
25 Post – 83 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I believe they're referring to lower down in the article, where the researchers analyzed existing extensions on the marketplace:

After the successful experiment, the researchers decided to dive into the threat landscape of the VSCode Marketplace, using a custom tool they developed named 'ExtensionTotal' to find high-risk extensions, unpack them, and scrutinize suspicious code snippets.

Through this process, they have found the following:

  • 1,283 with known malicious code (229 million installs).
  • 8,161 communicating with hardcoded IP addresses.
  • 1,452 running unknown executables.
  • 2,304 that are using another publisher's Github repo, indicating they are a copycat.
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FYI user mentions in Lemmy are done with an @ not /u/, e.g. @cypherpunks@lemmy.ml

Yeah but it's awful, and can only install UWP apps which are just plain bad

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No, practically speaking the domain name should have no effect on access time. DNS has so many layers of caching that as long as SOMEONE has accessed the website nearby (including you), the domain lookup will be local and therefore fast.

Anyway, DNS lookup times, even slow ones, are still not going to be noticable to the end use originally.

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I assume they're talking about player names, not usernames - steam usernames are unique, but steam player names can be whatever you want and are often duplicates.

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Actually no, Lewis is parodying the Bible: https://www.biblehub.com/1_corinthians/13-11.htm

The Bible quote does say that, but he's poking fun at it by saying "why so serious?"

Excited to see the Jellyfin UX improving - it's probably the biggest reason I use Plex over Jellyfin (not that Plex is THAT much better...)

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You declare it in the package.json as a category when publishing. It's completely self-selected with no oversight, review, or enforced permissions.

Some excellent content this week. Some of my highlights:

  • Plex continues its BS, alienating the users who want to actually use their product
  • Fun "fediverse for dummies" writeup

I didn't even know this happened lol

Some really good content in there this week!

  • The Plex monetization continues to be concerning, although it's a good thing they're almost profitable
  • Cloudflare security breach was interesting to read about
  • Morphos server seems like good software - I never thought of self hosting a file converter, but I'm always so sketched out by the free online ones
  • Might finally set up tailscale, who knows!
  • Never heard of watch - always thought I had to write a watcher (e.g. with a node library). That's massively useful honestly

I use Backblaze B2 for my backups. Storing about 2tb, comes out to about $10/mo, which is on par with Google One pricing. However, I get the benefit of controlling my data, and I use it for tons more than just photos (movies/shows etc).

If you want a cheaper solution and have somewhere else you can store off-site (e.g. family/friend's house), you can probably use a raspberry pi to make a super cheap backup solution.

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My "scrum leader" (who we handled agile just fine without before) is constantly complaining about points or priorities shifting, to the point that he'll tell us to not put what we're actually working on on the board because it'll mess up the burndown chart.

One of the 4 values of agile is "responding to change over following a plan". He's parroted this to us before, and yet still doesn't seem to see the irony.

Please, let's get a little better data in here...

UPDATE real_influencers SET inactive_date=2024-03-29 WHERE name = 'Simon Riggs';

Personally, I would say Richard Stallman has respect for open source software: https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/selling.html.

Having respect for free (as in "libre") software means caring if the software can sustain its own development, and not just caring if you get it free (as in "gratis"). It's not always viable to support a project on donations and free time the way GNU is. https://xkcd.com/2347/

Nice to see that BitWarden's UI is getting some love... I tried using it a while back but couldn't get past the terrible UX. Been happy with 1password since but maybe I'll try switching again...

I have never heard it used as general acceptance. That really drives me nuts! What good is a word that's self contradictory 😨

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There's an open feature request for this: https://github.com/LemmyNet/lemmy/issues/818

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One of my biggest annoyances when talking to (especially older) people about my job as a software engineer is when they're like "but how are you still working on it? Don't you just like, make the app and you're done?" They don't realize the amount of work it takes to write everything, because they don't understand the complexity involved in writing software.

Though it's not as bad as "so I have an app idea... It's like Uber but for clothing"

Just discovered OliveTin - I was thinking about writing something like this ages ago, but was always too concerned about security. Anyone ever use it or anything else similar?

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I usually don't pay much attention to the "new software" section, but PerPlexed looks pretty cool! It never occurred to me that it would be possible to create an alternative Plex UI from scratch like that

Answer: "you can't." And you just wasted your question!

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Also, I like the "alternative to" blogs in https://blog.while-true-do.io/spotlight-alternatives-for-google-dns/?ref=selfh.st - it's an interesting series.

That's how I feel about RuneScape! I don't find it a particularly fun game, but the music is so great and iconic and fits the game so well, I hear it and want to play.

Not sure if you misspoke or are just unaware of it, but Hack is one of the prepatched nerd fonts: https://github.com/ryanoasis/nerd-fonts/tree/master/patched-fonts/Hack. Also, for any fonts that aren't prepatched, there's a patcher in that repo to make any font a nerd font.

Also, I was just looking this morning at writing something like that Fitbit/influxDB integration for YNAB (You Need a Budget) for visualization in grafana!

Beeper mini has been a sad saga to follow :(

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I have questions. Is this something in use today? Who is manufacturing them? Is this something you're personally familiar with or just aware of?

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1 horizontal/1 vertical + laptop.

Horizontal is directly in front of me, used for whatever I'm currently focusing on - usually IDE or browser.

Vertical is to the side, used for anything auxiliary to my current task - browser, bug report, notes, chat, git gui, etc.

Laptop monitor is for anything I want to monitor, but don't need to look at constantly - logs, news, incoming bug reports, etc.

I also make use of virtual desktops, so I have one for chat/email/general browsing, one for code editing with browser, git gui, IDE, and one for notes/zoom. Laptop screen doesn't shift with virtual desktops so I always keep the monitoring open.

Anyone use authentik? Seems useful, most of my homelab services are unsecured ATM (just local only/vpn)

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The only case I use snippets for is for debug code that I use often. Sometimes there are things I find myself doing a lot for debugging that don't have any reason to be in code (e.g. nicely formatting certain objects for debug purposes)

I've used Waifu2x extension GUI to pretty decent effect, and it's free. Does require a decently powerful GPU though, and will take a while to work.

I've never played any others but SR4 is great, super ridiculous

Also, that CLI trick is crazy! Never knew that and I'm a fairly proficient shell user.

SSH will definitely break, I've had this issue before. If your private key in the .ssh dir is too open, ssh won't let you use it.

Spotted homepage on there - might switch my dashboard from Homarr to that, give it a try. Anyone used it (or other dashboarding software) before?

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Sucks about VMWare, that's a blow for sure

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Apple's review process is inconsistent at best. I used to work for an iOS app and it took several years before they blocked our release for not having a report feature on products. Never had the ability to block users, despite the ability to DM people.

Plus, for an app the size of Twitter, Apple will likely ignore most rules that doesn't lose them money.

Also never seen BaseRow before - anyone used that over NocoDb? Comparisons?