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Joined 1 years ago

Don't be polite, be predictable.

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Some disclaimers

I am a 50+ year old American

Up until 10ish years ago I had at least a better than average understanding/knowledge of WWII

My ex's grandmother's family was from Hiroshima and they had family members killed in the bombing.

All that said as tragic as they were I still think those bombs were the correct military decision at that time. I would be willing to have a rational conversation about it though.

The situation in Gaza is completely different and Lindsey Graham and the rest of the GOP are fucking ghouls.

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This "take" is what's wrong with American politics. If Biden can't push either of those through an opposition House that would never do anything he wants, you will actively enable the other side, who would undo all of the good done, to win?

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Modern American capitalism doesn't care about long term brands. Shareholders demand quarter on quarter growth.

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In a normal world it makes some sense.

If you own a catering business and are running for congress there's nothing wrong with you hiring your own firm, AT FAIR MARKET VALUE, for an event rather than hiring a competitor.

The problem is is that Trump has broken everything, and now takes what should be reasonable rules/laws and turns them into more grift.

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Cracking the cryptic

Yes, this is what I came in to recommend.

It's a bit pedantic, but I'd call it a rougelite since it has meta-progression. Still they found a way to make a no combat rougelite city builder an amazing game!

I don't know if this theory has a proper name but I have seen it multiple times.

If a species has the ability to push their technology to the point they could become a space faring species, that technology will destroy the civilization before it can get there

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Is the big woman here?

The only YouTube channel I currently wat h is Cracking the Crypic. It's 2 British guys that solve various logic puzzles; mostly sudoku and most of those are crazy variations on sudoku. Each video also has a link so you can also play the puzzle if you want to.

There is one of the presenters I much prefer to the other but the entire channel and community around them is one of the most wholesome things on the web.

Highly recommended if any of that sounds interesting to you.

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"Our new government['s]...foundations are laid, its cornerstone rests upon the great truth, that the negro is not equal to the white man; that slavery—subordination to the superior race—is his natural and normal condition."

Alexander Stephens, Vice Preident of the Confederacy in March 1861\_Speech

Great pic, hope you two have a great time!

I hope his afterlife (yeah I know) is exactly what he deserves based on his actions in his physical life.

Yeah I guess I didn't read very carefully

Happy Birthday friend!!!

Happy Birthday friend!!!

It's like an algebra equation. Genocide is on both sides of the equation, so we can cancel it out. Then we are left with Biden being a ridiculously old Boomer and Trump wanting to finish destroying our democracy.

I've been playing a lot of Against the Storm. A rougelite city builder.

It's in EA but 1.0 releases in like a week.

What do you think Trump/the GOP's ratio would be?

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In what world is that a question for a reasonable person?

A media company remade and re-released a piece of media and acknowledged that there may be problematic content, but that we should consider the time the media was made.

You don't need to know what the problematic content is, just accept their statement on it.

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