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Joined 1 years ago

there is for sure a lot of snarky students who believe they are too clever, but it does happen. There are tons of awful teachers out there. I had a science teacher who refused to acknowledge that heat and temperature were no the same

that's the structure of a bluray disk. It includes all that the player needs to play it (e.g. menus, chapters, etc). The STREAM folder contains the actual video, probably in a .m2ts file (you can convert it to mkv using ffmpeg or similar tools)

they were just fined with 1.8B because of their anti steering practices. so clearly they don’t always comply

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I love how every thread or post about printers ends up in people just recommending a Brother. I really hope they keep going doing what they are doing.

I just blocked my bridge from accessing the internet. hopefully that will prevent any sneaky update from messing with my local access

This ban also legitimises the idea that supporting Palestine is equal to supporting terrorism or antisemitism, which also can increase hate crimes against them (and Arab people in general)

this is exclusively about protecting the meat & dairy industry. nothing more.

If someone is putting civilians between you and them and you still shoot, you are not better than them.

the issue is that Hue devices can actually be used offline without issues. They are changing that retroactively for users.

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I would say that stop voting a**holes is even better (and the best thing is, you can do both!)

iMessages is like a footnote here. I was surprised it was even considered.

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copyright has become a tool of oppression. Individual author's copyright is constantly being violated with little resources for them to fight while big tech abuses others work and big media uses theirs to the point of it being censorship.

Linux. I think I started playing with it around 2001. I was a computer nerd on high school and I wanted to be a hacker. I would be lying if I said that The Matrix wasn't a big factor. To this day I use black console with green text.

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middle class is now "the richest 10%"? not sure they know what "middle" means

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lottery winner tries to convince people to spend all their savings in lottery tickets: “It worked for me and it can work for you too”

wait... you are not being sarcastic?

their veto to recognize them at the UN was also a pretty big clue.

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this "but the working class need to move around" tend to also be the first that complain when a bike or bus lane are made.

what they put in their gitlab is besides the point. The issue here is they are forbidding other people from redistributing the sources they got from Red Hat, which is allowed by the GPL. They know they cannot legally stop people from doing so, so instead they have decided they will terminate contracts with those people.

In the view of many, this is "imposing further restrictions", and thus breaking the GPL.

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even if you need your truck for work reasons, you should not be taking it into a dense urban area like Hamburg or London (where this group also operates.)

their parents also work harvesting cocoa. The reason they are poor despite being working a lot is that they are not paid enough for their work.... by Mars (or Nestle, Mondelez, etc)

I am quite surprised to see how many people think that is is OK to pollute, hoard public space and make cities worst just because you had money to buy a SUV

Unfortunately most western states have completely ignored for years the atrocities committed against the people in Palestine. Not allowing these kinds of protests also prevents people in those countries from voicing their rejection of their governments position, making it more difficult for those governments to change their postures.

Putting pressure on Israel's allies is for most people the only way they have to support Palestinians

this guy is 100% committed to give nazis a platform, right?

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if you bought the gold watch and now you feel cheated, you totally deserve it.

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they mostly target SUVs. Also people of higher income are way more likely to have SUVs and use them more often.

I prefer HDMI because it’s simple and it just works.

I disagree with this. if you use an older HDMI cable features introduced in newer HDMI versions might not work. DP cables work in any version.

Apple quickly pivoted it to a health tracking device. newer model have even medical grade ECG, blood oxygen level, fall and crash detection, etc. plus the usual activity tracking (steps, calories, workouts)

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because most news outlets just call it “The EU” or “the EU parliament” without specifying that tje EU has many institutions and political parties, which push their own agendas.

if you replaced every instance of both “republicans” and “democrats” with “the US government” you would get the same kind of impression.

Bouldy believes in you!

Jason Snell made a good overview of what the suit focuses on. I think it makes the case easier to understand

so, like SO?

I lived in Barcelona for a decade. recently I moved to small town (also in the Mediterranean cost). I agree with the sentiment. I am not fully onboard with the "tourists go home" feeling, but I do get where it comes from. After a while it does become annoying seeing people using the place you live as a party location. A group of people come, get a cheap airbnb and buy a lot of alcohol in some supermarket. They don't bring any value to the city.

In my current town it is not so much the British, but German and Benelux people. It is frustrating not being able to go to a supermarket to get food because the place is crowded by people who got a cheap bungalow somewhere in a camping location.

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unfortunately some local governments are already pushing back to its continued reintroduction. Some have even said that now that it's has been declassified as endangered "there is no need for further reintroduction efforts".

while you might be right some things are more important. why is your comment not directed to people actively blocking these changes? why not just agree to them and move on with these “more important things”. the PR was submitted. the effort had been done already. blocking it is an statement on its own.

If you own a SUV and you know there is a risk of your tires being deflated by taking it to the city center (or if it has happened to you already), you will probably avoid it.

people also seems to forget that even meat eaters should not eat it on a daily basis. I'm vegetarian and I enjoy plant-based meat replacements a lot, but I still only eat them once per week, tops.

Do you realize these groups operates on places where SUVs are not required at all? no one is deflating tires in Texas. They operate in dense urban european areas which all have great public transport.

What’s stopping AI companies from paying royalties to artists they ripped off?

profit. AI is not even a profitable business now. They exist because of the huge amount of investment being poured into it. If they have to pay their fair share they would not exist as a business.

what OpenAI says is actually true. The issue IMHO is the idea that we should give them a pass to do it.

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I think the point is not their viability as a business but their relevance in the industry.