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Joined 12 months ago

Ich bien wieder hier.

TPTB feel the same way about humans. 🤑 🤗 🤑

In the last year did I learn about 312852952 different kinds of clouds which are all apparently nOrMaL.

It's actually incredibly strange to see the Biden corruption being treated like a question. People really need to get their head out of their ass. "Oh.. Biden corruption? Say it isn't so!!"

Yes, anyone who disagrees with you must be a sad troll. Woke logic.

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Again, a false take. I understand your need to die on that hill, and rest assured, you probably will. Brainwashing is severe.

You actually have no idea what you are talking. I know you think you do. But you don't. You think because you tune into Fox news, and maybe even read a couple 4chan threads, googled QAnon conspiracis, that you understand what's going on. But you actually don't. And here's how I know you don't. You're still focused on Trump. If you had any idea of what was really going on, Trump would be the least and last of our worries. And may in fact, be the thing we actually need. That I am an independent saying that, is probably one of the most bizarre and downright insensible things I would have accused myself of saying 2 years ago. I've gotten wiser to what's going on since. And so should you.

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Us. vs Them thinking is the biggest sign of brainwashing. Large amounts of independent voters are going over to the conservativ side because of exactly opinions like this. There are still large amounts of moderate progressives and liberals who aren't woke that share concerns with varying political platforms, and lately, more and more of their concerns are becoming distinctly flavored and heard in conservative spaces because they are the only ones willing to engage with the skepticism.

It's becoming more common for regular people who when asking legitimate questions that pertain to the future of this country, the best they can get out of the left is, "JuSt tRUmPErS."

In effect, for disliking someone as much as you seem to, the left is practically paving the way for him by trying to marginalize his base even further. People are asking questions now and QAnon isn't starting to seem so crazy to lots of people. And whether you think their concerns are well founded or not, is irrelevant. They do.

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eh, that still reads very much like a propaganda take. Americans need to stop getting their news from fedoutlets and MSM. Even the progressives who were generally more independent minded and harder to sway are becoming incapable of seeing what's actually going on.

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Questionable numbers. Questionable take. See, it's easy to know who the angry trans kids are, because they announce themselves shortly before going on a shooting spree. White Christian males... like Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris? What you think anyone who is white and goes shooting is a devout Christian? That's how brainwashed you are?

Dumb is dumb, no matter how smart you try to sound. Have you not been paying attention? Do you watch CNN or something? You know nothing about the the Bidens. Or Joe for that matter.

Awful. What with them covering up heinous acts of child sex abuse too. See how easy it is to denounce madness on all sides when you're willing to be objective about facts?

Difficult to produce indictments when your whole administration is covering for each other, right up to the petty amount of cocaine bags being left by uNkOwN ViSiToRs.

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eh, the large number of mass shootings in America lately tell a different story with an unusually high number of perpetrators being trans people.

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And yet that is how democracies work. So if you aren't for a democracy, what are you for? /eyeroll

edit: this is why this place will become another reddit. Many of you are still redditors at heart. You claim to be antifascists, but are in fact the fascists and don't even know it. Hoodwinked, the lot of you.

Well, considering the astonishing number of mass shootings by trans people lately, I would say that distinction is quickly becoming lost on both sides.

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No hate, just facts. BEST WISHES. 🤡

No. And I know that isn't the case because I was a part of that conversation when that was the focus of the conversation. Yes we had rightful pushback from conservatives. And you know what? We understood. We got that marriage was their institution, but gays wanted the benefits that other married couples got to enjoy too, without imposing on their religious beliefs. It was a tough fight all over the world, and fair minded conservatives did see reason enough to draw distinctions between general marriage, civil unions, partnerships and a host of other kinds of relationships that fall outside of normative Christian values.

In many of the places and states in which such legal unions were secured, there were over a subsequent number of years more and more public support for just legalizing gay marriage altogether. For conservatives this was sort of a slap because many thought they had made it clear that marriage was their institution, and in some ways they were right to feel that way, but also they needed to recognize the ways in which marriage had evolved outside of their institution.

This is not the same thing happening with transactivism today. They are using the guise of equality and compassion to mask a much more sinister agenda. And if you aren't capable of seeing that yet, then we are not on the same page.

Yes, that's sort of why latearrival LGBs are now also getting on board with #droptheT movements. What many thought was a show for solidarity, and many were well intentioned, but, did not know the evil that was hiding in their midst under the guise of illness and victimhood, on the platform of equality.

In short, it's exactly because we know "they're coming for us next," that many gay people no longer want to be associated with transactivism or trans people, period. They are seeing how the effects of transactivist populations are UNDOING decades of civil rights struggles by LGBs. And though you will undoubtedly try to present some mitigating factor, gay rights were secure and becoming more accepted even in places that held long religious bans. That is, until transactivism and groomer madness arrived.

So yes. We about droppin that T.

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