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Joined 6 months ago

I am an activist who has fallen in love with the FOSS community. I am going to school for computer science and hope to someday soon be able to contribute to FOSS projects and privacy focused software.

I think so. Going to be a nice calming environment for my first coding class.

It’s a Conky I just hate Conky. The more data they display the more useless they become. Delete the Conky and the screen looks empty. I am reduced to spending hours trying to make the perfect clock. The bane of my existence.

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Thank you. It is painfully hard to find brown themes!

I count today as the day I can officially say I’m a Linux user.

Welcome to Weasley OS.

This pack had the funniest reviews I have seen. Lots of “I hate it but you get a 9 for effort”

A gnome extension called blur my shell. It’s great has a ton of features.

I like to sit in my living room pet my plants and stare at the screen.

I am hoping to see a witch takeover of unixporn. Witch os- light as a feather.

You should make some. It’s really easy. Just learn a bit about effective prompt writing for ai.

Midjourney ai will give you the best results but it’s all text to image generation. “Girl with black hair sitting on a cliff looking out over a cyber punk city scape, vapor wave colors, anime art”

You of course can describe what ever you like and it will give you several vs. you can also have it touch up those vs.

Runway ai has both text to image and image to image. Upload a pic of what you want yourself or your partner or your dog, and write the prompt. Change the sliders to emphasize the promo or the original photo. It will also give you multiple options. Both are $10-$15 a month.

Watch some videos and have unlimited custom background artwork specially made for your vision.

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I copied someone who copied someone so you are welcome to copy mine from github. I don’t know html so I’m hoping to learn as I go.

Right now I use pretty much strait pop os because I have only been learning Linux for a year and I need my training wheels. I’m going to start exploring more after cosmic.

Wallpaper: 4 custom midjourney and runway designs of my partner

icons: Material Black

shell: kripton v40

conky: nothing special actually hate conky recently

dash to panel: here ... again nothing special

browser: Librewolf

browser theme: BLACK

Very simple pop os set up let me know what you think. only a year into linux

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Oh yes it’s just default pop tiling. Yeah I’m pretty new to Linux. I would love to get out and explore but I also really trust pop a ton to kinda walk me through learning. I can’t wait for cosmic. After cosmic I’ll start experimenting more but this computer is first and foremost for school and I need it to be boringly reliable ha ha so pop it is.


Oh my god!!!!! You are absolutely right!!! I will take care of this immediately!!

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A page actually.

Thank uwu!

No actually that was great!!! I approve of that pun. You have earned a thumbs up!

I use alacritty and I’m very very new to Linux. I actually found that working on the config files for alacritty helped me a ton with learning how to approach config files in general. So advanced maybe but simple enough to teach new users a ton of useful things.

Oh probably the idiot at the key board lol.

I made this just for you!

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What ever do you mean?

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I’m sorry is tiling the tiling manager? Cause yes. if you mean she’ll theme it’s Kripton v40

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Gruvbox on a dark brown bg slaps. I wasn’t a huge fan of gruvbox but as I was working on this I couldn’t get the terminal theme to make sense and I saw a post with gruv and it clicked. Probably a gruvbox fan for life now

I will have to check that out. I tried a few local ai but my computer doesn’t handle them well. Love system 76 but their os is miles ahead of their builds ha ha. When I finish refurbishing my tower I’ll give that a shot.

iCloud doesn’t exist. My partners name is KC so I altered the fetch. This is a pop os computer.

The Nani? It’s Japanese for “what”. My partner really likes anime so that’s for her lol

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