2 Post – 507 Comments
Joined 4 months ago

And PeerTube is pathetic. Peertube on the otherhand is “EVERYTHING IS A LINUX VIDEO!!! ONLY LINUX EXISTS ON THIS PLATFORM!!!”

You're not wrong, but the biggest flaw Peertube has is that the search on an instance is utterly worthless and defective.

They do have a good search engine for finding content you might want to watch, but they don't use those results in the instance-level search which befuddles and confuses the shit out of me, because you won't find shit you actually want to watch. is where you probably want to start, but yeah, there's a LOT of Linux shit, but you can at least find other things when you use a non-broken search option.

You have your coworkers on an unmanaged machine with a foreign OS on the guest WiFi with custom networking.

Which, at any of my last few corporate jobs, would be grounds for termination, if not immediately throwing you out of the building and telling you if you come back we're calling the cops.

You really don't bypass controls in a corporate environment like this if you like working there.

(And yes, not EVERY job will react that way, but any that's got any compliance requirements absolutely will.)

normalized microtransactions

I'd say it's maybe a little more honest to say they normalized the gambling exploitation in gaming with the TF2 lootboxes.

You didn't buy cosmetics, you bought a key to open a box that might get you the cosmetic you wanted.

Would it be wrong to hope they manage to commit some gross act of mutual destruction, and that the outcome would be that I never have to deal with Wordpress ever again?

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He announced on GitHub somewhere that he's wanting to push out the next major version of UptimeKuma first, then come back and work on dockge.

So it's not abandoned, but it's just a second priority.

Not quite: it'll drop a v2 captcha for you to solve when a v3 one can't clearly classify you one way or another.

So if v3 isn't entirely sure you're human, it'll make you do a v2.

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Those 5k panels were goofy: they're two DisplayPort links merged via software magic into 5k.

Might be that's a proprietary thing that requires OS X?

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I had a moment of actual laughter.

I was expecting a kernel issue handling networking connections or SSH or who the fuck knows but... cups?

Printers, they ruin everything.

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Wordpress is not a good fit for their complex web application

Seriously. People want to shove everything into Wordpress then get cranky when you can't make Wordpress into a ecommerce store, marketing platform, personal blog, file sharing service, and NFT marketplace.

And then it gets hacked because they needed 14 SEO plugins, 2 different form plugins, and were not going to pay for managed updates because that's easy they can do it themselves.

It's still mindboggling that Kia sells any cars without immobilizers.

I get they're cheap cars and the way they're cheap is to skimp on everything but uh, maybe that's not the right place to skimp?

I’m not giving access to my Mastodon account to some random service I’ve never heard of for no reason.

If it makes you feel better, it's all client-side: there's nothing executing on the server (I'm running a copy of it on a server that just... can't execute anything) so it's not doing any data stealing.

Buuut, since it's trivial to host, you could grab a copy of the code and host it yourself as well.

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They did, and it was. Coined the term 'glassholes'

And Snapchat tried it with their uh, whatever the hell they called it and pretty much ended the same way.

Basically, it's an easy way to put 'giant dipshit' on your forehead and make people avoid you.

Neat idea, but the send-your-text-to-Microsoft bit of it is uh, well, no thank you.

Seems like a strange choice, personally, but I'm not a fan of sending tech corporations anything avoidable.

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Correct me if I'm wrong, but wouldn't you also end up exposing the IP of every peer on that torrent to anyone who joins the swarm, even if you masked the tracker and stats or whatever?

Like, IIRC that's kind a requirement for how torrents work in general, and so this idea would be making all activity on private trackers public, and I'd have to say that seems like a really, really stupid thing to want to do given the current situation where corpos are going after infringers again.

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I'm always befuddled how these things end up public on the internet. (I'm not really.)

Like, it's not like the printer is the one poking holes in your firewall while you sleep.*

*If it is, then you should feel great shame, throw away anything more complicated than a pair of dull scissors, and get a job digging holes then filling them back in.

Well, given how torrents work, yes, because you have to.

