
26 Post – 329 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Musician, mechanic, writer, dreamer, techy, green thumb, emigrant, BP2, ADHD, Father, weirdo



Kamala’s Coconut Jubilee features coconut ice cream with swirls of caramel and red, white and blue star-shaped sprinkles. The flavor is inspired by a viral meme, in which Harris, during a speech at the White House, uttered the now-viral quote, “You think you just fell out of a coconut tree?”

There can be a lot of ways this has nothing at all to do with you.

Begin anecdote: I just got back from two years out of the country and am back to visit family and earn more money for my next trip. I'm hugely depressed. I drained about $80k in savings that took me 15 years to build, have no job, no car, and am sleeping on a concrete floor in a family member's basement. I'm grown with three adult children.

My older cousin has three kids in their late twenties and early thirties. Two daughters live together and have game night every Tuesday. They adore me and invite me weekly. I've not had the stamina to endure a long activity like that, and I also am waiting for both sisters to be available, as one had been working nights, but has next Tuesday off.

When I canceled this past Tuesday, the working sister told me the following day that her father and sister are angry with both of us -- convinced I favor working sister more than the two of them. They assume (as is their dramatic nature) that anything that affects them was intentionally done with malice.

I had a doctor's appointment the day of game night that ran until 3pm, and game night was 70 miles away at 5pm.

These two are sure that I'm slighting them, when in reality, I was home rocking on a cold floor trying to find the motivation to face the public so I could eat dinner. I never did eat. I woke to the revelation from working sister, and now, visiting game night seems 50 times more awkward and uncomfortable to me.

If they hadn't taken it personally that I'm a mess, I'd be scheduled for game night in two days. As it is, I'm almost 98% guaranteed to skip it to avoid that drama. My canceling had nothing to do with them. My depression and self-loathing are of my own making, and when people feel the need to pressure me or shame me, it never helps in any way.

End anecdote.

If you took it personally that people didn't show to your party, I get it. I'm sorry. But it likely was not you, and isn't indicative of the care these people have for you. Its their own thing. My advice is to laugh it off as a plan gone wrong and put it behind you. There are real things that affect us. We don't need to invent them.

"Remember that time I decided to celebrate my birthday for the first time in decades? I thought 50 would show, but it was 5? Guess that didn't go as planned!" Its funny, if you let it be.

Take the win: you stayed on-task and for a big shin-dig planned. You have 50 friends.

Maybe you can keep gatherings small and simple for a while, and let the large gatherings happen more organically?

I hope your week is a good one and you can smile about this soon. Happy birthday.

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5,719,123 subtitles from opensubtitles.org

Wanted to search the text of every subtitle


Bless the data hoarders

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The music industry welcomed the development, stating that a service that helps infringers evade prosecution through anonymization also acts illegally.

But a service that artificially inflates revenues with shady accounting of song plays while simultaneously withholding payments toward creators, that's totally not criminal.

-Also the music industry

Copyright laws based in the eighteenth century sure are awesome when applying analog scarcity to the digital world! /s

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You just haven't met anyone like my partner. She pauses movies and TV to point out how my neck "is sexier" than the actor's. "Yours isn't little and thin like his."


She is definitely obsessed. Maybe not a fetish, but certainly a point of interest.

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Shouldn't have [checks notes] exercised their rights.


"We are too corrupt to draft meaningful privacy legislation, but watch as we pretend CCP is the real problem."

Performative BS

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Back in the 1980's they told me it'd trickle down.


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coinciding with what would have been Trump’s 78th birthday.

If he isn't dead, it's still his birthday. Come to think of it, even if he's dead.

Making me hope he died...

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News broke on this a few months ago, and I jumped ship. Their failed music app is another reason I ditched their ecosystem. Kept crashing; music would pause mid-song; couldn't play downloaded music offline without a data connection.

Video service had such poor title coverage and nothing compelling for the price. As many others have said, the value proposition didn't work. Enshittification is in full swing. Sail the high seas.

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100% agree, but they charge for eyeballs, not clicks.

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Not one price for either YouTube or any cable service in the "article." Feels like some reporting is devolving down to, "That thing you probably heard of has a guy you all know and he said a thing on that social media about another thing you all heard of. CLICK ME!!!!1"

Thanks! But I just found the former redditor/data hoarder who did all the real work.

My SO got a "job offer" from a nonexistent company that 20 min of research uncovered a single applicant being scammed out of $75k when they shared bank details, presumably for setting up direct deposit.

The "company" didn't even have a website, but just because they were lazy doesn't mean other scammers won't go the extra mile to make a real-looking website with postings. Its a tough world out there...

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tl;dr for someone who doesn't come to Lemmy to watch YT videos?

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A literal shower thought

Must be checking if you copied a phone number, but still creepy.

I just noticed a Disney film with the 100 years logo, and realized they still have copyright on their OG stuff. Too bad. It was never meant to establish a dynasty, just a bit of crumb before your work went into public domain. Sigh...

The eSafety commissioner, Julie Inman Grant, has proposed cloud and messaging service providers should detect and remove known child abuse material and pro-terror material “where technically feasible” – as well as disrupt and deter new material of that nature.

The eSafety regulator has stressed in an associated discussion paper it “does not advocate building in weaknesses or back doors to undermine privacy and security on end-to-end encrypted services”.

