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Joined 10 months ago

China executed mfers when companies sold tainted baby milk powder.

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Hot take but I blame gamers stuffing the pockets of these sort of publishers by lapping up early access and pre orders. It gives publishers no incentive whatsoever to change their ways because they still have the only thing they truly care about: money.

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Sharing, and believing in, fictions is how distilled units of information are efficiently passed down generations and is one of the bedrocks of our development as a species. This is what allows us to have laws and corporations and agreeing to drive on particular side of the road.

Yuval Noah Harari covers this more eloquently in his book Sapiens. You would definitely dig the relevant chapters.

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Damn, I did not know Ket could depress respiration like this! In fact Ket is used medicinally in place of opioids as it doesn't depress respiration. But here is the TIL part: it should not be mixed with benzos or alcohol (or other depressants I would imagine). I don't use bu I hope someone who does get to read this.

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History began on October 7th and not one day before.

I have noticed this trend of whatever Israel is accusing others of perpetuating, it is usually heavily involved in itself.

So hanging up a nazi flag should be completely acceptable. Got it

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Oh that's perfectly fine then! Thanks for taking the load off my mind.

Whataboutism and race carding at its finest.

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This has precedent, remember the time they found Arabic flight manuals in the abandoned cars of the 9/11 perpetrators? Similarly these fighters had written notes on them in case they forgot what they were up to on the way there.

Users not reading shit I can understand but it makes my blood boil when it your own bloody colleagues.

I recently signed up for YT premium. Don't get me wrong, I still used ad blockers and ReVanced like a mf, but considered it only fair seeing how much YT and music I have streamed.

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I haven't had Netflix for a while and was recently shocked at just how awful the quality was. (this was with decent internet + "full HD" subscription)

A world class intelligence agency, which would normally know the contents and length of your bowel movement, totally shits the bed and lets an egregious attack play out, while their media assets chalk it up to a "failure of imagination" .

Where have I seen this one before?

Given how shady both Egypt and Israel are, I am sure they knew exactly who planned the attack and for when because because the intelligence asset handler reported it in.

No way, they have taped conversation from Hamas operatives admitting culpability.

Bet they have proof Hamas did it.

Having met many Israelis, no they do not. They (for the most part) swallow the government propaganda hook line and sinker.

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The Houthi attacks on commercial shipping are literally an attempt to blockade Israel and coerce them into stopping the Gaza offensive.

All over the place in Europia. From train station to public parks, in multiple countries, it is somewhat common for a turnstile with a coin slot for a small charge. Doesn't bother me if it allows for cleaner, safer facilities and keeps the riff raff out.

You are more than welcome! The chapter is called Unification of Humankind for anyone else interested, here is a little excerpt:

โ€œMyths and fictions accustomed people, nearly from the moment of birth, to think in certain ways, to behave in accordance with certain standards, to want certain things, and to observe certain rules. They thereby created artificial instincts that enabled millions of strangers to cooperate effectively. This network of artificial instincts is called โ€˜cultureโ€™.โ€

Wow, you really showed them huh, and didn't come off like a frothing retard at all.

This is what I'll be telling myself as I rock and cry myself to sleep at night.

It's literally Sapiens, the first book. The chapter is called the Unification of Humankind, from the quick look I had online.

Doesn't matter what is easier or the numbers involved. Fact is power lies in the money spent by millions funneled to a dozen, making them so potent. Millions don't even need to change their ways, even a significant minority can start making bottom lines bleed like a mf.

Bravo ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ

๐Ÿ˜„๐Ÿ˜„ No personal offence meant good sir.

Hamas is not the magical conversation stopper that is in within Israel. Hamas is the direct result of Israel's foreign policy and sidelining of moderate elements. Quoting Hamas is like quoting a frothing settler or Likud party member.

Yes indeed but they were not to remove the settlements let's be honest! Despite my Muslim background I have nothing against Israel just FYI, this my-side your-side shit is moronic. I have met and partied hard with many Israelis and, if I may say so, the extremism on their side is not part of the common narrative at all. Because most Israelis are lovely modern people, they assume the entire country is like them and genuinely wonder why they are hated so much. Part of me wishes Israel (the secular part) would flat out withdraw from settlements to sweep a leg (one of many) out from under the Muslim extremists and expose the Arabs for the hypocrites that they are. But they never will because Israel has designs of its own my brother, and that is the truth of the matter as much as it may sting.

I desperately want to watch his 8 hour analysis of Starfield but am scared of the commitment.

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I agree with most of what you said but you're very much misunderstanding the point of resistance insurgencies if you think their aim is to "win" in the conventional sense, i.e. conquer and hold territory. Despite the propaganda, death and destruction, Hamas are fighting the IDF to a strategic standstill. Israel's stated aim is the complete destruction of Hamas and they are nowhere near achieving it, which alone will be win enough in Hamas' eyes and will strengthen them no doubt. One purported goal for Hamas was to inflict a situation so awful that there is no way the world could just return to normal after it, which I would argue will have happened by the time the dust blows over. They also aimed to stop Arab-Israeli diplomatic normalisation, which has been set back at least 20 years or so. Of the two belligerents, I would argue Hamas has actually been more successful in its aims.

That is possibly the most thoughtful thing I have ever heard!

I'm not denying the "other side" isn't equally brainwashed, I was only relaying my experiences.

People by their very definition are narrative. If one has ever taken an action that effected another, they are part of 'the' narrative.

Great distinction.

"they have denied every attempt at two state solution"

Usual Israeli propaganda to continue the victimhood facade. Israel takes a shit on what a two-state solution should look like, of course the Arabs will bloody reject it.

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Humans are incredible at filtering, therefore a solution can float right on by if it isn't the "right one". Also solutions to most problems come by as a result of completely unrelated activity. Therefore it is incredibly important to be doing something, anything that isn't directly destructive to your goals.

Nah dude, fuck the other side too for real just to be clear. The truth is what it is and it stings.

OK snowflake

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I was wondering when the braindead momo crowd would show up.