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Facebook. Simple as.

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Where were you when Greta pulled up with three dozen ships of the line, each with 140 guns to blockade Sweden’s oil port?

That’s just how the internet works. Early adopters are those willing to try something unfamiliar.

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For a healthy diet make sure to only eat reasoned rebuttals sparingly. You should get most of your nutrition from name calling. /s

Each level of argument has a purpose. Know your audience and use whatever is most effective. You’re not going to get anywhere calling a doctor a poopyhead just as you won’t accomplish anything by presenting facts to a conspiracy theorist.

Your audience will be most effectively convinced by logic, emotion, or authority. It should be pretty simple to figure out which one to use.

If you’re dependent on the drug that’s an addiction. You may feel that your addiction is more justified than others, and that’s ok. Humans have been using drugs for thousands of years both recreationally and medicinally.

Lmao I’m not surprised that a wallstreetbets mod thought a subreddit’s name is a trademark.

On the surface level, yeah. But if you dig a bit deeper a religious person upholds the idea that religious belief is reasonable. When people have the opinion that religious belief is reasonable it causes measurable harm to everyone on this planet.

An individual believer cannot be separated from the religion.

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It’s literally the same account you already have.

Yeah I play games to enjoy the game, not to speculate on real money investments.

If you want confetti every time you make a trade, just play Robinhood.

Unlikely. The hype for crypto scams had fallen off hard in the last year. It peaked like two years ago.

Yall remember those “your stripper name is the street you grew up on and your pet’s name” challenges? Literally phishing for password recovery keys.

Yeah it’s a bit self-selective. “Trying something unfamiliar” is roughly synonymous with “learning”. And people who treat learning as a hobby tend to share a vibe as they say.

Progressive policies implemented during a conservative presidency don’t seem like conservative policies.

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There is no objective purpose to life. Having a hobby is a popular way to enjoy the limited time available.

I thought the proverb was: cook a golden goose and you’ll eat for a day. Teach the golden goose to lay eggs and you’ll eat for a lifetime.

Gold is edible btw. Or at least inedible and non-toxic. It passes through without chemically reacting.

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Whitelist federation is one strategy. Rather than defaulting to federation with every instance a proactively moderated instance would only federate with approved requests.

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An alias isn’t instant privacy. If you upvote your local sports team, downvote a local politician, etc and never comment anti-establishment sentiments that still builds a profile which could interest someone who has no need to have access to that information.

The average person is just as unlikely as ever to understand the processed behind the tools (conputers) they use. But the nerdy kids of each generation have more access to knowledge that lets them nerd out even harder. And the connectivity of the internet gets ideas shared easily. If someone is interested in a hobby these days they have a knowledge base that only the most dedicated nerds had back in the day.

You wouldn’t know that your instance is infested with tankies and fascists. You can’t see their posts because you’re on the block list.

Yeah individually religious people can be fairly benign. The fundamental problem is with religion.

Extremists are able to hide behind the guise of religion because non-extremists enable them. Because the only way for “moderate” religious people to oppose religious extremists is to admit that it’s all metaphorical bullshit.

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The average user can run their own instance as an admin.

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I would find that fish that developed lungs and kick its ass.

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That’s great. Using a mobile browser is a terrible experience. At least it’s functional though.

In some contexts arguing is synonymous with conflict.

I wouldn’t be crediting them with enacting good policy if it wasn’t progressive.

If you can show an example of opposing progress that is good I’m all in on that conservative policy.

The ESA was not good because it maintained the status quo. It was good because it was progressive. The fact that it was implemented during a conservative presidency is irrelevant.

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They could have even made a profit from third party apps if the pricing wasn’t 100x a reasonable rate.

You don’t even have to comment to get profiled by upvotes. I’ve never commented or even subbed to a local community, but in the past I had occasionally upvoted.

If it was just the home instance’s admins having access to it that would be normal. Having it be completely public empowers doxxers of both the malicious and marketing types.

There’s no need to complicate things by bringing crypto buzzwords into it. It’s already been solved faster, better, and easier just like everything else cryptobros invent a problem for.

Developing nations have an easier path to renewables. There is less resistance in building new infrastructure than in modifying existing infrastructure. You don’t have to deal with hundred year old equipment when you start with modern equipment.

Why did Constantinople get the works?

The problem with that is you’re framing it as something the left opposes. When pandering to the right the correct play is to frame it as something the right supports.

When I argue in a public forum my goal is directed more to third parties than to an individual who may not be acting in good faith.

The internet is not something you just dump something on.

If you remember the drama back when Fabric came around or even before then: the head developer of Forge has been what the youfs call a “discord moderator” for a long time. A petty tyrant stifling innovation and using his stranglehold on the entire Minecraft modding community to suppress competition and simply people he doesn’t like. The behavior was tolerated because no alternative was developed/popular enough to gain influence.

Not sure what the final straw was though. Perhaps a critical mass of mod devs escaping to Fabric.

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With a large enough group it becomes likely for the average user to already see the comment they thought of. It becomes fairly pointless and might feel cringe to repeat the same thing even if phrased differently. So you just add your upvote to the pile and move on.

When using the API you just request what you’re looking for. With scraping you load everything repeatedly.

I’m not a Catholic, so I don’t consider bad deeds to be ok so ling as you do a few good.

It’s a bit of both. The increase in value for those who got in early is propped up by the hype of new bagholders.

That wasn’t publicly accessible. You could keep it between you and the admins.

Being able to doxx someone for their upvotes without even commenting strongly disincentivises engagement with communities that oppose authoritarian governments and such.

When it’s just between the user and admins of their home instance that’s a feasible level of trust. When it’s available to literally anyone that’s a huge jump.