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This is the craziest rhetoric I've ever heard. People love hearing interests from a fanatics perspective. If you have an almost unhealthy interest in something, test the waters. See how much the recipient is interested in hearing you talk about this, and if they are, go all out. I've learned so many interesting and niche things I never would have by engaging with people with hyper fixated interests.

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Some drugs are fine, others not so much. And some people can form bad habits and dependencies on good drugs. Its a tricky situation all around. But yes, thats the best approach imho

Base YouTube is a cancer experience. I used vanced back when it existed. The second they shut down, I stopped using mobile YouTube and just used it on Firefox PC with ad block. When I heard reVanced was a thing, I downloaded it and it's essentially just like vanced.

I will never use YouTube without adblock unless they either change their monetization system, or ad system.

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I just remembered a girl's name that I used to work with.

I was trying to remember it about 3 months ago. It randomly just came to me today.

We don't actually promote higher levels of dopamine as far as I know. Dopamine agonists work by mimicing what dopamine does to your nervous system. It doesn't actually produce any more. Also you can be given dopamine intravenously. It is mostly used to raise blood pressure in newborns. But you are right. For other uses, its smarter to mimic it, because of how short it lasts.

We do, however, promote a higher concentration of serotonin with SSRIs. We do that by blocking natural inhibitors that destroy serotonin after being used. This way we can use them more before they die off.

I want to make it entirely clear that I agree with you. I just want to bring this up for insight and perhaps understanding.

Reddit has a pretty bad incel problem. Incels are very similar to online Nazis. Out in the open they try to speak in code and find other incels, and in their own communities they get nasty and start being vile. Now this isn't always the case, and incels are much more brazen than nazis, but the premise is similar.

Once is want to find other incels. And they do so by using dog whistles. One of which is 'females'. Of course this is a common word and its ridiculous to just ban anyone using this word. This mod went way overboard. But if you've been around enough of these 'quiet' toxic groups and had to mod, you might have acted rash as well.

If you don't use YouTube, you're also screwing over the content creators you enjoy. You can cause harm to a company in many ways. Stop using a site prevents them from making money off of you. Preventing them from actively making money off of you while you're still using the site actively takes money away from them. It is double sided sword because you're also not actively supporting that content creator. However, if they don't have another platform to post on, you can instead buy merch, donate, or simply help the algorithm boost their content by watching their content.

I don't disagree with you. YouTube should no longer be a viable business. Something else should step in and rival them. But since that doesn't look like it's going to happen, I'll be happy running adblocks, and letting them not recoup their server and operation costs from me.

Hello neighbor might be good. I enjoyed the first one, the rest not so much. But I imagine a young kid would love it.

The cop said that their policy is to not serve uniformed military, not the bakery. The bakery claims it has nothing to do with being a uniformed officer or military personal, they just dont allow firearms in the building.

This is a VERY good way to put it. I imagine its hard to start where they left off with so much time in between. Writing styles and comedy have changed within the last 10 years. We're in the age of attention on top of that.

Im not saying that it wont be Futurama. It will be. It just wont taking off running with the steam they left off at.

And i think thats exactly what the first episode encapsulated. It wasnt bad. But it didnt really have any juice to it. To me it felt like it was because they were more focused on shoving the 'idea' of futurama down your throat more than anything else.

With that said, I really do hope the next couple of episodes are better.

The River by Wage War

Its called genralization. Whenever a media reaches a larger audience, that media stops filling its niche and starts trying to appeal to the larger audience. Its a bit more complicated when it comes to a social media, but look at some of the larger subreddits. When they were small and starting off, they were fun and exciting. But after growing a larger audience, they became more genralized. A bit boring.

Users are the same way. After a platform gains enough users, those users start to act in a way that is similar to picking the low hanging fruit. Whatever is the easiest way to garner attention, they do it.

If lemmy grows to reddits size, it'll probably be the same. However, hopefully different instances and nonsummarized karma will mitigate that.