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Nope, they can use your NPU, GPU or CPU whatever you have.. the performance will vary quite a bit though. Also, the larger the model the more memory it needs to run well.

People challenging the seriousness of the climate change are saying "we will adapt and survive like we always have".. Yeah, our "adapt and survive" could look like that.

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I wanted physical books out of something that was only available as PDFs. So instead of going the sensible route I bought a color laser printer, learnt how to bind books, bought tools and materials, made a simple book binding press and made my own books.

That quote means that actual facts are dismissed as leftist ideas by many americans (where Colbert lives).

How to dress for -30C weather. How to get out if you fall through ice into water.

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Umm, what makes you think that if they did exist they wouldn't also be explainable by science? Also, if you dig really deep into anything you'll find all kinds of fascinating stuff even if it's not supernatural.

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Having a monopoly is not good.. I just wish others wouldn't completely ignore Linux users.. Valve/Steam on the other hand is seriously pushing it forward which makes me very much biased toward them.

I use Youtube-shorts block -add-on. It rewrites the url for shorts and shows them as normal videos (because they are). IDK why they had to make a new purposefully shitty player for them.

this plus:

  1. For many companies the majority of operating expenses are related to employees, so they will try to resist raising wages, preferably cutting them and/or firing people (also, union busting)
  2. Product quality will suffer
  3. They'll try to skirt regulations and lobby to overturn them
  4. In capitalism there's no such thing as enough when it comes to ROI so we go back to 6.

I must admit I don't know the situation well but I feel like "immunity from child emotional abuse claims" is not the right move. This feels like a symptom of much wider problems. Parents work way too much, kids spend too much time in school, too much revolves around being "productive". Parents can't parent much but they feel the pressure to provide their kids with best possible future.. Much is left to the teachers who probably need to do parenting work too without necessary time and tools. So they suffer, because kids suffer because parents suffer.

Sorry but your examples of the problems are pretty minor and solvable by other means (you can't do much with my credit card details because they require strong authentication which uses one-time passwords). Also, you conveniently leave out all the problems with cryptocurrency. It's not like you're protected in any way. We also do not have any adopted implementation of cryptocurrency that's not slow and super wasteful of resources. So far they've also had the ponzi-scheme problem.. first adopters can become very rich but late-comers get crumbs or lose everything.

It's one of the terrible hype trains again... However, I wonder what makes him think that humans are something clearly more than a model that gathers data through the senses and reacts to external stimuli based on the current model. I think that's special pleading.

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Where in the news do you see this extreme left represented?

Take some time every now and then to consider why you're doing the things you're doing. You may do them out of fear, shame, perceived obligation, to avoid doing something else, because your parents want you to, etc. Or you may do them because they genuinely bring you job, help you in some way or make the world a better place.. Anyway, we people are weird creatures. We get stuck in situations, relationships, obligations, bad habits, destructive patterns without realizing what's happening. Try to stay aware, honest to yourself (and others) and keep learning :)

Well, there are programming languages that are not based on English (like BQN) In reality though the vast majority of the documentation, books, online discussions etc. are in English so I'd say it is at least hugely beneficial to know English.

It's an accurate translation. Mikrobitti is a generic computer magazine (with a long history) so it could either be that the author is not very familiar with Linux cli or it might also be that they were trying to put it in layman's terms.

I'm shocked, shocked to find that gambling is going on in here!

Yup, they never figured me out either.. Ads are annoying and stupid and thinking about how much resources are poured into them and how much everyone's time is wasted makes me angry.

There's a lot of content to play as a free player. For me the most important thing the subscription offers is the unlimited crafting material bag. You don't need it but if you want to be a crafter it will be painful without it. Three classes and bunch of content is behind expansion packs.. all of which you can unlock by buying the current "collection" version which includes all the previous expansions also and goes for like 60 bucks..

He's making great arguments for one abortion that would've made the world a much better place.

Carry ice picks (more like ice awls) with you when you travel on ice. If you fall through ice turn back to the direction you came from and start breaking the ice with your elbows (no use trying to get up as long as the ice is so brittle you can easily break it), then drag yourself up and start rolling away from the hole and trace your steps back. Also, try to get rid of the wet clothes as soon as you can.

Choir .. how would you spell it? Quier?

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Been on PS+ for 7 years and canceled it immediately when I saw the price hike. Also, not going to buy consoles anymore since they've gone to shit.

I would (and do) pay for similar services but I'm not giving google a cent.

Well, I drink decaf coffee anyway so not a problem =)

I use Hetzner's Storage Share (which is a nextcloud instance) as my drive and pay around 5€ / mo for 1 TB. Depending on the features you want you could also use their Storage Box which is more like a plain network drive, and cheaper.. like 13€ / mo for 5 TB.

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There's more nicotine in your average pasta sauce than you'll absorb by following a vaping person for an hour. I know you're talking about a principle.. but it's not a very strong argument.

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I would like to add that if you're eyeing switching to Linux in the future you may want to check before buying whether something supports Linux going forward. Also, you might want to make some noise on the forums so that companies understand that there's a growing demand for Linux support. I've been making music on Linux for quite a while but I've always bought DAWs (like Reaper, Bitwig, Renoise) and VSTs (U-He, ToneLib, etc) that already support Linux... trying to migrate a workflow from Windows to Linux could be pretty hard.

Finnish ones (some sayings here too):

  • "Ski into a spruce!" -> Get lost!
  • "So the forest answers as one calls into it" -> what comes around goes around
  • "If you reach for the spruce you'll fall into the juniper" -> don't bite more than you can chew
  • "to be like hit on the head with a piece of wood" -> to be baffled
  • "it went into the forest" -> something failed
  • "to have own cow in the ditch" -> to have their own hidden agenda behind a request or actions
  • "to throw the spoon into the corner" -> to die
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Probably whatever makes him more money.

I don’t think so.. they’d have to make their own version of server software since you can always read the posts from other instances.. also it’d need to be concerted effort because people would migrate from / defederate singlular bad actors.. but !remind me in 2 years.

After getting used to Invidious I think their UI is better than Youtube's. Views are deterministic, I don't get random videos. Subscriptions work like I think they should.

You should be able to do that, you'd just need to set up and maintain the Nextcloud instance yourself :)

I don't need that powerful hardware.. it's the software side that's mostly lacking for me (as a software developer :)

I know Windows has a compressor of sorts built in, the audio equalization feature, and I wish there were a good equivalent for this on Linux.

Install easyeffects if it's not installed by default. You can have all kinds of audio processing for both output and input

Here's something to consider about their videos though..

20€ / month, nominal speed 400/50 Mbps, usually within 5% of that, Finland.

Depends on how you define meaning. I find meaning in experiencing the life. It may be predetermined or have random elements in it but the experience is unique to me.

Anyway, given all we know about us and the universe I haven't heard a coherent proposal of how free will could work. So, until there's good evidence to convince me otherwise .. I can't help but believe it doesn't exist.

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You missed the point. More accurate would be: because you watched TV for an hour you shouldn't worry about someone shining a flashlight on you. That's the level of consequences we're talking about and it sounds ridiculous when someone blows them out of proportions. Maybe we should start worrying about anal residue too because people are farting outside.

"What we call AI lacks agency, the ability to make dynamic decisions of its own accord, choices that are “not purely reactive, not entirely determined by environmental conditions.” "

That's from the article and I referred to that.

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