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Joined 1 years ago

Got a "disable your adblocker" popup on that article. The third bullet point in the article is about reducing annoyances like ads. Ridiculous.

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In programmer lingo we'll sometimes shorten words with the number of letters in between:

i18n (internationalization) and L10n (localization). I just learned of g11n (globalization), too.

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The Arch wiki really is amazing. It's also still very useful for Linux stuff in general. The qemu page has come in handy more than a dozen times.

You didn't think the law was for you/us, did you?

Probably through licensing agreements with PC retailers.

But you can also just decide not to buy them.

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That privacy-protecting screenshot detection "feature" sounds like DRM. Android will likely prevent screenshots on websites and content that requests it.

(android can already tell if you take a screenshot...)

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Basically, yeah. I mean: Linux.

Blender. Gimp.

Countless others

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I use the saying quite often: "You can buy something nice, or you can buy something cheap and then something nice."

Full disk encryption.

No...please do not do this.

The voltages of the output ports are probably not all exactly the same and you could end up damaging the device (or worse, starting a fire). They MIGHT have reverse current protection on them, but I've seen some pretty sketchy power banks.

You can't just wire them in parallel. USB has communication pins that help boost circuits in the battery change voltages levels. Even if it all works, you're going to get extremely poor charge times.

I don't believe it's out of the realm of EE to design something that allows you to plug in multiple power banks though, but I've never seen any

Two player retro JRPG (a la Chrono Trigger, etc) where each player can play independently in the same world, but the story lines intersect and must work together in many parts of the story. Would work great if the story filled in gaps when you replayed as the other player.

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Do you absolutely know they're storing those qualities individually? It's perfectly plausible that they do on the fly transcoding.

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Sooo steam engines ride on water?

may I ask what you get from it over regular stuff? Is it the content itself or is it the idea that it’s a regular person? Or a bit of both

Why would you feel bad about paying a "regular person" for their work?

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My last projector came with a low power android TV stick. I thought that was pretty cool, even knowing that I'd never use it. That means the smart TV features are there for the people that want them and can literally be thrown in the garbage for those that don't.

I've used the 8BItDo Pro 2 with the SD and love it very much.

Classic Atlas shrugging moment.

No. Not because of overpopulation, but because the central bank is devaluing the currency. That transfers wealth from all of us and gives it to TPTB.

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You could train a LLM using only your own art, and then generate art that is based solely on your own. Do you not own that AI generated art?

That sounds much more reasonable. Thanks for the details.

Sounds eerily similar to taxes.

simultaneous two-player jrpg where each of us plays our own character following our own story-line but our story lines intertwine throughout the game. either of us can jump in, play our story, grind, etc, and sometimes we can't progress without the other person. sometimes we have to team up to defeat bosses, etc. but ultimately it's a single world and requires both of us to play to beat the game. once beaten, we can replay as the other character to experience the game anew

Ferret! Just play and have fun 24/7.

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Can I flash custom firmware to the fpga to have a little fpga tinkering machine with screen? Is the gameboy fpga core open source?

Avoid as much sucrose as possible. It is the #1 cause of tooth decay.

Citation needed. I think we'd be fine.

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Sooo, an open source Cronometer.

.. which is a really good app btw. Been using it for 10 years.

Fast. Seriously. Drink just enough water to stay hydrated. Avoid diuretics like coffee and alcohol.

Even in the trade myself for 30 years, I have nfc. Probably not Engineer (by itself) though.

Paid fear mongering. You go to (or any other instance) and sign up. Done. It's not difficult at all. It's rich assholes trying to keep you on reddit.

It shows only content from the instance you're logged in on.

Is there an IME equivalent on AMD cpus?

It's going to be terribly difficult to run two different apps on mobile app stores. If Telegram gives access to the UK government to backdoor eavesdrop then that essentially means its available in the entire app. Any app that does this means I'm not using it.

Pleased to meet you, fellow wallwatcher.

Yeah. I've unsubscribed and asked youtube to "not recommend this channel". I told myself I'll check in in about 3 months to see if they've become a better business, but I have low expectations. Their reputation might be eternally ruined.

Right, my bad.

Umm, it's just a keycap. You can map the key to whatever you want.

Would both people always have to be playing at the same time? Or would it be possible for one person to play and progress while the other person isn’t playing?

I think you could go either way. If you want to be able to play without the other person also playing, you'd need a server or someone/something hosting the "game" where you connect in. If you were really clever as a programmer, you may be able to sync actions after both people are online without having a server, but that would be a challenge.

The other option is something like couch multiplayer, where you're both playing on the same device. If one person isn't there to move around, then no biggie.

I think the idea of an open world RPG with more than one player, not necessarily competitive or coop, but each with their own quests and motives, is interesting. I’m often hanging out in discord with friends, and we’re all just chatting while playing different games. We might as well be playing in the same world, and occasionally influence each other.

Me too! One thing I'm looking at trying out soon is the multiplayer mod to Elden Ring. It's enables a mechanic that's very similar to this goal, but not entirely.

In an open world where just a few people are playing their own game, together, you could have very fun friend interactions like trading and helping with quests or missions.

You’d have to somehow make it clear to the players that the goal is not to party up and just walk around doing everyone’s quests together, though. Ooo what if it was the world of the last airbender, and each person started as a different bender in a different part of the world? And maybe one person is secretly the avatar, but they don’t know until they’ve progressed. Ok, I’ll stop intruding on your idea lol.

Right -- I imagine when you both start the game you both get a very different intro, and are clearly starting in different parts of the world. I don't know much Airbender lore, but that sounds like a great theme for a game like this.

One feature I'd like to see is the two players' stories intertwine in such a way that you absolutely do have to help/meet to beat the game. Like, one player is arrested in jail and the other has to help them break out, because the one in jail is the one that can get the one not in jail access to the dungeon/castle/area that he wants to go to. Ultimately, I think it'd be important to kill the final boss/end the game together.

How does that Google cloud proxy server work?

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I'm not the smartest rat in the pack! Oh well!