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Joined 11 months ago

This take is pretty inaccurate. You’re basically trying to say that any criticism of right wingers is unwarranted. Nothing over the top is being expressed in these comments and trying to tell us you’re a trump hating liberal is coming off as disingenuous. Fact is that anyone who is still even considering trump as an option is either a cartoonish bond minion or a complete buffoon.

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There are levels of evil, my dude. Don’t throw the baby out with the bath water. Learn nuance. No one wants Biden but to say he is exactly McConnell is inaccurate. Biden is obviously 3 layers of hell above McConnell. Not everything is a binary and there are gray areas. If we waited around for the perfect candidate before we decided on who should run things, we would wait forever in a hell scape because that person doesn’t exist. Take what you can and strive towards making things better instead of just saying “well, everyone is some form of bad so it doesn’t matter who we have”.

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Cherry picking a comment for points you can argue and not addressing the entire thing, once again, comes off as disingenuous. You also don’t get to decide how you come off to other people. You have no control over how someone will receive your comments. Trying to argue that you don’t come off a certain way shows a complete lack of empathy and understanding. Maybe don’t make blanket statements about people in a thread chain complaining about them making blanket statements. When I got to this thread there was 1 out of 12 comments that could have been interpreted as what you originally complained about, and you are so quick to defend the trump movement that it was the obvious conclusion that you were lying about being a trump hating liberal. All the evidence needed was here already that it didn’t warrant going into your history, and now I won’t even bother because I don’t want to be subjected to bad takes and illogical arguments. Maybe you should take your own advice and try again.

Literally no one is putting Biden on a pedestal. We all know they are garbage people. That’s not news. I don’t know what you’re reading, but it’s not what I’m saying at all. Biden is a piece of shit, of course. But McConnell is a boiling pot of diarrhea infested with super Ebola. They are literally not the same level of evil. Saying so is ridiculous to a point where I can’t take anything you say seriously. It’s like saying Zuko and Iroh were the same person in the first season of Avatar: the Last Airbender. I reiterate you are missing the nuance of it all with statements like yours.

Disclaimer: I in no way want to compare those two shitholes to Zuko and Iroh in actuality, just using them as an example of two wildly different people working within the same system.

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I’ve been saying this for years. Hope you don’t get banned.

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Running Down a Dream by Tom Petty

This sounds like early puscifer. Like Vagina Mine vibes.

To be quite frank, we are beyond the time where incremental change is going to save us on so many issues, we might as well drastically raze the entire structure to the ground and rebuild anew. We shortly will not have the planet we used to because we’ve been trying this current method of polite effort. We need to be rude, aggressive, and dangerous to our opposition because they are trying to kill us. They are actively killing us. We are not winning yet and I don’t know if I have time to see us get there.