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Joined 1 years ago

It seemed nice at first, but one major issue: GPU passthrough was a nightmare. It cant be done in the UI and I didnt understand fully how it worked. There are many different tutorials not by promox that are outdated or may not work. It was frustrating enough I jumped to NixOS. Other hiccups included having to go to the terminal to passthrough drives for openmediavault, but that one was kind of straightforward atleast, and it worked first time.

In hindsight, I didnt actually need to virtualize everything at that level, so I never really had a good use case for it anyway. I use containers over entire VMs.

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From my short time with proxmox, I had to dive into the command line to do configuration at the host level that couldnt be done with the UI. I think nixos will help replacd those ad hoc configurations with nix options. In the many articles I read about gpu passthru, and also doing harddrive passthru, I had to work in the host debian environment.

I dumped proxmox because I couldnt get gpu passthrough to work, and havent looked back. Nixos modules and docker have served me better than VMs for my usecase.

Examining my disk partitions with df is ruined now. Every snap gets its own virtual disk.

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Theres so many. Check out the awesome list:

I think your stategy should be one service at a time. Do everything in docker, and start by tackling a simpler service. For example, you should try paperless-ngx. Absolute game changer. I didnt realize how much managing ny own directory structure sucked until I used this. Then, grow your service list more and more!

To be fair, you're taking on a lot of new things at once. You can spin up docker containers on windows too, all while using a UI. I think it's great your exposing yourself to self hosting, linux, command line interface, and containerization all at once, but don't beat yourself up for it taking longer than expected. A lot of it takes time. I encourage you to keep trying and playing. Good luck!

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As a community, I do think we get hungup on distros. Most of them, as you mentioned, are just different defaults of the same packages.

But at the maintainer level, I do think theres a lot of work distributions do at making sure the software they choose as defaults are up to date, secure, and work with one another. I dont enounter it often, but relying on maintainers to prevent mismatched depencies ending up in the day-to-day linux user has to be worth something. And every set of defaults needs that level of assurance, I would think. Im not a maintainer, I could be off here.

Actually cd isnt a program. Your present working directory is managed entirely by the shell. If you type "type cat" in the terminal it will tell you its a program, but "type cd" says its a shell builtin. So yes, cd depends on the shell and zsh has some awesome quality of life features. This is not something you can do in bash.

Futhark: a functional language that can be compiled to run in parallel on cpu or gpu. (No need to write cuda directly)

Im not familiar with screenwriting. Can you elaborate on whats involved and whats expected in a tool for scripting?

Can you elaborate more on deduplication? Is this a feature you setup, or does it sort of work out of the box? This is a new concept to me, but sounds incredibly useful, especially in that scenario.

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I don't mean to undermine anything when I ask this. The article was very good, thank you sharing. I wanted to ask if circleCI made any floss software, or if paul biggar was a contributor to particular open source projects.

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Can you elaborate on update system? AppImage is just a format, right? Whereas flatpak is a format and an entire toolkit for downloading and running flatpaks.

Open source to some extend, but their whole thing about these emojis is that they are 3d and animated. But the repo only contains png renders if the 3d models. So you arent able to modify or animate the 3d models directly.

Imo they released enough to call it "open source" and get good PR from it without actually giving the raw source files to the community (their competitors). I was not pleased with this when they announced it 2 years ago. Its still the same.

Wow, I never considered swap. I've had this problem with my laptop for the last year. I'll fix this, thank you.

You can also use p2p mesh vpn services like zerotier or tailscale to establish a direct connection without opening any port in the router at all.

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I like your take, but if your title had been "GUIs are integral for linux adoption and devs should prioritize it more often" it might have gone over better.

Ffmpeg is one tool that I love and want to recommend to other users to do simple and efficient video file conversions/cropping/trimming. But the lack of a GUI doesnt make it easy. Luckily I have found GUI wrappers on windows and linux, but without those I would absolutely not recommend it. Youtube dl is another example of this. Im glad there are other open source projects providing GUI wrappers for these scenarios.