I so love these magic wand-waving legislators. "Spy on your users and control what they do on your encrypted platform, but in a way that doesn't break encryption or violate privacy..."

Those sound like things they need a warrant to learn about in a place with a reasonable expectation of privacy.

I'm pleased with activityPub beginning to make "protocols not platforms" a reality.

A few points:

  • The redundant (second) PSU on the server is not using power (at least, not much) unless the other fails. Its job is to be available if the other PSU fails, or if power is lost (you typically have them on different PDUs and fed by different UPSs.
  • Almost any desktop is going to use less power than a server, as servers don't bother with power-saving features or power states other than full tilt into oblivion.

I won't go into the research required to give you a quantitative analysis, but suffice to say that a server > desktop in terms of power usage IN MOST CASES. Of course, if the desktop is running four 250w GPUs and running crypto or other full-time workloads, it could exceed the server, but all things being equal, well, you get the point.

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Jerry Nixon definitely said Windows 10 would be the last big release of windows, and for years, sourced reporting parroted that there will be no Windows 11.

"Right now we're releasing Windows 10, and because Windows 10 is the last version of Windows, we're all still working on Windows 10," said Jerry Nixon, Microsoft's developer evangelist, at the Ignite tech conference.

There's no shortage of the claim being made by MS staff during keynote speeches, and those same people being quoted saying as much in reporting by TechRadar, The Verge, PC Mag, Ars Technica, CNET, for example.

Bad journalism that doesn't explain the current state of things for the drivers. Not everyone is up on the sanctioned exploitation of drivers.

What are they getting now and how does this improve things?

Don't worry! The reader can find that in a different article.

If you are willing to use Signal, you already don't mind a tiny userbase, so why not use Session (or maybe Matrix) and enjoy privacy, security, AND anonymity?

Signal has always been clear that privacy!=anonymity and regards people who want both as both stupid and unusual. Its always been a weird dance to watch.

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I happened to catch a message on Matrix from @ruud@lemmy.world that he didn't like the way mentions work when you're offline and lots of messages build up, but I didn't realize that meant discord was replacing matrix, especially for community notices.

Add me to the list of folks who won't use discord.

Breathe in... Good... Now please enable location access in settings, and be sure to -- exhale -- enable background data access... Feel better?

Seems there's still some work to do to remove tracking and Google notification services. When it's on F-Droid, maybe more folks will try it.

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Wary or weary?

One means you're watching carefully, expecting a problem, while the other means tired.

Garmin has so many different trackers for different niches. Scuba, hikers, bikers, runners, pilots...

I switched after getting my third Fitbit replacement under warranty. Affordable and standard watch band parts, though some high-end trackers are a bit pricey for me.

Just no reason to stay with Fitbit with Google's history of product longevity and support.

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rsync even supports Alien vs Predator? What doesn't rsync do???

My tip would be to try a few distros before you settle on one. Ubuntu was it for me about seven years ago, but I used mint for a few years and am using MX with xfce now.

Also, sudo !! is pretty useful when you forget to sudo the previous command. It means "super user do the last command I just boneheadedly forgot to do that to"

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Nailed it!

"Embrace and extend," Google with XMPP.

Going to spend a few days poring over this trove!

This seems like a fun rabbit hole to go down with regard to capacitors vs condensers, but a rheostat and a resistor are not the same, and both are used by these names in electronics today.

Another player is the potentiometer, which handles low power variability. That's about the extent of my ability to shed light here though. I look forward to other more knowledgeable than I am adding to (and likely correcting) my comments.

Edit: typo and clarification

Edit2: A family member was re-assembling an audio amp and set a 1-farad cap on his just wiped countertop (which happened to be damp still) and blew a crater in the cheap Formica. We laughed, and nobody was hurt. I was 14, and learned that a capacitor sure can discharge quickly!

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Looks to me like you got (temp) banned for posting apparent incel comments in a hateful way. Not to mention your advice was exactly what the OP said they were avoiding from their own friends.

Perhaps reading the room is a good start before you click reply. Doubling down when called out for hateful comments will rarely go well, and defaulting to name calling and reducing well-received advice to a "lib salad" (whatever that means) won't either. Perhaps stop behaving like the internet is some place where manners and respect are optional, and you'll feel more welcome wherever you go.

I'm not trying to call you out or rehash that relationship advice here, only pointing out that you can disagree with people politely if you truly do desire respectful discourse. I hope you reflect on the ban and the comments replied to you. The world needs fewer, not more hateful incels or "alpha males."

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People aren't afraid of what will happen if they quit a job they don't like anymore after COVID taught us that we can weather some down time and find employers that match our values.

When I finally got a center channel in my audio setup, suddenly dialog/speech was no longer too quiet. Game changer.

This is a great post! I don't use immich; I use ente.io and I don't host it, but I do know they use OSM, as confirmed in #14 of their privacy policy:

Open Street Maps

  • Use-case: Maps and geodata
  • Privacy Policy:
  • Contact:

I don't self host presently, but if I get my server hardware back (moved out of the country a while) I want to dabble with a self hosted photo solution, so I'm glad to have found your post that keeps this fresh in my mind.

Question two: please provide your banking information. We request this information, blah blah blah.
