6 Post – 51 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I'll put my copy-paste argument here:

She believes trans women aren't women. She believes trans women are only lying in order to get close to women and rape them. JK Rowling self identifies as a a TERF, or "Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminist".

Rowling donates money to the LGB alliance a UK "charity" that actively lobbies against trans rights, and has fought for the continued legality of trans conversion therapy.

Rowling has tweeted out in support of one Maya Forstater, a woman who was fired and has become a martyr for intentionally misgendering trans people, and once again perpetuating the idea that trans men are rapists. Rowling keeps pushing the idea and propping up those who agree with her.

Rowling has posted to advertise for an online shop that sells, among other things, anti-trans merch. The store is ran by an Angela C. Wild, a founding member of "Get The L Out", an organization that has in its mission statement "We stand against any kind of misogynistic politics and systems that prioritise men’s interests: queer politics and transgenderism, right-wing politics, left-wing politics" etc.

Under the pen name Robert Galbraith (a name coincidentally shared by a 20th century proponent for conversion therapy), Rowling had published multiple transphobic books, writing one book about a serial killer who dresses as a woman to lure in unsuspecting victims, and another with a self insert character who is killed after "speaking out" against transsexuality.

This is just the tip of the iceberg. There's a great video that goes into much more detail than I have here about the causes she supports and the right-wing activists and think tanks she associates with and gives money to.

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This is more of a meta thing, but relevant to a lot of comments I'm seeing here. Having an opinion about pineapple on pizza is the most uninteresting cultural phenomenon. I've spent the last 4 years on dating apps, and at least 1 in 3 people write in their bio about this "issue". It's not something that people truly have strong feelings about, it's like straight men saying Ryan Reynolds is attractive, or people arguing over the definition of a sandwich. It's an opinion that people hold as a proxy for being somebody with strong opinions.

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I will say however, from experience, that there is basically a 1% chance any of this info would affect the opinion of somebody who supports her. But I would hope that your wife would be more willing to listen to you and consider your viewpoint.

It is admittedly difficult to argue that Rowling is transphobic. She's relatively careful with her own words and rarely does more than dog whistle. Instead you have to look at who she associates with and what causes she lends her massive finances to. And unfortunately, conservatives who are stuck in the "racism is when you say black people are bad" mindset, aren't going to be super receptive to an argument which rests on proving that JK Rowling's transphobia manifests primarily in her support of transphobic organizations and systems.

What is a 'private cause' though? Because to me this feels like a very public issue. While it may seem like LGBT rights have only strengthened each year, there is currently an unprecedented level of effort being put towards disenfranchising and stifling queer and trans communities. Even if you're not part of those communities yourself, it's a near certainty that somebody you know and care about is. There's a very large and diverse subset of the American populace who is being targeted by these anti-lgbt actions.

During the civil rights movement I would have had no problem with the white house flying a flag in solidarity with black Americans, and I don't have a problem with them flying the pride flag now.

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Returnal, a rogue like 3rd person shooter (sort of bullet hell) with a scifi alien setting and a mindfuck story. It's one of my favorite games I've played in years, both for the story and gameplay. I can't recommend it enough.

If you're familiar with the story of the first Last of Us game, Last of Us 2 is great and is centered around Ellie.

Having people treated differently to achieve equal outcomes is what we strive for. When it's shown that minorities are discriminated against in hiring, people suggest affirmative action to level the playing field. When somebody is asked to testify again dangerous people, they're put in witness protection to be afforded the same security as any average citizen.

When somebody carries a unique cultural status, such that they would surely be killed if left to their own devices, that person is given protection to ensure that they live, and aren't handed a death sentence without trial. That's not what Russia does. Really, one could argue that "not letting a political figure get assassinated" is the exact opposite of what Russia does.

Everything cracks under pressure, I'm not exactly sure what the above commenter is getting at. If the sub was steel the walls would be thinner. With titanium the walls would be thicker. Without knowing the dimensions of the material we can't know whether it was built to high enough standards.

Disco Elysium!

Hey cool my home town is being talked about on the Internet :D


Yep, Twitter was the only way I could reliably get info about power outages in my neighborhood. Now I'll just have to wait patiently for it to come back on... like a caveman

I have really fond memories of waking up early at the beginning of summer vacation to watch E3 with a bowl of lucky charms. Even if it does get replaced I'm always going to miss it for nostalgic reasons.

I think a scientists reply to that would be: the phenomenon of 'conciousness' is a result of the complex chemical reactions between clusters of highly organized matter. Science's ability to answer questions about consciousness is limited only by the precision of our tools and the sophistication of our methods, both of which will only continue to improve. The fact that we are currently limited in our tools and our methods, is the only reason that other less quantatative methods of understanding consciousness (like philosophy) are more effective.

