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Joined 12 months ago

What does shaking your ass at a private party have to do with your academics? This is the dumbest situation. This poor girl.

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It’s disgusting cops are victim blaming a literal 6th grader for being preyed on, but not at all surprising unfortunately.

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For fucks sake. I hope her family calls the ACLU.

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“Do we have any pineapple at home?” is our safe word for social situations when one of us needs a reason to leave a situation or change the conversation because they’re uncomfortable. I detest pineapple.

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The worst typo I ever made was texting my friend who is a Black woman that she needed a bigger TV. Unfortunately the b & n are right next to each other on the keyboard and I wrote one of the most offensive words ever. Even though it was an innocent mistake, I apologized profusely to her.

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People talking about wanting to lose weight or dieting. It’s one thing to say “I’m going to skip dessert because I’m watching what I eat” but more often than not, it turns into this dark, self hating thing, e.g. “I gained so much weight over the holidays, I can’t believe I’m up to X lbs, I look so ugly.” Women especially seem to bond over these conversations and it makes me really uncomfortable and sad to be honest.

I’m also a millennial with a similar experience in my first job in 2004 or 2005, except instead of racial jokes, it was jokes about boobs, sexist rumors about another coworker moonlighting as a stripper, unwanted touching, etc, and when I reported it, I was told to “grow up” by my supervisor.

It appears to be a public high school.

Social worker is pretty high on the list. Most are overworked, underpaid and treated poorly by their management, their clients, or both.

But he mentors other actors! And he doesn’t take drugs!

I really don’t know what either of them were thinking. Rapists don’t need leniency, especially in this situation.

I would go home sick for the day and take a nap, then show up for the interview well-rested. Caffeine will make you feel more alert for a short while, but it won’t really help your brain.

I don’t really know enough to have an informed opinion, but the first thing that came to mind is the news articles I’ve seen that Uttar Pradesh is very unfriendly towards women. There is an article that just got posted in the news community today that is pretty horrifying.

What in the actual fuck? Calling this deeply disturbing would be an understatement. Time to unsubscribe from news for a little while so my soul can heal.

I have the most embarrassing quirk when I drink. I get super emotional and start giving out hugs to people I would never hug sober.

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You want a functional resume, which focuses more on skills rather than work history. I know a CV isn’t the exact same thing as a resume, but it’s similar enough that if you searched “functional resume examples” you would have a good starting point. You can always include skills that you obtained through education/hobbies/volunteer activities too.

I don’t have any direct experience, but I wanted to say I’m so sorry for your loss and however you decide to work through your grief (individual vs group counseling, books, etc) remember healing takes quite a bit of time and effort, and it’s not linear. You will make progress and then one day you may feel like it’s day one. That’s normal. You just have to keep at it. Best of luck.

Everyone involved should go to prison for a very long time. I know fentanyl dealers probably aren’t concerned with human life in the first place, but operating a daycare as a front is beyond fucked up.

Their punishment is unbelievable. They didn’t tag a fence, they shot an 8 year old.

I fell off a walking path into a bunch of massive rocks Wile E Coyote style five minutes into sight seeing with my brother who I hadn’t seen in 10 years. I managed to hobble away with only a grade three sprain and some horrible bruising. It’s healed now but perpetually stiff. My new normal is walking down stairs like a 95 year old.

That story made me sick. The criminal justice system in the US is unimaginably cruel and fucked up.

This is correct. I’m sure the woman has moved on at this point but she definitely remembers. A simple “sorry, ghosting you wasn’t right” will go a long way.

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OP refers to her as “she” in another comment.

I don’t think that definition is widely accepted. I think most people generally believe racism is characterized by or showing prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism against a person or people on the basis of their membership in a particular racial or ethnic group, typically one that is a minority or marginalized.

If you are white and call yourself white, most people would not consider that a racist statement.

Having an ad-free Pinterest-esque option sounds like a dream. I stopped using it a while ago because of all the obnoxious ads.

Never mind the issues with dehydration, I could not be alone with my thoughts for that long.

I keep it the same year round, about 71F during the day and 68F at night.

Cognitive dissonance. People see themselves as rational and intelligent and anything that counters that is very difficult to accept, so they double down.

A few days ago. It was my dog’s 14th birthday. She passed away in May though.

Broad City is one of my favorite female led comedies! In general, I think Tina Fey and Amy Poehler make comedy that fits the bill. I also enjoyed Crazy Ex Girlfriend.

We sold our rural starter home in Dec 2020 and made a decent profit, which we used to move back to the city in June 2021. We definitely overpaid on the purchase price (not a lot of choices in our housing market), but our rate is good and the payment is doable, so I think it was a good decision.

Apparently I’m disgusting because I only brush and floss at night. I wish I was the sort of person who brushed after every meal but I just can’t be bothered. I haven’t had a cavity in years though, so I guess it works for me.

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Patton Oswalt and Michelle Buteau. Kind of an odd pairing considering their comedy is very different, but they both make me regularly wheeze laugh.

I am kind of dreading this week. Last week while on vacation, I rolled my ankle and fell onto a bunch of rocks. My ankle is sprained and my whole leg is bruised and swollen. I do not want to be at work today, but I don’t have a lot of sick leave so I’m trying to push through. I have so many things I need to take care of but it hurts to do almost everything.

Burgerville is sooooo good.

I guess I should clarify I start offering hugs to people. I would never just wrap my arms around someone unless I knew it was ok.

We do the same three taps on the shoulder or hand squeezes for “I love you” too. Hon, is that you?

Definitely do it in person and take the approach of “I was offered $17.50 initially and I have show I am reliable/hardworking over the last 4 months, and I would like to earn $X now” rather than “it’s not fair I was told this rate but got paid less”. Specific examples to show your value are helpful, use a friendly but firm approach, but recognize usually employers have complete discretion in wages unless you are part of union or have a contract so there’s a chance they will say no.

Another option is to use those 4 months of experience to get a new warehouse job with better pay. People tend to earn more job hopping than waiting for raises.

I’m not sure of the first song, but the first music I ever bought myself was II by Boyz II Men.

Most of David Sedaris’s books could fit the bill. His books are usually a collection of short stories with an overarching theme and are funny and easy to follow.

I’ve only ever flown on Southwest, which is basically the Greyhound bus of the sky.

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