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Joined 1 years ago

this is not going to work like you want it; check out the "nazi bar" example

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on one hand, reddit gold is useless and a waste of money imo

other hand, they just keep going for making the most controversial decisions with zero thought lmao

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why is this man like this

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yeah, like OP isn't realizing that they're going to just make another Twitter

if you have it that there are no rules against shittiness and bigotry, then the worst kinds of people will decide to hang around and will drive off everyone else; you'll have a nazi bar

nah, you're right

the term always gives me images of channer culture; like it reminds me when the internet as a whole thought that 4chan and its ilk were cool and elite for being shitty for "lulz"

it needs to be retired

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It is; I've seen some Reddit users complain about how the fediverse isn't immediately easy to use and is too complicated and confusing

which is understandable, but also it feels like some of those who are complaining about it (I am stressing right now that I don't mean all of them) straight up don't want to have to learn about it; they want their content immediately and they want it as simple as pushing a button

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a lot of people back on Reddit could not give less of a shit about the issues and just want their content; they even see this as just mods powertripping again

it's kind of annoying to see that, tbh, even if I sort of get it

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why not? the thing about the Fediverse, once again, is that you get to choose who you want your instance to associate with

they temporarily don't want to associate with big instances with loose registration requirements, and it's because they're afraid that they wouldn't be able to handle any possible flows of bad actors from those instances with how small their team is and how barebones the Lemmy mod tools are currently

which sounds really reasonable to be quite honest

probably could have said the same about Google and XMMP, but look what happened

corporations exist to make money, and this includes eliminating or incorporating anything that could get in their way or make money

the fact that the Fediverse is starting to get a bit more popular is going to convince them to get in on it (and then eventually try to control as much of the market as possible) or make it irrelevant so the average person is funneled to them again

Oh, cool; more reason to use Piped and Invidious lmao

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tumblr isn't dead??

and guess who lobbies a ridiculous amount to either keep the rules the same or bias it further towards their interests

yep, corporations once again

right? it wasn't anywhere near a big deal or an insult to other instances

it's "we don't have the resources to handle any possible bad actors from big instances with loose registration requirements, so we're defederating from them until we feel that we can handle it"

the correct response to this is "oh, okay; hope they figure it out such that they can federate with us again in the future"; people are blowing this out of proportion

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fr fr

but like, why did it take him tanking Twitter for many to realize that he's just a manbaby with a diamond-encrusted platinum pacifier

like it's really weird that it wasn't clear when he called that one guy who saved those kids in that cave a pedophile because the guy told Musk that his invention wouldn't be useful for the rescue effort; like people didn't see how shitty he was after he said that

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tbf, grimes is not better

would expect both of them to be less like this if that were the case

like they point out why they're doing it in their comments, and they point out that it's not necessarily permanent too

I think people are blowing things a bit out of proportion

lmao, they can't be serious

but the thing about voting is that basically every politician is either:

  1. In the pocket of one or more corporations

  2. Literally part of a corporation (or outright owns one)

  3. A politician at who doesn't have as much power as the former two or is in the pocket of one of them

so we could vote for John StopClimateChange, and then find out that every single thing that Mr. StopClimateChange said about his crusade to stopping climate change was not at all true or was so utterly miniscule in the long run as to be meaningless

then what?

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I did not know minecoins were a thing

but in any case, I'm not saying that they're making a good decision, just that I don't see the point of reddit gold

perhaps they can do more than that, even

tbf, it's definitely a thing that is genuinely being discussed about in a non-"why can't I just say the slur" way

edit: and by "discussed" I mean people who aren't white discussing it

it's one of the biggest instances, not really surprising that bad actors are targeting it

Though, take care to factcheck what you get from it; all it really is is just a word predictor, and it can be pretty good at confidently telling you absolute nonsense that sounds right


It's insane how many people are filling in; I've been on the fediverse for about a year or so (under a different name), so it's pretty cool to see it getting popular with people

but that's not immediate and requires some work and effort (to figure out how federation works, to figure out how Lemmy works, to learn how to create an instance and to make one, to start over with an entirely new community); many on Reddit want the easiest path to get their content

which again, understandable, but still annoying to see

the thing is that we know that they will play dirty; all corporations play dirty, that's the only way they get that big

he absolutely would find friends in law enforcement; people like them often flock to jobs that allow you to exert authority by force

has it already been 12 years?!

yar har

I have absolutely no interest in dealing with people who think it’s okay for site moderators to remove any criticism of China because of “orientalism”

I'm actually of two minds on this one

to give them the benefit of the doubt, a lot of "criticism" of China often boils down to sinophobia and a lot of Western internet users do not seem to be able to tell the difference

are you LGBTQ though?

because if not, this take isn't it; there's a lot about LGBTQ communities that you're not going to understand just by being around them or being related to them

I think they're rebuking people for being hypocritical and not actually paying attention; like fascism really is the bigger danger rn, while most people in the US at least have like kneejerk negative reactions to the concept of communism

like it is not a "both sides are equally bad" thing

Do you have something like a site-blocker you can use?

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I think this would work even better if account migration is ever added later down the line; if you find out that you like a certain instance better or if you want to access an instance that your current instance blocks, you can just migrate your account over there

although it's very common for the earlier generation to blame the later generation for the world sucking (or what they percieve as "sucking"), in this case it doesn't work because not every boomer and gen-x-er is a CEO or past CEO

like they're wrong to blame the later generations for this, but that's because it's not mainly a generational thing

WE as humans are the problem.

you can count the owners of the entities that produce the most greenhouse gases within 3 digits; it's not "everybody"

fuck yes!!!!! finally!

and there it fucking is

All those defederations have their reasons and while they surely partition the “remaining fediverse” on one way or another, they actually establish the resilience to keep our shared virtual living room free of assholes, racists, fascists and other ppl we don’t actually like to read alldays in our stream…

which was like the point of federation, at least with Lemmy; it gives instance owners the choice of who to associate with