
2 Post – 27 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Christian studying via The Hebrew Bible by Robert Alter as well as watching Bible Project classroom along with their podcast.

Foster / adoptive family in NC, USA preparing to help lead a local ministry to aid other such families in the area.

Professional game designer and PHP developer.

6 scrambled eggs made with butter, sour cream, salt and pepper.

I prefer to start the day with a big breakfast, eat a light lunch and then nothing until a moderate supper with a small, low carb dessert in the evening.

I find the large breakfast starts my day well and fatty foods keep me satisfied longer so I'm not tempted to snack throughout the day, especially while working from home where food is always available.

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My fav so far is beeple

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I had to do similar with mine but threw together some scrap lumber to build up around our printer:

We've had an LTE modem for a long while which is quite expensive but no data cap. Just recently added T-mobile's 5G Lite modem which while much faster does have a cap. So added a pfSense firewall and setup a failover WAN rule to give the work computer 5G during business hours.

Yes, it's a little fiddly but the options are there:

Yes! It's the one I'm most excited for.

yt-dl for videos

Or the fork yt-dlp


Mostly Pandora for music discovery with some occasional Spotify mixed in

yt-dlp to download a few favorites to listen to in car via phone

+1 for DDG

And thank you for reminding about bangs

I'm currently wearing a continuous glucose monitor. Does that count? I'm all for anything voluntary especially if it improves quality of life without impeding on others.


Oohhh, yes, those are quite nice 🐝

Cool concept! And congrats on getting it up and running :)

I'm currently self hosting:

  • Jellyfin: TV shows for kiddos
  • Minetest: gaming with kiddos
  • Supertuxkart: more gaming with kiddos
  • Pi-hole: DNS with several filters
  • Tiny Tiny RSS: feed reader
  • Nextcloud: phone sync and project management
  • Gitea: code tracking and version control
  • JSketcher: CAD drawing
  • Stable Diffusion: AI art

The last two are local-network only and the most recent additions; still just tinkering with them at this point.

My favorite of the list is probably TT-RSS which I use for podcasts and to keep tabs on a few sub-reddits I had participated in before moving to Lemmy.

+1 for Minetest both client and server too; we run one locally for the kiddos :)

Mostly board games; taught couple of our older boys Scythe and then got in several rounds of Turing Machine.

Recently started Homeworld Mobile on phone and liking it so far.

Also planning to tinker with merging Color My Quest (ttrpg) with Wallet Dungeons to play with our younger kiddos.

I'm self-hosting Tiny Tiny RSS mostly for podcasts and previously also some Reddit subs I was particularly interested in. TTRSS works well for me in that it's OS independent and has phone app for easy listening on the go.

Yep. Version 114.0.2 is available now and after updating the issue is gone.

To be fair I certainly didn't start with that many; I started with the keto diet roughly 10 years ago, found eggs to be my most convenient breakfast food and slowly built up the number while reducing the size of my lunch.

It would be nice to see a new home for Tabletop Game Design; much enjoyed the discussions around both role playing and board/card games alike.

If you're comfortable working on a local VM then perhaps a VPS such as Linode or Digital Ocean would be a good place to start; they're essentially VMs hosted in cloud you have total control of so you can install whatever you want just like a local VM. Even the cheapest VPS option is plenty for this sort of testing.

These have free trials too such as: https://www.linode.com/tux

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Very cool design; how well do they stay put on the desk? My last split keyboard would nudge slowly during use and had to be moved back which I found annoying.

The Advantage 2 looks pretty good; bit pricey though I expected as much. Thank you!

Fantastic; thank you :)

Yeah, bigger solutions like Azure, AWS, etc. have some cool features especially for scaling but... that comes with its own headaches.

For earlier stages I personally much prefer a simple VPS where I can freely do what I want with it including total wipes, snapshots / rollbacks, etc.

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Here's a 60-day free trial to tinker with as well: https://www.linode.com/tux

Thanks; quite a few have recommended this one which is nice to see