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Joined 1 years ago

I like your golem magic, personally!

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Tangentially related, but I've been feeling like perhaps we've been jumping the gun with Lemmy and Kbin...

Maybe it would have made more sense, at least from an interoperability statepoint, to make an activitypub User protocol that can be selfhosted easily. So instead of making a new account for each Lemmy or Kbin instance someone has, you can instead connect your activitypub account to it.

Additionally as I know hosting has been an increasing problem around here, perhaps it would have been better to make instances single focused message boards ( i.e. just political humor, just animemes, just 196 etc.) So that the instance host can more easily manage moderation and hosting costs without ballooning things they might not necessarily care about to also be hosted by them.

This is just idle musings though, I'm not sure of how the community would be receptive to such thoughts.

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The epic of Gilgamesh was written in Akkadian like 2000bc. Old English would be more like Beowulf.

The more that climate change continues we will see more and more extremes of weather. So cold places might get colder and hot places hotter, as well as more extreme/frequent storms. It's not a super great time for the environment

Wait, their thing is alien volcano ghosts?

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Bit flips occur when a posse of electrons loses an intimidation check to the sun.

I find this hilarious.

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Because Nazis spread like cancer, if you don't shut them off and quarantine them you'll have those t_d users starting to interact with other non-nazi communities and harass others

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Just to be pedantic, iso 8601 stipulates that the delimiting character is a "-" not a "."

I admire your conviction

Lines of separation are bad? I like adding a few empty lines to denote a different logical section so it's easier for me to read back later :c

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I got some seeds from a nice person on r/guerrillagardening, they were showy milkweeds!

If you want to use python, you could try Flet. I've been using it for some projects at work and it's dead simple to create an acceptable UI and the docs are very easy to read through with frequent examples. In July they added support for Android and iOS via progressive web apps, I haven't tried it out yet, but it seems interesting so I might start a project in it soon...

I've been having fun with it, if that's worth anything!

Otherwise, depending on your phone I'd just do native code with Kotlin + jetpack compose for Android or Swift + swiftUI for Apple. I always greatly preferred android development in school but once jetpack compose and swiftUI came out I find them both to be about the same level of enjoyment.

All three of those options are all declarative (describe how you want it to look in code) and I find it much easier to deal with than iOS storyboards or Android xmls.

If beehaw's post on their user demographics from earlier today is a valid representation of the fediverse as a whole, then 50% sounds about right!

I, however, am obviously a small tree and have no need for glasses

God, just remembering the scene in spec ops makes me want to cry. It's wholly inhuman to use white phosphorus

Earlier today the Sync for Reddit app developer held a poll and decided that they would make Sync for Lemmy, presumably with the same general layout and design as Sync for Reddit.

I'd I unironically say that philosophy and logic classes are extremely helpful for programming.

I've set up some godforsaken combination of docker, podman, nerdctl and bare metal at work for stuff I needed since they hired me. Every day I'm in constant dread something I made will go down, because I don't have enough time to figure out how I was supposed to do it right T.T

Considering the duplication of content across instances and how other instances can interact with any particular magazine's content, it might make the most sense for every magazine to have its own content license in it's sidebar and posting/commenting to that magazine is enforced under the magazine's license

It's easily anticheat for me; I'd still like to play genshin or paladins but their anticheat either makes it very difficult/risky (bans) or just impossible

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Years? Fine I'll index it myself, with blackjack and hookers!

I imagine he makes children cry then steals their tears and acts like they were always his

I've been using Garuda (arch derivative) for my home and work PC. It works how I want it to, I like that it has BTRFS as default for the file system, and the AUR is such an amazing resource I miss it whenever I use a different distro.

I have a production server that's using Alma at the moment, but with the RHEL news I'm thinking of switching it over to something else, but I'm not sure what yet. I've been using Ubuntu server for some test servers/projects and I like it better than Alma but it still hasn't given me that "wow" factor I feel with Arch so I'm not sure what I'm going to do there...

In what way, if I may ask?

I use it for home and work! I quite like it though I miss latte dock still, dragging windows from the top bar was just so useful for me

Wow that's pretty vicious, I'm proud(?) of Oracle (that feels wrong to say)

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Skin cancer is when the sun convinces a cell to go with their totallynotapyramidscheme MLM; the cell, in turn, convinces other cells to join their pyram- I mean MLM.

Regression is when the MLM slips up and the cell police finally have enough evidence to take it down for the pyramid scheme that it is.

Level 5, I still go back to play dark cloud 1 and 2 every couple years. Now if they'd just make the third one I stead of another professor Layton or yokai watch that'd be great!

Really, Valve pushing proton and making the steam deck OS an arch derivative have vastly pushed the stability of Linux gaming and I can't thank them enough for it

Maybe we could all raid niconico?

Why no reverse proxy?

Bethesda was only the publisher for Doom, Id software were the developers.

Suddenly enamored with the newly gay unicorn the black horsey starts a Romeo and Juliet subplot with the unicorn

Great, I've got an alma ec2 instance with like 5 different services at work, I wanted to avoid changing it for at least a while =/

Though I'm religious, I'm very against the church as an anarchist (but I digress); though the idea that science and medicine can push forward much quicker with immortality I know it will just further divide the social classes and make the demagogues into demigods.

There's no chance that immortality would be distributed fairly amongst everyone, those that can pay its price will take it and the rest will be left to rot. Old money will become immortal money and further consecrate it's power while using the rest as fodder.

I know it will do good, but I can't imagine that good outweighing the bad.

I'm game, does it work with though? I need it for work

You could try editing all the posts/comments instead - even possibly doing it a few times. I doubt whatever intern they got to start undeleting user data is going to be very thorough and won't look through several edits

You could try blacksmithing, people will pay well for a finely made knife. If you like horses and don't mind how scary they are you could get into farriering with the horseshoes you make. But then we're talking more of a job than a hobby.

Isn't Llama selfhostable?

I watched my grandfather die last night after months of him battling ALS. I've already accepted his death years ago and I know he's at peace now so it's okay.

But the fact I can't explain to my dog that she should stop looking for him and waiting for him to walk through the door tears me up inside.

I'd argue against the example image being damning in the first place because it's fairly obvious they're both derived from the Cheshire Cat from Alice in Wonderland, which is well passed the point of being public domain

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