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Idgaf about the boomers who want to grow old in the homes they bought. Thats their right as a homeowner. I care about the airbnbs, unskilled flippers, and the corps trying to turn America into a "renters market"

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Defund was a horrible fucking name for the movement though. We'd need the conservatives to be on board and they're not going for that shit cause they'll stop listening as soon as they think you're taking power away from their tastiest boots.

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The cool part is I started working there just after you! I started around 2013 and worked there until about 2016 and it was STILL about maybe $7 or $8 for a meal, and the dollar menu was still $1.06

This shit happened during covid and they're literally only doing it because they can. There have been reports that the current inflation isn't driven by the state of the economy at all, but just corporate greed.

Don't waste your time and money guys, you can get food cheaper at the mom and pop restaurants now, and that food is usually at least half decent. When it's the same price to eat at McDonald's or a "healthier" place like tropical smoothie or Chipotle, why the fuck would I want to pay for ultra processed sludge

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In a perfect world, AI would be a supplementary tool that allows small-time players to participate in their field at similar levels to the corporations.

In the current world, AI is coming for EVERY job, eventually. You would think that means nobody has to work, but it will most likely mean nobody is ALLOWED to work.

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I think the general argument against separating the art from the artist is that shes still alive and when we buy HP products, she gets that money and uses it to harm trans people.

Hp lovecraft iirc is known as a racist, but we can still purchase his books without funding him cause he's dead.

Buy your HP merch secondhand, i guess?

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Bold move making an ai generated meme about hands

The fuck is blockchain going to do for gaming

Reminder that 15/hr was the goal about ten years ago and inflation spiked hard between 2020-2023. 15/hr is no longer a "generous" wage.

And just for the record, this is not a theory. People HAVE been murdered.

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I swear every single person arguing against this bill hasn't read it.

The gist of it is consolidating existing hate crime laws, adding sexual orientation and gender to the protected classes, repealing the law of blasphemy, and then the main one people are on about, outlawing "inciting hate" and spending several entire pages defining exactly what that means and how its still covered by freedom of expression.

As you said, you can use the slurs. You can be a shit person.

What this seems to be addressing is the fact that ANYBODY can have a platform nowadays and some of those people use their platform to harm other people, whether indirectly or not.

In the USA, you may get shot by a policeman


Gamers demanding changes saying "it's literally one line of code"

1/4 of republicans splitting the vote pretty much means a free win for dems though. Don't let the irony of this election compared to the 2016 Bernie situation slide past you lol

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A gun is a tool, right? Universal problem-solver!

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I find it particularly funny to call it X(formerly twitter) every time I have to mention it.

Also kind of love how Dubious X is as a name cause I always think it's a porn site before my brain clicks

I don't disagree with anything but I feel like GabeN said that before streaming and subscriptions took over.

Photoshop is an incredibly easy to use and powerful tool for creators - I'd be happy to drop like $200 on, for example, the 2024 version. I'm not happy to spend $10 or $30+ a month for life to use it, especially when they lock you in to a year subscription and charge you a fee if you cancel early so you literally can't just sub only the month when you need it, it's the whole year, period. I'll just pirate or use photopea or whatever.

Similar for streaming. Netflix gave us the option to pay for more screens to watch on. Now suddenly it matters whose house it's in?? All while you're constantly removing value from the platform and you cancel anything decent if the production value is too high? Fuck you man I'm not paying like $30 monthly for that.

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I wouldn't hate a non-portable steam deck, especially if they can make in-home streaming between the steam machine and the deck seamless

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I think you're missing the idea a little. Yeah its not the biggest problem, but these guys don't just suggest Linux, the people that just say they prefer it in context and to look into it are fine.

Its the high schoolers and early cs major - types who heard someone else suggest it, and now they've made it their entire personality and are physically incapable of refraining from going off about how much better Linux is than windows, while not particularly understanding what they're even doing.

Example: When I started my programming degree there was one high school kid taking the courses, ANY time someone had an error with their IDE he would go off about how Linux doesn't have any issues.

And then when the group went to go play games together, he'd attach himself to the party and spend like 20+ minutes crying about how the game didn't run well cause devs only dev for windows while he struggled with his wine setup.

