
0 Post – 806 Comments
Joined 10 months ago

Ax200 wifi/bluetooth onboard receiver works for my series x controller

They were last time they got hacked

Response was solid, seems pretty genuine

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Popos has removed everything canonical including apt repos and ubuntu pro. Popos devs are competent, have implemented a tiling window manager, userland scheduler to improve game performance. You get the compatibility of ubuntu without the bullshit

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All of our dams are at 100% and overflowing, if anything we need to use more water to reduce overflowing

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Yabba dabba dooooo

E.g. PIA

This is undesired behavior, it should be controlled by window managers not applications

I for one want my windows tiled and tabbed

With time already served

Did you read the response? It's one of many generic aircraft explosions in a designer pack

Freebsd here with jails, very smooth running and low maintenance. Can't recommend it enough

Think you need 16

Zram, updated and QA tested kernel, etc. It would take too long to list all the pros

Tldr? /s

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Funny how quickly and easily the media can turn "generations" against each other

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Aaaand there goes linux support

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Chad firefox users unaffected

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"Run the affected binary to see if you have it"

I did this and now my games have no icons in lutris, some of my gnome settings got reset and my proton email bridge stopped working

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I have said for years all media that needs to be verifiable needs to be signed. Gpg signing lets gooo

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Ok papi

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I'd argue a cnc mill makes a hell of a better gun than a 3d printer

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Very excite. Now they can start working on star citizen

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How can you see your house if you are inside of it?

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Lmao how are they gonna word that bill? Sorry guys, if you play with electronics you're a hacker!

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I got my contract modified to exclude anything I do outside of work

Riot games official statement was that they were okay with linux players and actively went out of their way to make sure they didn't get banned unjustly. They didn't support linux as a software platform, which is why wine was required, but they did support linux players.

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Is this in response to AMD's cuda adaptor

I can imagine the malware now

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You're not getting paid too little, you are just money dysmorphic, get back to work

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Post better content to the community that is more interesting. The problem isn't these posts, it's the lack of other engaging discussions.

HP = horrific practices

Proton GE is pretty standard and actually a necessity to play many games like fallout 76 on steam

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I bought 18 TB seagate exos x18 drives for about $400 AUD each this year. What price are 18TB SSDs at?

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Or the lack of exercise. Or the lack of zinc. Or the obesity epidemic.

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Linux tech slips

Also known as using a pc with unpatched cpu vulnerabilities

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Just don't look at the failure rates

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Casio with inbuilt calculator

Out of like 1000 games I can play about 997 on linux, you'll probably be fine on linux even gaming now

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