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Joined 13 months ago

Damn I never thought about that. has been a rock. And a transparent one at that, I love it.

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What. The. Fuck.

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After looking at the picture of the bridge in the article, it looks like it should have either been fixed or blocked by a large only moveable by heavy machinery barrier of some description.

What if someone was using a 15 year old paper map? Would they get to sue the cartographer?
What if the bridge had collapsed yesterday? Last week? As much as I don't like Google, I don't think they're at fault here.

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When talking to someone about mental illness: "You know it's all in your head right?"

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Now, the other people that we talk about, including Biden, he wasn’t president. So what he did is a different standard. And he should have real problems. They really should be talking about that. Not about me. I did absolutely nothing wrong.

The level of cognitive dissonance here is just absolutely mind blowing.

Have you heard of Dihydrogen monoxide? It literally kills hundreds of thousands of people every single year all over the world, including young children.

You don't hear about it in the news though do you....

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This is what the internet is for.

I just cannot belive how history is repeating itself.

This is what is doing my tits in. It's so fucking frustrating and maddening watching America go through this shit. It's unbelievable.

I just try to remember that there are good people in America, and I hope they prevail.

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Something to keep in mind is that a new season of D3 has recently come out (more interest) while D4 hasn't had anything in a while (less interest). These two things will be bumping the numbers.

P.S I'm a long time PoE and formerly D3player. I'm stoked I didn't buy into D4. If anyone hasn't tried it yet, a D4 YouTuber called Darth Microtransactions described PoE as 'everything I wanted in D4 but more and free'.

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Hell yea the poop knife. His family had one because their shits would block toilets. He thought it was a normal thing to require and have a poop knife but after going to a friend's house and asking for it, he discovered that it was indeed (Samuel L. Jackson voice) not a normal thing to possess.

Not all heroes wear capes. Thank you for your service. A hero among thieves. The hero we didn't know we needed and didn't deserve. Insert other hero quips.

Na but thanks. What a legend.

Immediately notice the distinction. Others would be saying "This is a targeted WITCH HUNT, it's all lies made up by the other side! It's obviously bribery and corruption! We're losing our country WWAAAA WAAAAA etc".

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Counter Strike: raw aim, how to outsmart opponents, perfect practice makes perfect and if you put enough hours into anything and do it correctly/good, then you can get good at almost anything.

Path of Exile: Taught me about being efficient. If you're repeating the same action 10,000 times, if you can cut even 1 second off each time you do that action, it adds up over time to a significant amount. And then you can try and cut another 2 seconds off...then another second.

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...I appreciate the argument that we’ve, our discussion that we’ve been having. But for me, it’s a little too conceptual or I don’t know, metaphysical or geological or whatever you want to call it.


I mean gestures vaguely at everything

On reddit someone did a "I've slept with my mother, AMA.". The story was he broke his arms and his mother helped 'relieve him' and then it progressed.

This move is part of a larger trend for the insider, who over the past year has sold a total of 50,610 shares and purchased none.

Nothing suspicious about that.

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I said "you're absolutely right" and left it at that. They were trying to get to the idea that mental illness is made up and shit like that. I don't feed into that sort of stuff so the conversation didn't carry on after that lol.

Not exactly what and nowhere as detailed as you're asking for but possibly the closest thing to it. The site aims to provide pertinent information before you start a game. This can be tips, background info, general info, easy to miss quests/vendors/NPCs and more.

Note: Due to the nature of the website, sometimes there are spoilers. They are usually fairly minor.

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"I used to be an adventurer like you. Then I took an arrow in the knee...",

Unknown Soldier - Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.

Could someone ELI5 how hard this is, what makes it hard and how insane it is? Are there modifiers that make it harder ? Tough mobs? Hard Bosses?

I'm a gamer but I've never played or seen Hades.

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I saw some YouTuber tattoo artist say that people that have face tattoos either 1) Do not give a fuck or 2) Know themselves extremely well.

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Yea soon as I read that it made a lot more sense how these two people acted worse than animals.

Yea I did my 10 seconds of research before I quoted my number! I could have said '200k' but 'hundreds of thousands' sounds much more dramatic don't you think? Which is the whole point of the Dihydrogen monoxide thing.

Could this compulsory military service also alert authorities to people that aren't suitable to own private firearms?

Short: It completes a full 360° of the sun before the planet itself does a full 360° spin.

A few sentences longer:
In planet Earth human terms, we have defined one day as "how long it takes the planet to do a full 360 degree rotation". Example: You spin a basketball on your finger and it does one full rotation.

A year to us is "how long it takes the planet to go around the sun". Example: You hold a basketball out in front of you and you do one full rotation.

Are we going for 256 after this?

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Damn OP listen to this person. Slapping us all with the truth fish.

It's an open air metal (music) festival! But there's a lot of 'underground' metal bands. I live far away from it but it'd be wild to go.

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Dude just casually dropping a whole essay. What a boss.

I had no interest in Android gaming ever until I read this reply, now I'm going to try some of these.

Gaming! There's so many amazing games out there in all sorts of genres.

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What the hell is the original context of this picture?

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Made this for you: Beans, as far as the eye can see!

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Damn Grandpa what was it like back then

Haha money well spent supporting an independent studio from a little country at the bottom of the world made by a group of people who are legitimately passionate about the game!

Also just for fun $1k over 10 years = $100 a year. That's not a bad amount imo! Also I'm guessing if you've spent that much money that you've spent an equally large amount of time playing!

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I've driven past Zebras and Giraffes (and more) in Africa and it's absolutely beautiful watching those creatures chilling just doing what they do.

According to its Wikipedia page, this joke was first published in 1983! I suspect most people know it from the early 2000's when it made a resurgence again.

If I come across you in a dark alley and we're all alone then you better be ready cos I'll accept your opinion and offer some other suggestions of movies that we might like, such as all 3 Lord of the Rings (extended editions of course).

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Why don't the crackers just repackage it? Or is repackaging an art unto itself?

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Hi. What's the different effect? I've never considered that before.