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Joined 5 months ago

People need to start taking the paradox of tolerance seriously.

24 more...

Gross, no thanks. The whole point of the IPO is so Huffman and all the other schmucks there with piles of equity can finally get their big pay day. Fuck the lot of them.

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It's done via RSS feeds that the podcast creators then submit to aggregators. Then apps pull that information down from said aggregators. This website explains the gist of it.


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I like how that shortage wasn't caused by Obama, but instead a bunch of psycho Republicans' overreactions to a black democrat making it into office.

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I bet old.reddit is gonna be axed fairly soon. All signs point that way.

  • Killing the free API access and thereby putting most 3rd party apps out of commission
  • The expensive rebrand from pentagram
  • Reddit all but officially announcing they're going for the IPO finally (plans leaked to the press)
  • Unpopular redesign of the new reddit layout which I assume will push a group of folks back to old.reddit
  • ...

Also wouldn't surprise me if RES is killed off in the not too distant future.

Edit: wow that new redesign they just pushed is indeed pretty bad

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you just know this dude has some fucked up skeletons in his closet

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Remember when Trump took out a 1 page ad in the paper calling for the death penalty for the central park 5?

Pepperidge Farm remembers


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Just looked and they're dancing on his grave over on hexbear. Classy bunch.

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No, more than likely that just makes you poor

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Yeah if you watch the iFixit tear down it’s obvious these things are just packed to the gills with tech. I’m not mega surprised they didn’t ended up costing so much. It’s really bleeding edge.

That said it’s way too expensive for me to get on board and I think they made some poor choices. Especially the outer display. The amount of weight, battery drain, fragility, and (presumably) expense that display alone added is just plain dumb. And it looks a lot worse IRL than in their videos.

I also think the aluminum looks great but I wonder how much lighter the headset would be if it were plastic without the outer display and glass.

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Yeah the locking down podcasts for exclusivity to me is really fucking toxic and totally counter to what podcasts used to stand for. Really pissed me off when Gimlet went Spotify only and Reply All was no longer available elsewhere. Very anti consumer.

It's gotten real damn bad in the last week

Yeah big grain of salt with that promise.

One thing that stands out to me about old.reddit is that it allows you to browse NSFW subs without being signed in. I feel like that absolutely will not jive with their IPO, so something there is gonna change one way or another. Could be as simple as no longer allowing any non logged in users from browsing NSFW or more drastic like killing NSFW altogether or killing old.reddit.

Bluesky has a much better community of artists on it. A ton of comics twitter relocated there. And that’s the content I want so I’m on Bluesky. I’ve tried to get Mastodon to serve me content I’m interested in but it just falls short for me.

In the long run it’s about the community. All the philosophical stuff people mega into Mastodon rant on about doesn’t matter to regular people if Mastodon doesn’t have the content they want.

Also Dorsey only owns like 2% of Bluesky now iirc and had mostly cut ties with it in favor of his Nostr thing because he’s butthurt Bluesky is full of liberals.

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One of Mastodon’s biggest issues is all the whiny motherfuckers

Yeah at this point if you're still there, there should be no bargaining for you if/when this happens. So fucking stupid to give that country any benefit of the doubt.

Medicaid covers 41% of all births in the United States and nearly half of children with special health care needs


Pro life party strikes again.


Yes the US absolutely does have them at some chains. Also a lot of stores have tech where the wheels lock up if you try to leave the parking lot with the cart. There's various versions of them, including this one.

In the EU the coin lock carts are basically standard everywhere I've been.

Tucker's bullshit wasn't aimed at people that would know that. It was ridiculous propaganda for the sorts of dumb fucking Americans who never leave their bubble, yet spend all their time making wild assumptions about the outside world.

This is most likely an attempt to get him off the hook via mistrial.

Yeah and none of the switch emulator stuff I've seen comes bundled with the firmware. You have to track that down separately or dump your own from your Switch.

This sure looks like like a slapp suit to me.

Lol these people are so trashy

Twitter was a publicly traded company when he bought it and Dorsey only had like 2% of shares by then.

The pressure sensitive trackpad has been a home run, nobody has better trackpads. Period.

But yeah the touchbar was pretty meh and poorly supported and ended up being half baked in the long run.

There is no scenario where a company doing this would not be paid for by customers in a roundabout way. So if we want to require that every company to do this, that means every company is going to balance their finances to make it happen and if it costs them money, it costs us money.

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Yeah but if mastodon itself (the community and content) isn't better, then it's a moot point

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Yeah I don’t know why it’s a surprise to anyone that NFT losers are now morphing into AI losers. It’s a bunch of talentless hacks trying to get rich quick through the lowest possible input of effort. Bonus points that they get to annoy a lot of people in the process.

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I really wanna like mastodon more and have tried 3 different instances now (2 niche and one larger instance) but I like the community on bluesky better for my particular niche. It seems to be where a lot of art twitter went when things got shitty over there.

This fits in with my theory that a minimum of 20% of the population is a waste of space.

They already had tried to get him with Novichock and just barely didn't kill him. I'm sure they'd have tried again.

Email newsletters kinda are too. You use a service to send them, but the list itself remains yours and can be moved around. No algorithm bullshit in your way. They're making a comeback lately it seems.

The PS5 IMO is maybe the ugliest recent gen game consoles anybody's released. Thing looks fucking atrocious and it's huge. I'm pretty casual and don't give a lot of shits about bleeding edge whatever and literally it was the way this thing looks that swayed me away from buying one a couple years ago.

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Why make an effort lying well when your voters are just so fucking stupid?

Agreed. I have tried 3 different servers (two niche topic and now one of the really big ones) and followed a bunch of hashtags and people and also filtered a bunch of keywords (to try to cut back on the mountains of fucking explicit furry art and similar) and for the life of me I just cannot get Mastodon to serve me good stuff consistently. It's frankly boring as shit over there.

Yet every time I open up Bluesky, it's tons of stuff that is relevant to me. I've also noticed that the few quality artist accounts I did find on Mastodon seem to favor their Bluesky accounts in terms of how frequently they post and engage with others.

I think Mastodon is a lot more appealing if you're into Linux or dev sorta topics but for like a professional level art community, it's terrible. Same for topics like graphic design.

Also the fediblock stuff going on throughout Mastodon doesn't get enough discussion. There's a cabal of chronically online, ban happy people that collude together on their provate Discord server to defederate Mastodon instances for the stupidest shit. The people who run matsodon.art are a big part of the problem and are legitimately out of their minds. Go look at their instance block list. It's absurd. And any time you hear about instance drama on there there's a good 50% chance they're involved somehow.

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Yeah I agree the fee should be up front, otherwise customers aren't gonna do it. And it should be mandatory that companies participate. There's way too much consumer waste.

They really seem to have lost any semblance of vision

I didn't dig deep for the best prices, but found 9mm 100 counts on some bulk ammo website selling for $31.50. So back of the napkin math says $315,000. Realistically probably a good bit less if you're buying large quantities, but in any case, it's a lot of money's worth just for the bullets.

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I take some solace in the fact that they really mistimed the market for tech stocks. And it doesn't look like the interest rate money printer is cutting back on this year, so that should majorly kneecap them on this.

Also one of the firsts to go all in on USBC on a laptop. Sure they spun their wheels on mobile but I gotta give them props for taking the plunge in their computers. Lotta people bitched about it but it needed to happen.

Ah fair enough did not catch that. As someone who bike commuted in Seattle for years, they're insane.