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Joined 3 months ago

I help my mom financially a bit. In return she helps me indirectly financially because i can live at home and eat, use water, electricity and so on. I kind of pay a small rent.

I agree, but this guy is not stating a proper question in an ask-community, but also not giving any information that will help us trying to answer his question, like what app he is using.

I don‘t know where you‘re eating lol. A döner in zurich is about 14-15 francs at the moment never seen one for 18 francs and they increased prices the last two years as well.

If you‘re having a meal and drinks for 50 francs per person you have likely been to a fancy restaurant. Don‘t get me wrong, it absolutely is possible to easily go over 50 francs, however its also is very easy to stay below that and still have a good experience.

What the fuck dude

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Right-wing populism is on the rise through the whole continent, it‘s scary. I can feel it here in switzerland and can see it in neighbouring countries like france and germany.

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Louis Rossman made a whole 20 min or something video on this. He payed for a netflix 4k subscription and wanted to see it in his firefox browser on a laptop connected via HDMI (because fuck smart TVs spying on you in the background) and ended up with 720p. He ended up pirating :)

Weirdly ublock and firefox is enough for me to not see twitch ads. Friends of mine report seeing ads as well on twitch with the same config. I really don‘t know what it is since i don‘t have anything fancy like a pihole or similar

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Download the official version and activate with MAS

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Thats a decent ass edit

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It‘s a very shitty practice, but why should this not be legal? Ferrari and porsche is doing the same thing since a long time

Why is it even reported on what north korea thinks or does? Nobody gives a shit anyway.

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What part of capitalism is exhausting you specifically?

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This comment doesn‘t hold any value anyway. Just bashing the people living there and then saying the whole country is shit.

Binning is an important part of the answer. They could have only 5 CPU models, but they'd waste silicon that way.

Apart from the obvious cheese and chocolate, i‘d reccomend some good ol rösti with a spiegelei

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Whats that?

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I would however argue that the barrier of entry is smaller with vapes in a way that it is less of a turn off. Many people don‘t smoke because they think it smells disgusting or they start coughing the first time they smoke. Vapes however smell like fucking strawberry or melon and aren‘t as hard on your throat the first time.

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I totally agree. The CEO was a total moron not investing enough in security and in my opinion should face heavy charges as well. The hacker is a total piece of shit however taking advantage of it.

What i dont quite understand is that if the street racers wanted to go up or down as fast as possible, why did they drift?

Its not like drifting is any faster than racing with grip but maybe that was like a cultural obligation if you wanted to participate?

Initial D is a great anime non the less :)

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Yeah same. And the throttle behaves very differently sometimes as well

When i have water to clean up after myself, i just eat it like an apple, fuck eating every slice individually lol

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Can 110% agree. It is pretty much a documentary of the chernobyl disaster in the form of a mini-series. I have watched it 3 times, it‘s that great

I do sports shooting and I cycle a lot on my road bike

Yes, proper rest for your body is very important

For my country, switzerland, there is Comparis for example. I think it‘s best of you search for a website that aggregates and compares data only specific for your country?

I don‘t think so. I‘m logged in with a regular account and don‘t have any trouble.

Ohh thats him! Didn‘t recignise him curled up like that. Very handsome catto :)

i am currently studying computer science. the exams last semester were all on paper. such a pain to write java and sql code with your hand and without autocomplete :D

Oh hell no. Alway buy the potatos, steam them for 20 mins and then they‘re ready to be grated into the pan. Don‘t forget the aromat!

Do you know if cloudflare is privacy respecting? I know quad9 certainly is

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I also understand many things

Totally agree

I am really glad it‘s fun to you because i really enjoy your posts and i hope they never stop! :D

I have a koenigsegg jesko wallpaper from koenigsegg official instagram

I was so surprised by that video. Of all people on earth, i for sure didn‘t think TOM doesn‘t know how to ride a bycicle.

Fluffball c:

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In winter i drink at least half of my water intake as tea on average. In winter you are rarely as thirsty as in summer when it‘s hot so it‘s nice to have some water with flavour. I highly reccomend brewing tea with loose leafs instead of bags because these en-masse fabricated tea bags just taste horrible in comparison

was gonna suggest drawboard pdf. For university if i have to write on a pdf i export it to onenote and draw on it with a pen

Yes, that makes sense. Drifting around hairpins is most of the time faster. It also makes sense to drift when you are unable to maintain proper slip angle, just as you stated when the ground offers low and unpredictable amounts of grip.