What software did you use to make this image? Its very well done

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They have resolved this exact problem. There is an "experimental" cli tool that fixes a lot of your complaints about nix-env, nix-channel, etc. Itcs wrapped together with "flakes". This newer feature is a little different, and working with or without flakes segments the community AND the types of articles about nix, like this one.

As far as I know though, nixos related thing still have a bizarre set of commands, and even with flakes "nixos-rebuild switch --upgrade" is still how you switch configs.

And as far as installation goes, using nix-env -iA really is a bad practice. Thats installing something ad hoc like you would in any other package manager. That defeats the point of nixos, where your configuration file explicitly defines all the packages you need installed, and nothing else. Nix will remove any packages you didnt specify.

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The guy behind the youtube channel Context Free (about programming languages) made this site that tracks language popularity based on github/stack overflow:

Have you tried flameshot? Its an opensource and cross platform screenshot utility.

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I needed to write in fields of a pdf and ran this quickly only to find out there wasnt such a feature. If I missed something let me know, it looks like great software.

Keep it up. I enjoy hearing about the updates.

For more "traditional" or "statistical" modeling (not NN) 100% start with sklearn. It has a plethora of algorithms, and their docs read like a book. You can learn a whole bunch of new methods and techniques from there too. In tandum, you should familiarize yourself with matplotlib, which is the plotting library it uses under the hood (and is by far the most popular plotting library.)

For deep learning, I'd say PyTorch? Tensorflow used to be standard but its fallen out of favor compared to PyTorch. I don't use either so I'm nit sure.

This is the first time I'm hearing of Zorin OS. What's so unique about it? It seems pretty standard based on the release features, and that upstream is just Ubuntu LTS. Does anyone use Zorin OS?

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Thats a really cool look, bright mode and borderless. Have you edited things like firefox to share a similar theme?

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not sure if this fits your usecase, but nixos-mailserver

Where do you learn the skills to work on your car?Do you recommendations on first projects to tackle? I'd love the experience and to save the trouble of finding a mechanic I trust.

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I never considered there could be libraries for building these games, just assumed any game would always start from scratch. I've not heard of any.

I made an attempt to build my own from scratch a long time ago, and I ended up with an engine in code and a yaml file to configure everything. I wonder if there are solutions where you dont write code directly, but you write plaintext configuration files and just pump it into the game engine.

Perhaps I'm guilty of good luck, but is the trade off of performance for reliability worth it? How often is reliability a problem?

As a different use case altogether, suppose I was setting up a NAS over a couple drives. Does choosing something with COW have anything to do with redundancy?

Maybe my question is, are there applications where zfs/btrfs is more or less appropriate than ext4 or even FAT?

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Thanks for sharing these feature. I run pihole but knew nothing about this. As my move my implementation to new hardware I'll definitely be adding this.

Ooh, can you explain how guns/shooting becomes a hobby? I can imagine how you might buy one for self defense or hunting, does that maks it a hobby or does it go deeper?

Can a frequent Kdenlive user comment on the speed performance of this update? The marketing makes it sound incredible, plus the Qt6 update.

Thanks for sharing this codec wiki. Looks like an incredible project.

Python, for when I don't feel like writing in Rust.

I have a Kobo Clara HD. I've not put a new OS on it but I've added custom software and sideloaded books. Its been a wonderful experience. No matter what you pick I recommend it for the eink technology.

Tailscale is a mesh VPN. Its a level of abstraction passed a regular VPN, lime wireguard or OpenVPN. Tailscale uses wireguard under the hood.

One of the problems with Yuzu (to nintendo) was that it contained the encryption keys pulled off nintendo switches. By removing commit history you actually can permanently remove this part of the code. There might be a more clever way to do this. Thats my best guess.

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Futhark is another language with the same goals, executed differently.

Your build might be busted. Mine works with doubletap. I have version 5.7