Everyone always says balatro and i finally got it on sale and now i can't stop

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Its stack, it doesn't matter what the question is, the answer is "fuck you for asking"

There is a very incredibly stark contrast between telling a story on a page and actually saying "we should hurt people"

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Are there really that many games running at 60? I swear i play most of mine at 30 on my deck and they look perfectly fine, smaller screen helps with a lot of that imo

I'm no financial analyst and im no good at all of the legal jargon, but aren't the notes below this chart explaining they changed how they calculate this right around may 2020?

Like I said, I'm illiterate when it comes to the technical side of this stuff, so I just googled and from what I'm gathering from this article below, the fed changed the rules for what defines a savings account so they're almost the same as checking, and that caused them both to get reported in M1 and that's the majority of that surge of cash.

Feel free to correct me with better evidence, like I said again, I'm just trying to understand the legal wording here:

Idc if it's an unpopular opinion, complaining about ai voices in games is one of the stupidest things I've ever in my life heard people get upset about.

You DONT want game characters to be able to intelligently respond to events in game and the things you do? What??

This conversation should be purely concentrated around how they compensate the actors for using their voice as an AI training tool.

You originally asked if we were going to suggest banning CATR, my point is mostly these books are great examples to help people identify this language and why it should not be used. If you went into a crowded theater and started shouting there's a shooter, you'd be arrested for inciting panic. Its not censorship when the point is stopping speech from causing physical harm. Same way your right to travel isn't infringed by requiring a license to drive

I mean shifting responsibility over to social workers etc for some of their jobs rn will accomplish most of that, but yes, it's fucking insane how many war weapons they get to use on the people who literally pay for them, accountability definitely needs to be addressed as well

Honestly, this is the entire point of fines though. We need a system where fines are determined by your tax bracket or something, it shouldn't be "ahh I can do whatever I want until the fines get close to $X million" it should be an immediate "oh i fucked up"

Otherwise, fines are just the cost of doing business.

Helldivers actually has the least intrusive monetization model i've ever seen, please stfu if you haven't actually played the game. You people are damaging the industry.

Yeah there are, but you'll never be able to stop people from spreading literature, legal or not, so things like catcher and the rye, mice and men, mockingbird, with all of their controversies are great to have in schools to help our children grow into adults who can identify this stuff for what it actually is and not some deranged gospel.

But then there's also a ton of other arguments to be made about mental health and all that, when it comes to violent psychos we shouldn't get in the habit of settling with a scapegoat

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It doesn't matter what Christianity says. These piles of sub-human filth are just trying to keep America at its own throat so we focus on human rights issues instead of paying attention to the bills they actually care about.

This shit is all smoke and mirrors and at this point I don't think they're going to get the idea until the rest of us start acting real French

Its not abuse when the political opponent is a bigot using hate and violence to build a platform. For the millionth time, you are free to run out there, make an ass of yourself, and use all the slurs you want.

What you are NOT free to do, and what this entire conversation is about, is organizing and inciting people to commit a hate crime.

Its pretty interesting that these things were fine when we're talking about the civil rights movement, but as soon as there's a trans or gay person around, your rights are under attack for trying to kill somebody.

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Yeah I would need to see the "read more" here, all of these look fine but I'd never be surprised to see shit like cruise control or heated seats pop up on a paywall.

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No ea game is worth the hassle because if it isn't made into some form of pay to win lootbox shitfest, EA is likely to can the game and the developer all together. N E V E R trust ea with singleplayer.

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How does this prove your point when we established like 30 seconds ago that we are not after douche bag bigots who just use slurs?

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If you actually read the bill it verbatim says that criticism of a protected class is protected under free speech.

Small and self published devs are the way forward, capitalist corps can and will eventually optimize the fun out of every game they touch in search of profit margins.

Honestly ACAB is another badly defined slogan.

The idea was that if only 10% of cops are actually "bad" and will hurt you, if the other 90% aren't reporting them and holding them accountable, you cant trust that ANY cop is part of that 90% because choosing wrong can end your life.

But then again you can't explain all of that in one word lol

Past tense, NOW they have made themselves notorious for canning successful projects that don't make enough. They just recently did it to one of the og creators of halo

I just mentioned the other day how scary that is if a third party can crack it and just got blasted about how Microsoft wouldn't put an OS out with vulnerabilities like that lmao

I think most of this was because of the successful propaganda campaign that made every BLM protest sound like a riot when it was some tiny percentage in truth