
4 Post – 78 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

RMS’s biography “Free as in Freedom” seems to be under the GNU Free Documentation License, incase that’s anything to go by.

Translation layers are vital for preservation.

The malicious people in NVIDIA who are pushing for this are being very evil right now.

Got a Windows app you want to run on Linux? Wine and Proton are well known translation layers.

I guess Graphics Cards are similar. CUDA is basically the NVIDIA equivalent of .exe I think.

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Umm… someone explain this code please?

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The recent regulation changes at the end of February kinda killed GRUMBOSS though.


Have you heard of GIMP?

If that isn’t what you need; this site may help you: https://alternativeto.net/software/adobe-photoshop/

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The IT people! The DEV team’s worst nemesis! They must be stopped before we are destroyed!

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I’ve been playing Deep Rock Galactic with my friend. It’s been really fun.

Works great on deck apart from small text sometimes being a problem.

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Rails: “No. Don’t worry Ruby.”
Ruby: “Huh?”
Rails: *Hugs Ruby
Rails: “We’re becoming irrelevant.”

Together forever!

I got this:

Certainly! This classic river crossing puzzle involves a bit of strategic thinking. Here’s a step-by-step solution:
The man takes the goat across the river and leaves it on the other side.
He then returns alone to the original side to get the boat.
Now, he crosses the river again, but this time he leaves the goat and takes nothing with him.
He goes back to the original side, picks up the goat, and crosses the river one last time.
This way, both the man and the goat are safely on the other side of the river. The key is to never leave the goat unattended where it could be harmed or cause harm. Enjoy the puzzle-solving! 🐐🚣

When asked to use fewer steps:

Apologies for the confusion. The puzzle you’re referring to is a variation of the “river crossing” problem. The traditional version includes a wolf, a goat, and a cabbage, but in your version, it seems we only have a man and a goat. The solution with the fewest steps would be:
The man takes the goat across the river and leaves it on the other side.
He then returns alone to the original side.
This ensures that both the man and the goat are safely on the other side of the river, and it’s done in the fewest steps possible. If there were more characters or items involved, the solution would require additional steps to ensure everyone and everything crosses safely without any harm.

I thought zebras were solid state.

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The scammers let Paul be slain.

I disagree. USB is superior.
If you are talking about physical size however, then yeah. USA is bigger than a single USB.

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In the short term the answer is a clear “yes”, as it allows players to play nearly all Windows games on Linux without modifications, and game developers to ship their games on Linux without any extra costs.

How does that make Proton bad?

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I wonder if refurbished decks will be available in time for Christmas?

Never mind. They just reduced the price for older models!

This isn’t the only place. c/Autism@lemmy.world exists too. There may also be more places.

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I really enjoyed Minedustry. Also, does Katawa Shoujo count?

I recently started trying run stable diffusion on my deck CPU. It’s slow, but probably my fastest option as I’m very new to PC gaming and the deck is probably my most powerful computer for now.

Check my recent post history lol.

Poor Katawa Shoujo fans.

alternativeto.net Is a good place to look for software alternatives.

The Steam Deck has been kind of my introduction to PC gaming. The newer AAA games haven’t caught my attention.

I’ve played quite a bit of Neptunia and Senran Kagura. I might as well catch up with what I missed and can get for cheaper. Newer games like BG3 shock me with how much storage they consume, so I’m starting with older titles.

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I dislike cheese.

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Let’s reassign “The Mario Movie” to reference some Mario fan content!

When games can have AI that can be indistinguishable from humans, that might not be the best thing for society, but it would make some great games.

Imagine the dating sims!

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Fond memories of the Street Pass games and RPG maker FES.

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Those are trousers.

“But if we put all the world’s shares into Linux, the other Kernel Patron Units would be incapacitated!”

… I doubt anyone will get this reference.

Steam game updates or flatpack updates (updates from the desktop store outside of Steam)?

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I think it works like that anyway by default.

Small text is still a pain though.

What did that mass of land in the North-West-ish ever do to you?

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I don’t have a desktop pc, so before I got my Steam Deck, I was using my laptop for pc gaming.

That duck probably can’t read, so it won’t know it’s the meme.

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Steam deck for indie games and old games; Switch for AAAs.

I never saw either. Explain plz?

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Oh! I thought this was that story about the pilot getting blamed the first time one of their planes nose dived into the ocean. Or was that a different company?

I understand that the characters are probably encoded into that number, but I’m struggling to understand that C/C++ code.

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Disagree, but won’t kill you don’t worry.

Personally, I don’t see much appeal in online fps games.