I eat words

@I eat words@group.lt
21 Post – 59 Comments
Joined 2 years ago


Matrix - @saint:group.lt

well this is probably PR as there is no such system nor it can be made that can have 100% uptime. not talking about the fact that network engineers rarely work with servers :)

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matrix I, skipped classes and watch it more than ten times in cinema.

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i am all for normalizing raiding ambassies for [put the cause you support] as well

Any observed impact to performance?

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first you should check logs of cloudflare tunnel - most likely it cannot access your docker network. if you are using cloudflare container - it should use same network as a Immich instance.

in short: find the tunnel log and see what is happening there.

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yay! thank you all!

i have made a not-so-quick-but-dirty Dockerfile to build on arm64

FROM rust:1.70.0

COPY . .

RUN echo "pub const VERSION: &str = \"$(git describe --tag)\";" > "crates/utils/src/version.rs"
RUN cargo build --release

RUN apt update
RUN apt -y install libpq5
RUN cp /app/target/release/lemmy_server /app/lemmy

CMD ["/app/lemmy"]

later I am planning to improve it a bit, to make the image smaller if i can

in addition to all other good comments - if you will ever decide to move out service to another server or something like that - moving subdomains will be much easier.

mostly listen via youtube, sometimes buy music via bandcamp, but usually not downloading nor listening via it, it is just an act of reward and encouragement.

i have a several vinyls and a cd, that i cannot get rid of, because the artist does not sell his music anymore. (but i have no way to play it).

not good, sometimes still trying to use it and get lost from time to time

not all the users put their matrix username in Lemmy. also - at least in desktop when clicking send secure message it brings up matrix client for me (element)

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pricing changes, i.e. - removing free tier and increasing other plan prices.

there is an open request for this, but seems that not being actively worked on: https://github.com/mastodon/mastodon/issues/18601

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i am using this

root@instance-20211112-2005:/opt/lemmy/lemmy/docker# cat Dockerfile.arm64
FROM rust:1.70.0 as builder

COPY . .

# This can be set to release using --build-arg

COPY . .

# Build the project

# Debug mode build
RUN --mount=type=cache,target=/app/target \
    if [ "$RUST_RELEASE_MODE" = "debug" ] ; then \
      echo "pub const VERSION: &str = \"$(git describe --tag)\";" > "crates/utils/src/version.rs" \
      && cargo build \
      && cp ./target/$RUST_RELEASE_MODE/lemmy_server /app/lemmy_server; \

# Release mode build
    if [ "$RUST_RELEASE_MODE" = "release" ] ; then \
      echo "pub const VERSION: &str = \"$(git describe --tag)\";" > "crates/utils/src/version.rs" \
      && cargo build --release \
      && cp ./target/$RUST_RELEASE_MODE/lemmy_server /app/lemmy_server; \

FROM debian:bullseye-slim
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y libpq5 ca-certificates && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*

COPY --from=builder /app/lemmy_server /app/lemmy

CMD ["/app/lemmy"]

Also Lemmy developers are working on cross build - so it should be available in the future I hope :)

we don't. also check this out - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solipsism

One way to do it is with ImapSync: https://imapsync.lamiral.info

bye bye salt stack

in lemmy at least in the user profile you can see send secure message - if it is there (meaning - user has added matrix username) - you can click and send message via matrix

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any errors you could show us?

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Afaik Digital Ocean blocks smtp port.

What you can do is to get some mail relay service, such as mailgun or any other and configure postfix to use it as a relay host. It can be done running postfix container, but probably Lemmy could be configured to send email via relay without using postfix

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Get some WAF for the public facing app, maybe at least https://github.com/nbs-system/naxsi .

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woah, so nothing is sacred now? 😱🤔😐

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Kinda like it, but there are some ux things I don't like. i.e. - tags are not in the search

midnight commander, especially if i need to delete files/dirs with '-' and non-ascii characters. i do it without thinking.

maybe you could just add it to your bio ;)

Sometimes I watch a conference or similar event, but not really into watching live streams, unless it is nsfw ;)

it works fine, depending on popularity of your instance - you might have to add more resources in the future.

as for aarch64 - there are docker images available for lemmy and lemmy-ui

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i don't see secure messaging in your profile neither :)

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Most likelye this budget was "calculated" for politics and for all parties involved it is known, except for the tax payers, who might block the project (read - be unhappy) if the real cost would have been known beforehand.

using mostly operator from percona for kubernetes, sometimes just a simple deployment. Running postgresql for Lemmy from docker-compose as a container.

usually i add more than 1 ip and also vultr firewall can be managed to change ip. tailscale can be used as well. there are options!

at least this is the format i am using.

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Reading: Everything is Under Control by Robert Anton Wilson Listening: Galaxy Outlaws: The Complete Black Ocean Mobius Missions by J.S. Morin, Mikael Naramore (Narrator)

Genius is in simplicity

this is very simple solution i have used to clip entries in: https://github.com/blinkinglight/go-journal2

probably could fit into fly.io free tier. also as others have mentioned - oracle oci provides a nice free vm, which can be shut off if usage of resources is low, but you can workaround it by increasing a volume a bit more than free tier allows and pay something like a 1-2$ for it monthly.

sorry, this is kinda like a firewall, but protecting websites, so many vulnerabilities are filtered out. it does not protect you 100% percent (nothing does). it might be hard to setup, in that case there is an option to use waf as a service, i.e. - cloudflare has such offering, maybe there are others as well. i have looked into vultr - they seem to offer only a "usual" type of firewall, not http/application based.

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if you configure ssh access only from your home ip - then fail2ban is not needed.

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