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Joined 1 years ago

Idk about wisdom but I can attest to a speedy loss in faith of the human population.

Hang in there, friend, there any many more Nintendo games coming that we must enjoy through piracy to stick it to Nintendo, don't leave just yet.

The 3D map covers a volume of about one cubic millimetre, one-millionth of a whole brain, and contains roughly 57,000 cells and 150 million synapses — the connections between neurons. It incorporates a colossal 1.4 petabytes of data.

Assuming this means the total data of the map is 1.4 petabytes. Crazy to think that mapping of the entire brain will probably happen within the next century.

This is because they don't retain your (encrypted) messages on their servers right? Is this for storage reasons, or more just security philosophy of not being able to access past chats when you login from elsewhere?

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This is heartbreaking. A child's birthday party.

I'd suggest you do some research on 3d printing, you seem sorely misinformed about it's capabilities

Streisand effect alive and well

For you maybe. You think your grandma could set up home assistant?

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Betraying the trust of your significant other ❌

Flagrant violation of academic integrity ✅

Just to play devils advocate here, in both of these scenarios:

Imagine someone would sneak into your home and steal your shoes, socks and underwear just to get off on that or give it to someone who does.

This reminds me of that fetish, where one person is basically acting like a submissive pet and gets treated like one by their "master". They get aroused by doing that in public, one walking with the other on a leash like a dog on hands and knees. People around them become passive participants of that spectactle. And those often feel violated.

The person has the knowledge that this is going on. In he situation with AI nudes, the actual person may never find out.

Again, not to defend this at all, I think it's creepy af. But I don't think your arguments were particularly strong in supporting the AI nudes issue.

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Step 1: get a cat

Step 2: ???


Deletes codebase

Looks about right, approved ✅

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Underlying implementation already is. You can connect to iMessage and send and receive messages using the python implementation on your PC if you want.

Gold title right there

That's not the point of this I think lol. It's very impressive as a tech demo, that even a device even as underpowered as a Pi can run these AI models to a passable degree.

Now I am become fist, destroyer of customer's face.

This is genuinely really cool.

The best/worst part of the AI boom for me has been waiting for the advances to trickle down in terms of open source models and on-device models, rather than having to send everything up to the cloud.

Obviously this isn't an open source model, but the on-device processing is great.

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Quantum mechanics would like a word

Afaik apple can't block this without also blocking iMessage on older devices that no longer receive updates.

Pretty sure I saw on Reddit beeper is already working on a fix.

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Nooo just use degoogled chromium

Oh no they've stolen the udders from the condiment cow D:

This is exactly what the proposed Web Integrity API seeks to prevent. That's what makes it terrifying.

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Most people can't tell the difference between low bitrate vs high bitrate. Usually just confirmation bias.

Have you truly tested whether you can? I don't mean playing each side by side and seeing whether you can tell the difference, but actually testing yourself in a way that you don't know which is being played (like having someone else play it for you).

Great. Now I'll have to buy this to justify overspending on 96gb of ddr5.

What's the point in manipulating another lab with money? When confirmations or otherwise will start popping up from other labs around the world in probably days(?)

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I'm sorry what.


Wow you weren't lying.

That was even better than porn

Well, sort of, it's just that any sort of locomotion requires a lot more energy than you might think.

If you know a little electronics you can build a high power IR led circuit to generate super powrful IR signals that would work for this purpose.

Can't believe no one had said this but your vision won't 'degrade' by looking at screens. That's a myth, you can look this up, you can't permanently damage your vision looking at a screen like this.

Worst that will happen is eye strain, because focusing up close requires the muscles that pull on your lens to exert themselves for extended periods of time. Worst thing this will do is just give you a headache. Your eyes might also be dryer since you will blink less often. Best thing to do is just take breaks every once in a while.

Someone has mentioned that bright light also stimulates a hormone the prevents nearsightedness, from what I remember this is only valid during your growing years. Idk, look this up if you're interested, you should be able to find some studies.

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Honestly mad respect to these Devs man. Gotta realise they're doing this stuff for free and they're not getting paid. If anyone hasn't checked out the Asahi Linux blog, do give it a read, it has done fascinating deep dives into Apple's hardware engineering.

Replacing paper for handwriting.

That's literally my only use for my iPad. Which is sort of sad, since it's a very capable device, just hamstrung by Apple's shitty software.

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MAS was actually using this method for activation. Now that it doesn't work, this particular activation method within MAS also doesn't work.

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Block ports associated with popular protocols is one method.

In terms of blocking VPNs reliably? Not much you can do afaik, you can even do VPN over websockets.

But you can just do that with a normal VPN? What's the advantage doing it like this?

Can you explain how the anonymity works?

Linux isn't for mainstream users yet. It wasn't when I tried switching to it several years back, it isn't now.

I tried Zorin recently, UI looked absolutely beautiful so I wanted to try and get into it on my laptop.

Only issue is, the trackpad scroll speed was too fast. I went into settings to try and slow this down. No dice, this option just want available. I tried googling, which led me to some stackexchange posts, which I tried to use to solve the issue by changing xinput or something device parameters.

I tried for maybe 15 mins to do this without success. This kinda stuff is why Linux is not ready for the masses yet. I shouldn't have to touch the command line for something like this. On windows I could have changed this without googling anything or touching the cli.

I know this is just one thing, but it's representative of my other experiences with Linux in general. Things seem to have improved since several years ago (needed terminal to even get touchscreen working in Firefox), bit it's just not there yet.

I really do want to switch to Linux, but I don't want my computer os to be a hobby project that I have to sink time into to keep functional, I need it to be a tool that lets me get work done with minimal roadblocks.

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Nope, running locally on the Pi.

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Qi chargers are the way to go imo. Make it out of some nice hard plastic and much more difficult to vandalize.

Comments like this makes me wish we had awards like Reddit