4 Post – 60 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

But I was told that closed-source is more secure, surely nobody lied when they said that

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This is not the Katamari Damacy people, it's the people who ported Katamari Damacy Reroll.

Most tragically of all, Ogre doesn't know that this matches, or even eclipses, Joyce's own understanding.

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I dream of jobs that exist in a non-scarcity post-economic society, because those are wholly voluntary and fulfilling jobs that benefit the worker and society. And because I want to be in Starfleet and rail Orion broads on Risa.

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I'm a liberal, I can field this one. The form of protest I find acceptable is destruction of government and corporate property, but not working-class peoples' houses and mom-and-pop businesses. Is it really so much to ask to have rioting confined to productive activities, such as trashing city hall, looting Amazon DCs, destroying private jets and yachts, assaulting corrupt politicians, tarring and feathering billionaires, and burning down police stations? The establishment has successfully recuperated progressive protest by tricking people into associating it with low-level domestic terrorism, "we get what we want or maybe your houses burn down"; what we should be doing is repeatedly yanking the choke chain on the state and the 1% so hard their eyes pop out.

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I hit a nonhuman biologic with my car once and it didn't even flinch, but possums are resilient creatures.

Sucks that this even needs to be said.

In real life, this often tends to be

for bisexuals and a borderline Klan rally against trans people. LGBTQ has an issue with weirdos who want to remove one or all of the other letters, especially the B and the T.

  1. Join a Discord server
  2. It's full of pedophiles

And you're surprised...?

we have plenty of cheap protein which has grown from the earth since the dawn of time

It seems like people are willing to go to ANY length to avoid eating beans and nuts.

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"I chose to view content from all federated instances and now I'm seeing content from all federated instances. How can this be happening to me???"

Because it sucks and the 3.5mm jack is better. Manufacturers should be forced to include it or pay a punitive fee calculated to far outweigh the savings of not including the jack, perhaps $5,000 per individual unit manufactured.

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This article fails to address the most critical issue with cosmic sex: zero-G fluid proliferation. They might need to institute a rule against squirters, and just imagine the cabin after scat play in space.

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The only take you need is to take your meds

Yeah or just eat plants like someone who isn't fucking nuts

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I stand with big tobacco o7

This is the second-funniest instance in which I've been accused of repeating alt-right talking points, second only to saying I don't like the Star Wars sequels.

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The extent of my American education on this matter, paraphrased:

"During President Eisenhower's farewell address, he warned the American people against increasing social polarization and the dominance of the military-industrial complex, and then it happened anyway. Ain't that some shit? Write a paper comparing the ways we ignored the warnings in Eisenhower's farewell address against the ways we also ignored the warnings in George Washington's farewell address."

Oh come on, it's not like I asked you to picture your own conception right down to the expression on your mom's face when your dad creampied her. That would have just been cruel.

Right, assuming they're not lying, which isn't the kind of assumption you should ever make in the tech industry.

People like this don't feel remorse, they aren't capable of it. Lying to placate the dumb masses is natural to them, because they assume that all other human beings can only feel either rage or greed like they do.

Was that the punch in the face, or was it all the morons intentionally misinterpreting this argument and saying "but why would u want to send nonsecure messages are you aware SMS isn't secure it's like so insecure to send SMS bro it's not secure it's like literally a security risk bro SMS isn't secure at all and also are you aware SMS security is poor"

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I don't care if those braindead weirdos happen to agree with one or two of my opinions, a broken clock is right twice a day anyway. Moderating your language based on the idea that its connotations will associate you with one of the two monolithic political sports teams that divvy up the entire political spectrum between them is a very Americentric view, and it's also very servile.

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Or at least it wasn't four years ago

This makes me HAVE SEX

DON'T INVEST would have been better, but they probably would have just nuked it

Let me just skip the implications and address your real meta point: no I am not a January 6 apologist or sympathizer.

"Dear diary, "

You will if you take like 800mg. You won't even need to go to sleep to have the nightmares, through the magic of deliriant psychosis

No, that's called a fat morgan and it's common with ships

you can't read for shit, throwing hissy fits every time you got mild criticism, and walking around like that stick up your ass is made of solid gold

Project much? I was accurate in my assessment the entire time: you're the kind of person who brings their conclusion to a discussion, emotionally argues backwards from it, and tries to "win" by ridiculing their "opponent". The fact that I'm ignoring sophistical window-dressing in favor of skipping to your actual meta point—and unmercifully making fun of you for being too dense to get it—does not make me a Nazi. The horrible truth is that despite feeling strongly, you're really just wrong anyway, a phenomenon that I'm sure has happened one or two other times in your life. Maybe you should get a grip, or at least go deliberately misinterpret somebody who doesn't see through it.

Preferring summer and warmth is a form of weakness, and Sam Houston knew that's why the South would lose.

Cultures of starvation. If rich Western countries were giving away all the perfectly good food they trash, I guarantee you eating arthropods would stop in a generation. You could also pretty fairly argue that the entire point of social constructs like society is to avoid shivering in the cold, being murdered for your shiny rocks, or eating insects.

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Fuck spiders, kill them all. Extermination is the final solution to the arthropod problem. MAMMAL PRIDE WORLD WIDE

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Yeah, sure, lobsters (which are also arthropods) only get eaten because people don't have anything else.

At first I thought you were being completely serious, but then I realized that you were being sarcastic after you told me, good thing you did! Anyway, lobsters were eaten because there was nothing else. Making them into a luxury dish is a modern affectation. That's not an actual counterargument to the real point here, but it needed to be said.

Agreed. But you have not presented any reason for putting "eating insects" in the same category as "shivering in the cold" and "being murdered for your shiny rocks". Some social constructs are useful, but they're not useful by virtue of being social constructs.

My reason is the only reason that actually exists when it comes to the value of social constructs: consensus. Most people find eating vermin to be disgusting for some reason, and they avoid doing so if it doesn't increase their likelihood of starving to death. Which is why you find this aversion to be less prevalent in cultures where famine and starvation exist right now and/or in living memory—and thanks to colonialism, there are a lot of deadly famines in living memory in the third world. I agree that social constructs don't have any intrinsic value, but what difference does it make? Social constructs have the value people place on them, and that value can be imported from other places. Eating bugs is, to most people, disgusting. Like all value statements, this should be understood within its context as being a statement of arbitrary value that is supported by the consensus of a large plurality of people (though this one has majority support). Asking for quantification of it like "why is this a right thing to believe?" is just asking "why do we value what we value instead of valuing something else?", to which the only actual answer that matters is "because it had to be something, and we got this". But as I said, values get imported from elsewhere, like trauma or instinct, such as how European culture developed certain values around hygiene after and in response to the plagues. In my opinion it's reasonable to assume that human beings are instinctively averse to writhing masses of disgusting vermin that are usually found in places like fetid bogs and putrid rotting corpses, and that we are far less averse to things that resemble our ancestral natural prey, like deer and geese.

Also, the idea of the comic as I interpreted it is that the upper class thinks pandering will trick poor people into enjoying eating bugs while they themselves continue to eat meat, which has a meta-point to it told through subtext, like all jokes do: that capitalists value having what other people don't have, that they think the "poors" can be tricked out of it like simpletons, and that they think humiliating the poor and exploiting them in their humiliation is a virtue as long as it's profitable. I would have explained this to the other guy arguing with me, but he gallantly resists being reasoned with and seems much happier nailing himself to the cross.

I'm happy for you


It's just because it's stained with semen, isn't it

I wouldn't know, I only shart my pants in Walmart's Amigo Carts, not space. I can tell you that eating Jack in the Box massively increases forward thrust though.