic.

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Destiny definitely isn't in its greatest state right now (and honestly, hasn't been in a while).

The answer to why they haven't "ended it yet" is: Because it still makes them money.

Realistically though, if you look at any big discussion for a game you'll always find people who dislike it (because they tend to be louder than the people who are spending their time playing the game instead).

We believe in the open internet, but we do not believe in the misuse of public content.

That's real rich, coming from Reddit.

That frame issue is because of the fact that Nvidia uses "explicit sync" and AMD/Intel use "implicit sync" - XWayland is built to only support implicit syncing for now (Nvidia is trying to get it changed), and since most games right now run under XWayland... Along with a ton of apps of course.

Until then, that issue won't be resolved sadly. It's what finally pushed me to get an AMD card since the issue has been open for over a year with a ton of back and forth.

I absolutely love Moshidon!

I will say, though I don't agree with a lot of the GNOME decisions for their desktop environment, their apps (especially the ones using libadwaita) always look very clean - that new System Monitor is gorgeous!

They're only just now cancelling that ridiculous fee? I swear I thought they cancelled that dumb idea a bit ago.

You've opened a door that you cannot close, Unity.

This hit me like a truck. I lost my father at the beginning of the month due to some tragedy that occurred.

We weren't on speaking terms (a decision I made), but I'd always planned to one day see if I could turn things around, which will never happen now. Never in a million years would I ever have expected it to come down to this.

It's like my science used to say in grade school, "100% of people who consume dihydrogen monoxide end up dead".

Water has quite a few side effects, the evidence is clear!

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It's a bit difficult to say, but perhaps we did in say, maybe through the repetition of flashing images from our memory, or sounds, etc.

Even without language, that internal "making sense" of things / interpreting the world around us still exists - I'd imagine if you were to ask someone who was deaf (starting at a very early age) they'd probably say there is a monologue of some sorts, even if not by "sound", whether that be the flashing images of various hand signs, or written words, etc.

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I would say the issue is more of, if you don't trust what someone on Reddit, a message board, blog, etc/whatever - then what difference is it going to make if someone on Lemmy says "Yes, I have firsthand experience"? Obviously it's one thing if a friend, or someone I personally know, asks for "actual" experience vs someone on the Internet... But this isn't the case (I'm going to assume you don't know the person you replied to). I'd even potentially get it if there was only one random comment on some random website - however that's not the case either.

I couldn't even make the argument of there being more implicit trust in the Lemmy space... Because a lot of us came from Reddit anyways.

So what difference is it actually going to make?

And yes, for the record, I do have "actual experience" with this - just in case somehow I'm more trustworthy than tons of people who have posted on Reddit (or some other site).

Yep! I'm pretty sure I can remember Resetti in the original Gamecube version making me cry as a kid after getting yelled at for accidentally turning off the system without saving...

I also remember Phyllis, who basically hated your guts for interrupting her night shift.

And of course there's the actual villagers of the town too, some of them were definitely a lot more... liberal... with you, personality wise!

Pay day, I've been working on a new project at work, and the time I've put in for it gets paid at a higher rate - I'll end up with a little more than double my usual paycheck!

I haven't tried it myself, but I believe the OC is referring to the webcam USB mode that Pixels (idk if this is an Android feature or a "Pixel" feature) have. To enable it, connect over USB then you'll have a notification along the lines of "Charging this device over USB".

If you click that notification it'll let you enable Webcam over USB mode, which I assume just causes the phone to act as any other webcam device would.

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Hate? No, I do not hate Google. I still use a Pixel phone (and photos/assistant on it), my Gmail is still my primary email (I also self-host a few other domains but those are primarily used for automation and a few other one-off things), I subscribe to YouTube Premium, I still utilize my Stadia controller as my primary game controller, I use a Google TV set top box, etc.

I don't use Search (I use Kagi instead), I don't use Chrome (Firefox), I don't really utilize Gemini all that much (I just run ollama for the few times I want to use an LLM).

Really I just use their products that work well for me, and don't use the ones that don't. There's no love/hate about it.

I think "here" being the instance their account is on,

Btrfs snapshots + Timeshift that is configured to run pre-update is great for this, though I cannot remember if Fedora's layout is compatible with Timeshift's expected configuration.

OP, If you really want to go 100% with this, something like NixOS (which is definitely an extreme investment) or an Atomic distro like Fedora Silverblue works very well for this.

Context switching is the reason why. There's "downtime" where I work at because of the times I work (night time / I believe its called a "graveyard" shift). However, its never nothing for the whole shift, its intermittent. So lets say I decided to play a game (or work on a personal project, or any other number of things) I'd have to get into the mindset of whatever I'm doing, then see that a ticket has come in, switch my mindset back, answer the ticket and perform the work required for the ticket... and then switch back again.

As @toomanypancackes said in their reply, I honestly just either want to go back to bed, or not have to worry about work and do my own thing (uninterrupted). Those aren't options unfortunately, so I'm just left to be in that weird purgatory of "There's not a lot of work to be done, but there's some every so often... so I can't completely go away". I prefer it over it being absolutely slammed with tickets because that's just exhausting.

Every so often I'll put on a rerun of a show since it doesn't matter if I "get into" the show or not, but actually doing something significant isn't usually an option unless its actually dead during my hours.

They have access to your password hash, effectively the "infrastructure" admin(s) as I'll call it (not admins of the site - they need to have access to the actual system that is running the instance) have access to the same things that infrastructure admins of another site would have.