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This band was recommended to me because I like stoner rock and doom metal. I made the mistake of listening first to their album Butterfly 3000, which absolutely isn't either of those things and it completely turned me off of them.

Then their most recent album came out and I realized that they're just a really weird eclectic group. I thoroughly enjoyed it and I've been meaning to check out some of their earlier music since then.

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So far the only people I know joining Kick are xQc, Train and Adin Ross... if that's the kind of content they're trying to curate early on I can say with 100% certainty that its not for me.

Also doesn't help that they're funded by a gambling company

Costco has lines regardless of whether it's self serve though

Why bother making something new when perfection already exists?


There's a guy at this maker-space I work out of who's been using ChatGPT to do engineering work for him. There was some issue with residue being left in the parking lot on the pavement and came forward saying it had to do with "ChatGPT giving him a bad math number," whatever the hell that means. This is also not the first time he's said something like this, and its always hilarious.

I struggle to see how any music made by people for the enjoyment of people isn't art

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Solitary confinement is inhumane and should be illegal.

Also we're kidding ourselves if we don't think he'll get put in the most safe, cushy prison imaginable (assuming he's charged)

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I sympathize with this experience, but I'm not quite sure why you "need" to quit your streaming services in order to achieve the desired effect. I almost exclusively use Spotify, but I use it to listen to new releases from artists I like, listen to way more albums then I could afford to buy physically, and check out music my friends recommend to me. You don't have to use streaming services as a playlist aggregator, there's nothing stopping you from actively enjoying music on there.

My optimistic outlook is that most of the musical spaces I reside in will likely shun or be immune to whatever norms develop regarding AI. I personally care deeply about the fact that the music I listen to is made deliberately and thoughtfully by a human being, and I like to think there are many others who feel the same way.

More cynically though, I'm worried about AI taking market share away from music "made by humans". If this becomes the norm, maybe there just won't be money in doing things the old fashioned way. Maybe the type of musicians I want to listen to would be discouraged from making music in this new climate.

Unrelated, but I'm still floored that Bandcamp is now owned by the same company who put out Fortnite

Their drummer (Mario) is great

This is like saying there are no racially discriminatory hiring practices, employers are just hiring the most qualified people (which ignores that it's harder for disenfranchised people to gain those qualifications). That is to say: people aren't arguing that this situation doesn't make sense, they're arguing that it's wrong. And it doesn't stop being wrong just because the people involved had no bad intentions.

Expect to butt heads with more and more people in the coming years if you argue by appealing to the status quo, because an increasing number of people are starting to take issue with the entire system as it stands.

love isolation

Maybe you would, but for most people it's been proven to cause lasting damage

Can confirm, I'm half way through Wind Waker playing on my laptop with 0 issues.

It's still just a tool for engineers though. Half of the job is determining what the design requirements are, another quarter is figuring out what general scheme (i.e. water vs air cooling) works best to meet those requirements. Things like this are great, but all they really do is effectively connect point A to point B in order to free up some man-hours for more high-level work.

Perfect, she's just in time to see streaming services fully adopt cable tv business practices

I hope some of that helps. Oh and also you can't go wrong with Ed Sheeran. I still think his first album (+) is his best work.

Happy to see Tiny Moving Parts getting mentioned. I actually just listened to Celebrate for the first time a week ago, and while I think it's great, Pleasant Living still edges it out. I just love Always Focused, I wish there were a lot more super-positive emo songs like that.

I've never loved the slowed down piano remixes they release. I feel like the band works best with high energy and these just remove that.

You're right I didn't, and maybe I should have, but I would argue that it's also just unhealthy for an article to have a title that's completely antithetical to what it's actually saying.

Ootl, what human rights problem?

Thanks, I'll check it out!

Haha, admittedly I was put off because I didn't want to get into a "what's real emo" discussion that sometimes comes up when Origami Angel is mentioned. But if the community here is more open minded than that, I'd be happy to participate!

Home Is Where rocks! I didn't know they had new stuff out, thanks for the reminder. I loved their last album.

And can that same person explain why social features are completely missing from the mobile app?

Sick username. Is Catch 33 your favorite album?

Just the specificity of communities you could find.

To name a few I've used frequently the past few months:





r/[my college]

r/[the town where I live]

I love lemmy but so far the userbase just isn't big enough to fill a lot of the niches I'm looking for. I'm excited to see the community grow though and I'm hopeful about the future.

I bet this song has a lot of gallops.

Edit: nope that was surprisingly subdued with the gallops