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Joined 1 years ago

I cannot help it. I cannot change
I'm a runaway train

This whole story is disgusting and damn near McCarthy-esque in replacing "Communist" with "anti-semite". The Michigan AG, Jake Tapper and Dana Bash should be collectively shamed and ashamed of themselves for continuing to propagate this smear campaign. Rashida should sue CNN for slander

Walz singlehandedly unified the Dems in a day with AOC and that scum ass Manchin endorsing him. That's fucking crazy

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This high heeled tough guy wannabe is the living embodiment of poor and spiteful decision making. Nothing he does helps anybody. It's fascinating really. Everyday I wake up I count my blessings I escaped that shit hole state

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Praying that this somehow glitches him back to the one politician I was actually hyped for back whan

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Finally someone with the fucking stones to call this fascistic slow crawl out for what it is, we can still stop this. If I'm a single issue voter who's only concern is not wanting to "live" under the yolk of a tyrannical monarch (me, but not single issue), then this has my attention. The clock is ticking, I hate it too.

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Here we go again and again on this repeat episode of Hold Your Nose And Vote For Joe Where as Joe is enacting and upholding protections for the LGBTQ community, Trump is only too happy to repeal that shit so fast. Not only that, but big boi Trump also has alluded to glassing Iran, which is way further than Biden has escalated towards. Biden is sadly, our current cold comfort here. We're stuck between a rock and a slightly more malleable corrupt WW3 causing dipshit rock

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The Tim Walz VP get was such a W. Kamala's campaign was already blazing hot, adding Coach Walz is genius level 5d chess. Trump and Vance have nothing, right wing media "talent" are filling their diapers.. it's glorious

Ericka, this is what we call a fuck around and find out situation. Dolly Parton is an international treasure; her consistency of standing on principles regarding inclusivity and her open-minded mentality has always been there. "9 To 5" has to be the most popular pro-union song ever made! Cry mad about it more

Read the room Hill-dawg: no one likes you or is buying this horribly designed shit. You are the reason the United States is at 50/50 odds of going full fascism because you bet on yourself. Bad bet. Go away now

First Taylor Swift, now the Foo Fighters?!?! Damn Donald, wanna piss off Dolly Parton fans next?

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"Texas will not allow Joe Biden to rewrite Title IX at whim, destroying legal protections for women.."

Ohoho. Oh yeah. That quote coming from this woman's rights denying Texas shit bag is RICH

My amazing wife is normie/10, she watches usually TikTok cooking recipes or makeup videos. I'm trash man husbae, so I'm on Lemmy here with you

Damn, rare W from Erdogan here

Puff Daddy?!?!? Ew GROSS! One more piece of bile for the cesspool that is twitter

Imo, this is the coolest thing Green Day has done since "Nimrod"

"Conservatives freaking out that a popular pop punk band aren't actually right wing psychopaths?! News at 11"

This is the guy whose very own Lieutenant Gov Dan Patrick suggested during the peak of Covid that the elderly should unretire and get back to work!, sacrificing themselves for.. the economy. Seriously, that's not a joke, that actually happened. Both Abbott and Patrick are likely technically of "elder" age. Mother Nature clearly demands vengeance by way of Texan blood, even if it's the blood of hate filled shit-donuts like these two. We can round Cruz's age to elderly too, because fuck it

Honestly more like "Red White and CUCKED". Conservatives hate you. Donald Trump hates you. Kid Fucking Rock hates you. This self flagellation is pathetic, take the blinders off. The right wing is not a safe space for LGBTQ and it never will be

Us poors (the dumb ones, because education will be forever castrated) will clap for the billionaires and lay our thrift store hand-me-down jackets over the curb so they can cross a puddle in the street lest they get a drop of water on their 100k elephant skin boots. It's coming to a head

Hell yeah JD!!! That's my boy! Keep giving us this motivational locker room talk, you're the gift that keeps on giving! Keep cooking (yourself) King. You're kinda mainlining the LGBTQ stuff to the point that it's stale, maybe alienate some minorities next go round, that'd be SICK

JD Vance is not affiliated with any semblance of objective truth and reality. Most of us have Internet access buddy, you can't gaslight this kinda stuff away

And of course he used his full fucking name on a porn site. That's so dense that it has to be true. What an idiot 🀣 He's so cooked

His motorcade went by my work on the way to this implosion. People were outside flicking them off. Unironically based and patriot-pilled πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ

I share your sentiment, believe me I do, but no one gave a single fuck when the IDF destroyed the AP building in Gaza a couple years ago. Disgusting and atrocious, but the mainstream media was crickets

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I likely disagree with DeWine on 99% of his political views, but if I recall correctly he was the single Republican gov that took Covid seriously per his medical experience. Also DeWine spent some time in Haiti and is very compassionate towards the immigrants that have migrated to Ohio, so he's not a total MAGA scumbag.

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I can't believe we exist in such a bastardized backwards timeline where someone like Donald Trump can be lording over us again. If not for my wife I'd be taking my retail related boxcutter to my throat

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Way too little, way too late. Medhi cut her up so surgically I don't even know if she's gonna have the stones to resurface four years from now. Hopefully being a Russian asset pays well, Shill is done

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No wonder JD wants to make porn illegal. I'm almost with him if it means me not getting Rickrolled with a gif of him fucking a loveseat

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The exhausting 24hr news cycle must've deleted this from my brain to make more room for storage. Of course they went after Dolly, there is no shame and there is no low too low for these traitorous scumbags

I'm a Floridian from birth, thankfully living in blue AF Chicago nowadays and my heart breaks for these kids. New College was a proud bastion of free-thinking opposition to the right wing tide that Florida has calcified into. This is the party of "small government" - fuck you Ron DeSantis ya 5'4 (BOOT HEEL BUFF patch nerfed ) insecure charisma void

Sad, but I ain't mad. This is the bed that "Elon" made for Reddit

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Insert oh no! Anyway meme

Who could have possibly foreseen this, another right wing grifter getting caught being an immoral piece of shit. What a shocker. It's everyday with these clowns. It's so obvious and tiresome

Boebert's divorced now too???

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NBC late as hell with this Trader Joe's news. Source: ME! (I work there). We've had these recall notices on the registers for like two months

I don't know how this hasn't been the focal point all along. This dude is an American citizen that happens to be the President's son. Sure he's made mistakes, but fuck so have I and everyone else. Furthermore he's not a politician and he's not running for office. This is a pattern with the right in positions of power from a historical perspective unfortunately; Rush Limbaugh going after Chelsea Clinton for being "dog ugly" when she was a 14 year old child, many such cases. Right wing rhetoric is unintelligent, hateful bullshit. This is nothing new

Jessie Weirders being totally quirky at work y'all, mad lad/10

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Aww damnit Jimmy.. would that all who took the Oath of Office had your kind soul

As if I needed another reason to hate the Kansas City Chiefs

I am a proud leftist. I am also a football fan. I am also drunk. That said; fuck Travis Kelce as well as that turd man Patrick Mahomes. Ceasefire in Gaza now as well for the synapses in my brain on that WW3 timing

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Middle aged man baby with a lovely wife with aspirations of having a child here reporting in. Not having read any comments.. this hits hard and goddamn you OP πŸ˜–