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Joined 2 months ago

Sounds like a smokescreen to me. All file sharing services have this problem. The solution is to respond to subpoena requests and let the government do their jobs. They do not have to allow themselves to arbitrarily violate their users privacy in order to do that.

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Adobe is not a video distribution platform. They do not have this level of culpability.

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That's not the same as content distribution.

Sharing content to clients cannot be effectively done through creative cloud.

It does not make sense to try and stop the distribution at the level of video editing. Not only is the thought of child predators making regular use of professional editing software completely absurd, but even if you assume they do, why the fuck do you think they would use the inbuilt cloud sharing tools to do so?? They would just encrypt the contents and transmit it over any other file sharing service...

It makes no sense to implement this measure because it does absolutely nothing to impede criminals, but enables a company well known for egregious privacy violations unprecedented access to information completely law abiding clients have legitimate reasons to want to keep private.

It is a farce. A smokescreen intended to encroach on customers precious data all the while doing nothing to assist law enforcement.

Sure you might get tighter control over advertising, but youtube would also be forced to do things like show you x% of content made in your country/language, resulting in state mandated control of the content you see online and potentially limiting/warping international audiences for content creators, and potentially other ramifications I'm not considering.

This is false. You can create laws restricting advertising without creating other laws forcing companies to display domestic content. The point about the Canadian government wanting YouTube to promote domestic content is irrelevant.

Just because you can get away with 8 does not mean you should. Go google around and find just how cheap an additional 8 gb of laptop RAM is these days.

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I didn't say 64. I said 16 which is perfectly reasonable. Your comment reads like damage control from an apple employee.

I don't give a fuck about musk. I think hos Hyperloop is beyond idiotic and nothing he makes fucking works. In fact I never even said I necessarily think the state of Tesla autopilot is acceptable. All I said was that categorically rejecting autopilot (even for future generations where tech can be much better) for the express purpose of being able to prosecute people is beyond empty and shallow.

If you need to make up lies about me and strawman me to disagree you only prove my point. You stopped being a rational agent who weighs the good and bad of things a long time ago. You don't care about how good the autopilot is or can be. All you care about is your mental fixation against the CEO of the company in question.

Your political opinions should be based on principles, not whatever feels convenient in the moment.

Nothing was misguided and if anything your tone deaf attempt to double down only proves the point I'm making.

This stopped being about human deaths for you a long time ago.

Let's not even bother to ask the question of whether or not this guy could ultimately be saving lives. All that matters to you is that you have a target to take your anger out on the event that a loved one dies in an accident or something.

You are shallow beyond belief.

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"the AI isn't good enough to answer questions yet, it needs more training "

"YOU HYPOCRITE!! If the A.I is too bad to use then why are you training it!"

Clean the damn mold out of your brain.

So you'd rather live in a world where people die more often, just so you can punish the people who do the killing?

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Regardless of whoever is voted in in my country (Canada) no politicians will be capable of facilitating a system where in the average working citizen can comfortably afford food and shelter.

No one can do this because there is overwhelming sentiment that any attempt to socialize necessities necessarily devolves into some kind of dictatorship.

If you want to suggest I should align myself with those people you're going to have to do a little better than fear mongering because the writing is on the wall for how the country is going to end up if we keep following this route.

Being able to vote for one of three people who are either unwilling or unable to ensure some basic standard of living for me is pretty damn low on my hierarchy of needs.

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The issue is not with the applications psychological effects on children (although i'm sure politicians bring that point up in passing to bolster their argument). The basis for the removal of the application is that it is spyware with rootkit capabilities.

Palestinians are opposing the wrong people. If Hamas operatives were unable to operate publicly this war would be a lot easier for Israel to conduct in a manner that minimizes civilian casualties.

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