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Joined 1 years ago

They got you talking about Duolingo. That's why they changed it.

It never ceases to amaze me that some of my relatives genuinely believe that's a real thing that happens regularly.

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Stimulant medication isn't a cure, you don't have to take it every day, and it doesn't matter when you take it as long as its far enough away from when you sleep.

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Just do chest compressions only

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Anyone who has any decency or feeling of inner justice will support innocent civilians regardless of their country of origin, and will condemn terrorist acts and war crimes regardless of who commited them.

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How am I supposed to just stop using this word?? How else is the plane supposed to tell me to put thrust at idle during landing? This is ridiculous.

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I leave my deadly weapons in public bathrooms all the time and no one writes articles about me.

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It isn't supposed to be used in densely populated areas because its extremely dangerous. Even if it wasn't intentionally used as a weapon (which it very obviously was), then its still not excusable because it still causes a lot of harm to civilians.

Or he just died. Gonna throw that out there as a possibility

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Who would refuse a mysterious blue orb of personality

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She also sold her jet which I'm guessing is related. She had a dessault falcon 900lx registered as N898TS but she very recently sold it to a company in Missouri.

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The language belongs to them, not the textbooks. Why would you have the rights to a book you didn't write, that is about something you own? What were they expecting?

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Nope she has no use for it anymore. She's gonna buy a whole fucking new one because Travis Kelce is too tall for the old one.

I'm not sure why they use a subscription model instead of simply asking for donations.

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It probably gets annoying as a bystander, but I don't have a lot of opportunities to bring aviation into the rest of my life. Especially in a way that's mildly funny.

This is highly insulting. The way I check on my muffins has no relation to my distaste for the orange gentlemen.

I get our healthcare system sucks but it isn't worse than countless children dying of malaria.

Its also cringe to ignore the fact that it can be a problem. I'm not saying that's what you're doing, but I see it a lot and neither extreme is good.

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Its a common thing that farmers do. It helps them prepare the field after a harvest to use it again.

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The fact that some people start as atheists and later become religious demonstrates there has to be more reasons than just that.

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Those two men who's race is irrelevant by the way, do all of the actual work of making a textbook. I think its ok that they expect that work to be treated as their own.

This is only a big deal because it reminds people of actual injustices natives suffered at the hands of white people

Maybe they should just write their own textbook. Seriously, imagine asking someone to do the monumental task of creating a textbook on a nearly undocumented language, and then expecting them not only to provide as many copies as you want for free but also not to copyright it. Completely fucking delusional.

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Unless it is demonstrated to be genuinely dangerous, it should be sold as normal. If no one liked them, they wouldn't sell.

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The boundaries of what is considered ADHD are arbitrary. You don't have what is generally considered to be ADHD (at least according to your therapist), but that doesn't really mean anything. Brains are complicated and they don't always work how naming conventions want them to.

You are experiencing ADHD symptoms to a point where it is materially impacting your ability to live your life normally. That, at least to me, is a disorder.

Any method of managing ADHD symptoms will probably help you. Of course without a diagnosis you won't have access to ADHD medication, although its very possible that wouldn't be the solution you're looking for in the first place.

Here's an alternative title that's a little more positive: "I don't have diagnosed ADHD, science simply hasn't caught up to my brain yet."

I understand hating Putin but he's not behind literally every bad thing that happens in Russia.

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Yeah its just you. I like to judge people based on their actions instead of their race and name.

Countless incorrect things were announced. Everyone was collectively panicking. That's odd, but it doesn't necessarily mean anything considering the building was already visibly damaged.

In my state they got a graphic novel of the book of genesis banned from school libraries. They really are stupid

To be fair, they would've said that regardless. Its standard corporate speak.

I would also recommend getting a textbook and using a flash card program like anki to memorize words. Apps like that have an incentive to keep you from ever getting good enough at the language that you might stop using the app. They can be a good tool but they won't get you where you want to be on their own, especially not in a time efficient manner.

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I don't think the surface level observations of someone who has no clue what they're talking about overrides actual evidence.

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Love. This. Comment.

It will essentially fill that need for them outside of anything Musk does short of rendering the service unavailable.

That honestly wouldn't surprise me at this point. I can't imagine advertisers are very happy about his terrible leadership. If he makes a few more blunders I think things could go south pretty fast. Especially with threads being a potential alternative that has a lower barrier to entry than something like mastodon, it would be a smoother transition than it would be otherwise.

Maybe its just wishful thinking, but I do think the death of twitter is a possibility.

This is clearly satire, although I partially say that because I don't want to think of the alternative.

The only crash I know of thats similar to what they're talking about happened in an airbus plane, and during landing not takeoff. The pilots tried to pull up on their side sticks to avoid crashing, but the plane ignored the input because it would have overcorrected and caused the plane to stall. As a result they crashed onto the runway.

That isn't to say Boeing doesn't have a history with such things. Look into United Airlines 811 in 1989. Improper design caused a massive chunk of the fuselage to be ripped out in flight, throwing 9 people into the ocean and causing a rapid decompression. Initial investigations said the cause was human error, but the family of one of the victims researched it themselves and found out that wasn't the case.

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Irrelevant to what? Their race is relevant to some things and not others. The race of those two men is not relevant to this specific situation. If they did something wrong, it wouldn't suddenly be right if they were a different race, and vice versa.

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I was under the impression he had a lot of control over spacex but less so over Tesla. Two google searches may not be the most thorough of research, but I don't really want to devote more of my time to him.

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I'm tired of seeing this every time I open Lemmy so I'm unfortunately gonna block you

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Its not particularly dangerous when compared to alcohol, but its definitely not harmless. It isn't addictive in the sense that it causes a chemical dependency, but its very easy to over rely on because its simply a cheap easy way to feel good. There was a period in my life where I would say I was addicted to it. Any other pleasure in my life wasn't relevant unless I was combining it with marijuana, and despite what I believed at the time it didn't make me creative or productive. I was a walking stereotype of a lazy stoner. I only quit because I was forced to after losing my job for a surprisingly unrelated reason. I felt like garbage for days on end after stopping and only then did I realize it was a problem. At this point I have a much healthier relationship with the drug, I usually only partake in social situations with some rare exceptions. How bad the drug is really just depends on who's using it and how they're using it.

T-mobile apps are almost the entire reason I rooted my phone

It might belong there depending on what they mean by easy. Its pretty vague