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Joined 10 months ago

I had a pretty solid career , in the Navy, and now I am an electrical engineer, with a pretty awesome family, and we own our own home.

I have two siblings.

My older brother lives in a trailer, can't keep a real job and only ever calls to ask for money.

My older sister has had six kids with four different men. I don't take her calls because she just up and abandoned four of her kids. (Then had her sixth kid with the fourth father).

I have no idea how I avoided that white trash destiny and I am racked with "survivors guilt".

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Yeah, I got pinged twice, in one visit because I moved shit around, trying to organize.

Way more false positives, in my opinions.

The solution is obvious. Hire an auditing firm to audit the auditing firms.

Bonus points if the auditing firm, hired to audit, subcontracts the auditing to the firm they are supposed to audit.

That my friend is the rare Capsicum annuum uterosi.

Or the super rare development of a uterus and filoppian tubes inside a green peeper.

Do not fuck, I REPEAT, DO NOT FUCK. It can result in conception and gestation of the aromaticus pilas cibum.

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This article reads like a terrible puff piece. Wired has really fallen low with a headline and article like this.

No real info, just statements from highly paid execs.

No way Chinese cars would be sold in U.S. or Japan, no idea about EU though. So no, not remotely a threat.

Seriously, this article is garbage.

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I had a professor that made us use LaTex for our lab reports. Kept telling us it is an industry standard. I knew it was bullshit.

Every time we had a guest speaker come and talk about their work (was in an EE program), I would ask if they used LaTex. ( I was bitter because I felt I was being forced to waste time learning something that I didn't need to).

Every single one said no. Some didn't even know what it was.

The professor always gave me a dirty look, but he never gave me shit about it, but he also never changed his policy.

I've been working as an EE for 3 years now and I have still never seen LaTex in the wild.

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I have to vastly disagree with this. The argument hat a gun is a necessity is disingenuous at best.

I love my guns, but too many fuckwads treat it like a toy or some sort of social justice equalizer. It has been proven to me time and again that we cant trust people with unfettered access to fire arms.

Y'all can't even have political discourse without being violent. So nope, you don't deserve to have the right to bear arms. (I mean "you" collectively and include myself in this hypothetical).

You are not supposed to operate a car without a license but somehow, trying to regulate guns is big brother trying to take away muh freedoms.

It just doesn't stand up to actual critical thought.

I came in to quote my own squadrons' SH-60 readiness was typically 3 out of 6-7 birds. (SH-60F, so I'm old).

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Copy paste that for every continent outside of Europe.

That would already be violated during the writing of said constitution.

China's subsurface capabilities are laughable at best.

They are decades behind even Russia and pose no real threat to anyone but the same small Asian neighbors they have been bullying for years.

Yeah, I was left coast and Japan.

HS was a mix of SH-60F's and HH-60H's. But around 2010-2012, the F/B's went away and the HS squadrons' transitioned to MH-60's, and the HSL squadrons' went to the H-60R's.

The HH-60H's got their own squadrons' that were specifically NSW support. East coast already had one, in VA, and they stood one up in SD.

HSC-84/85, I think. I also got out in 2012.

That looks more like a sunrise to me.

Meh, what do I know.

But I would still rate Michaelangelo's David as the best sculpture today.

Edit... Winged Victory though... looking up at it from the base of the stairs...

Ok, thank you.

Now we can have a dialogue.

Yeah, her murder, because it was a murder, is fucked up and should be a huge deal.

I haven't seen those images, and I don't want to. Does the OP article make me believe those images exist? Not entirely, Like you said, it is difficult to trust governments that have a history of creating their own truth.

But I do believe that Hamas is capable of doing that. I do believe that the dynamics of the situation makes it incredibly easy for Israel to be a fascist oppressor and for Hamas to abuse that and do horrific things and then hide behind Palestinians.

Then Hamas gets to justify more violence when Israel does more fucked up stuff, trying to get at Hamas.

Any actual peace processes, over the last 50 years, has been constantly undermined and ruined due to militant Muslim groups, like Hamas, who refuse any compromise.

So what happens? Well the Israelis also got radicalized, and now they don't really give a shit about the outside world either.

The Palestinians are stuck in the middle.

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"I think it is quite appropriate to say that this is the single most historically important shipwreck in North America,"

Lol, that lawyer is a full of himself. Maybe if he added, "for French history.

Did James Cameron make a movie about your boat? No? Ok then sit down. 🤣

And we're supposed to trust you, bro?

At least half the shit you are posting is made up.

Trust me bro.

Even when people link to articles from respected sources, then it becomes a character assassination of that source.

The goal posts get moved, what aboutism's are made, and more fake news is posted.

I was "Free Palestine" but all this bullshit is making me "A pox on both your houses"

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