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Joined 2 months ago

It's nice when bad things happen to bad people.

Also, the fact that a group of people can help themselves to a property that is vacant for good reason and have legal protection is kinda bullshit.

If you have someone living on your property for 10 years without you knowing, that's your fault. Clearly their presence isn't that big of a deal.

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He's not a part of both sides.

Fuck everyone who voted for joe and hillary in the primaries.

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Demidenko died last Friday in pre-detention custody in Belgorod


I almost got shot in a truck stop in Elk City OK because I pointed out roads and the armed forces where socialist institutions.

I completely believe you, and it's sad these are also the people who routinely complain about censorship.

Sorry, I've already replied to you explaining basic economics.

You're the one who doesn't understand, and linking sensationalist blogs doesn't help your credibility one iota.

The rich already pay more than their fair taxes.

Yeah. Don't listen to this guy.

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and he has no clue how the economy works

That's the thing. He knows how the economy 'works', it's just that it works for the ruling class and not for everyone else.

Guess what? The only way to reduce the disparity in wealth is to reduce the disparity in wealth. This means those who have too much will get angry because they have less so others can have more.

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Covid facilitated the greatest transfer of wealth from the masses to the few in history.

They're addicted to that high and want to keep it going as long as possible.

Blame useful idiots more than anyone else.

It really boils down to this: why would you go to bat for people who have more than you? They only get more by taking in more than they put out. This is called "maximizing profit."

At every turn, the people you're defending do not say "Neuromancer pays his fair share of x." They always look for ways to get you to pay the absolute most that you are willing and able.

It does not make sense for people like you to say millionaires "pay their fair share" when they only become wealthy due to exploitation of everyone else who has to work for a living.

The fact this needs to be explained to you really shows how unaware you are of the world you live in. If you're over the age of 18 and you still haven't figured these basic facts out, that means you're being taken advantage of left and right without even realizing it.

"A fool and his money are soon parted."

Are there any records of universities cancelling graduations ceremonies and/or arresting students for their support of Israel and/or Zionism?

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It's a cult. As with most capitalist cults, you're only accepted if you spend money how they want you to.

Stockholm syndrome is a very scary condition.

Sigh. These people (musk, trump, west) are walking contradictions because they know it keeps their name in the news.

Capitalism is much efficient, so economy, and many value.

Everyday it becomes clearer the only people who believe this are useful idiots and their rulers.

You can block ads on youtube on mobile devices by using firefox in desktop mode with ublock origin.

Fuck youtube. Fuck ads. Fuck useful idiots defending either.

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So sad watching this generation get its 30s stolen from them.

Why are we defending Israel against retaliation for their own stupidity?

Israel is more important to the American government that American citizens.

It's why we still support Israel, despite it being one of the main reasons for 9/11.

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AI is just another tool of censorship and control.

To be fair, you can have an argument with anyone on just about anything on the internet.

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“Intimidation is the tactic,”

Yes, absolutely. There is a war against free speech and they're trying to make people afraid to even fight back.

Any publicity is good publicity.

These businessmen know that.

But unfortunately, it still is the best option for a modern day message board.

For small communities that don't have a significant lemmy presence? Sure, for now.

I'm never going back to a community that can remove news-related posts without a modlog. That's just asking for censorship and abuse by bad actors.

I agree.

People need to put down their crystal balls and learn to experience life for themselves.

This is why freedom of speech is important and why it's important to argue specifics instead of generalities.

It's easy to say something is "antisemitic" and get an emotional response from useful idiots. It's a lot harder to explain why something is antisemitic and get the same response if it's not actually antisemitic.

Bro, I was so confused because a supercharger is an alternative to turbo for forced induction.

Freedom isn't free.

This generation needs to learn to fight.

Oh goodie. Western companies can come in and put the populace in debt for the cleanup.

People should really think about how much money is wasted on bullshit laws.

Imagine all the advances in science we could be making, all the homes we could be building, and all the children we could be feeding.

But instead, we spend money to ensure rich people can make more money.

It's fucked.

It's the way of capitalism.

I wasn't.

I'd legit settle for us no longer being useful idiots in our social circles.

i.e. being proud to pay for things we can get for free while complaining we don't have enough money.

Apple users love having control taken away from them so I never factor them in when giving tech-related advice.

It's west virginia, so yeah.

The saddest thing is, the bad people are the ones who fight back (in their minds.)

It just makes sense.

Charge people what they're willing to pay.

At some point, we have to take the law into your own hands.

It says "Removed by mod"

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Power-tripping mods are the bane of the modern internet.