Programming! It's currently a hobby of mine (and has been for over 10 years) that I hope to make into a career of mine. I do some minor scripting and whatnot at work (and thankfully, I get paid at a much higher rate for the time that I'm doing that), but its not the "main" thing I do.

I live in a world of many unanswered questions, full of illogical conclusions and actions. But with programming, it is all about logic - the computer does exactly what you tell it to do, and I find a ton of beauty in that logic and how that logic makes sense to me. It doesn't always make sense at the first pass, but at the end of the day, its always something that I (or someone above me) told the computer to do incorrectly. There's always an answer!

Whereas the rest of my life, I hardly ever have the power to get my own answers, and others surely often don't have an answer for me either.

Sure, I'll bite.

Do not attempt to tell me "what I'm thinking"

I'm not going to pretend that my way of thinking is "unique" because I can't speak for how others think, but I expect that same courtesy to apply to me as well. For example, whenever someone says "You seem to think..." it upsets me quite a bit. What I say out loud (or "write" I suppose) doesn't include the context of how I got to that point.

I very much am happy for people to tell me when I'm wrong on something, because if I'm wrong I would like to know (more-so if they can actually prove it... just saying "You're wrong" and not saying how leads to nothing, but that is a whole other rant). However, one thing that that no one can assert to know more than I do is how I think, what I'm thinking, or the methods that I used to arrive to something I've said/done. You can possibly predict it depending on how long you've known me for, but to try to claim you know exactly what, is very egregious in my eyes.

I have a pretty high tolerance before my temper is set off (or as I like to say "A very long fuse, but an even higher yield when that fuse runs out"), but there is a small list of exceptions to that - one being hypocrisy, and the other being this.

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Seems like a bad faith argument, seat belts are so that your skull (hopefully) doesn't detach and fly through the window if you get into an accident - a life and death safety measure. It's way more dramatic to make a fuss about that. However, in both cases you can choose to just not drive (or play the game) which people are choosing to do.

Then again, none of your comments here seem like they're in good faith, so I guess I shouldn't be surprised.

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The only game that I keep Windows around for is Destiny 2... I know, but it's the game my closest friends are often playing - but I've been playing it less and less so I might actually end up removing Windows completely if the next expansion doesn't go well.

Now that I have a Steam Deck, I have zero reasons to get into Windows-only games anymore.

Well, my father's funeral service was today. I lost him at the beginning of the month.

It's been rough. There were a lot of issues between him and I during my childhood which caused me to quickly cut off contact with him after I moved out. But I'd always hoped that eventually there would be a way to fix things, and now that will never happen.

So there's a lot of guilt. I do not think it was wrong to remove him from my life, but it was never intended to be a permanent thing - it's forever written in stone as it is now though.

I need to get into some grief counseling, but starting that process has been difficult for me. It doesn't help that I already have a lot of other medical issues constantly ongoing, and now this is just another thing to add to the list.

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Fucking Crohn's Disease sucks. All of my "adventures" with it have been painful, but the one that takes the cake:

A couple of years ago, my GI wanted me to do a pill endoscopy test, which is where they basically have you swallow a pill that has a camera embedded in it, and it takes pictures while it traverses your insides. You're supposed to naturally "pass" it like anything else you eat, but in my case I did not, and it got stuck. My GI did not believe me, and it just kept getting worse and worse. To put a timeframe on things, this happened in early February of that year.

I had ER trip after ER trip throughout that year, they determined that it wasn't going to pass on its own and needed to be surgically removed, but since it was not "life threatening" they couldn't just wheel me into an OR immediately and have it done, it had to be scheduled. Took forever to find a surgeon to schedule me under. One of the times that I was in the hospital due to this, the doctor on my "care" team wanted me to do what she called a "supreme bowel cleanse" to see if that would dislodge it. I was hesitant to do it, but I was pretty much willing to do anything at that point to end this nightmare, and only because she promised me that if it didn't work, they'd take me into surgery and do it the old fashioned way. That ordeal was terrible, I've had Crohn's since before I was a teenager, I'm very used to doing colonoscopy prep - this was far worse than that, the pain was unbearable and the amount of bowel cleanse that they gave me must've been right at the border of their ethical limits (or at least, I imagine that has to be a thing, right?) and plot twist she did not hold up her end of the bargain when the pill still did not pass, instead she gave me a few days worth of pain meds and discharged me the next day.

My condition continued to get worse and worse, yet my operation wasn't scheduled till early July. The hospital that the surgeon worked for agreed to pre-admit me into their care 2 months in advanced because it got to the point where I could barely even hold down regular water and I had to be put on IV nutrition with a PICC line and all.

Fast forward to the operation day, they ended up having to do two surgeries in one go, the first being to remove the pill, and the second was to try to fix the damage that had been revealed on the camera. The moment I woke up from the operation I was screaming in pain, and begging them to put me back under (which they could not do). They kept giving me pain meds and I'd end up passing out eventually from the pain, wake back up, and the whole ordeal would start again. Eventually they put me on one of those self-administered pain med pumps where I could click a button every so often and it would give me some pain medication through my IV.

I didn't end up going home until the very beginning of September (first week I believe), and I had arrived there sometime in the middle of May. I will never do one of those pill endoscopy tests ever again. I also switched GIs since my current one at that time had refused to listen to me when I told her something was wrong at the beginning of the "experience".

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Why hello there! 👋

What an end of an era!