When you're downloading, you know the IP of everyone you're downloading from, and they know yours because that's how the internet works.

If an anti-piracy corpo hops on the swarm, they'll be able to see the IPs from all the peers as well.

So, TLDR: yeah, public anything is stupid when simply knowing the swarm exists and being able to connect to it is sufficient to provide enough documentation for everyone involved to get screwed.

It's that Simpsons episode where Mr. Burns is only alive because all the things that would kill him are cancelling each other out, but in PHP form.

I tend to use Squarespace because uh, they have a marketing budget and everyone tends to already know (or at least one of the people in the meeting anyways) who they are, which makes things an easier sell.

I don't particularly think they're the best or whatever, but they at least do what they say at a price that's reasonable enough and I've yet to be burned by suggesting them, sooooo.....

I've been pushing Squarespace for most people who come to me asking about setting up a small store or just simple business website.

Yeah, it's closed source and blah blah blah, but the end of the day, it's not about my opinions on software, it's about the most cost-effective, simple, usable option for the client who is asking me for my expertise, which is almost always not something they're going to have to keep paying me to maintain.

Like if you really really want Wordpress, I'll get you set up, and then quote you a couple thousand a year for maintenance.

Unshockprisingly, very few people think that's the right choice once they see what the keep-it-from-being-exploited cost is.

(And for anyone who thinks that's an unreasonable amount, okay cool. But maintaining a staging environment and testing updates and then pushing everything into production assuming there's no regressions you have to address takes a lot of time.)

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That's exactly what they're doing: the assets are going to be streamed and then probably cached in RAM, thus you need a lot of RAM.

Of course this makes me think that FS2024 is going to get live-serviced and killed at some point when they decide to stop hosting all that data and welp so much for your game you bought, too bad.

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So, the moron pointed a gun at her head and pulled the trigger?

I mean, uh, yeah, this outcome seems exactly like what you'd expect to happen.

Hopefully he doesn't manage to avoid all the much-deserved consequences because cop.

16 more...

I mean, the first thing my grandfather told me about guns - the very first thing - was that you never, ever, under ANY circumstances ever fucking point it at something you do not want to kill. Ever. Period. For any reason.

Now, I might not expect some random person to maybe have any sort of proper handling training, but a fucking ex-cop? C'mon.

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knock off garbage these days

Yep. I actually order more junk from AliExpress than Amazon now, because it's the same shit except AliExpress is half the cost so if I'm going to get junk at least I'm paying junk-level prices.

(This is mostly components and other hobby-related stuff where there never really was any difference between AliExpress and Amazon, other than faster shipping.)

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80% of all BSODs I’ve traced back have always had a root cause because of some shit piece of software fucking around in the kernel

CrowdStrike has entered the chat.

I'd like to second the 'manufacturer doesn't matter, all drives are going to fail' line, but specific models from manufacturers will have a much higher failure rate than others.

Backblaze, for example, publishes quarterly(ish?) stats showing the drives with the highest failure rates in terms of percentages, so you can kind of get a good view on if there's a specific drive model you should maybe avoid.

Or just buy an actual enterprise drive, avoid SMR, and have backups is also a sane approach.

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Two twitter bots: One won't stop talking about crypto, the other won't stop telling you pussy is in bio.

Docker is probably the simplest way to get a working deployment, since there's a lot of moving pieces in a Nextcloud install.

Though, it's not going to automatically update itself unless you've made a poor choice for a production environment configuration, which sounds like what happened here.

(Even using a latest tag isn't really a problem until/unless you re-pull the image to do the upgrade. And/or have configured something to automatically update your shit, but again, don't do that in production.)

Nextcloud is also annoying in that updating the base won't pull all the apps to a current version, so you have to know what's going to break before you update the base so you can then update the apps as needed. Which, again, can't just be left up to automatic updates.

Did we ever stop doing this?

If there's two things Linux users will argue about it's how your system inits itself, and text editors.

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Been wanting to play with a meshtastic radio and the TC2-BBS stuff, but the official site was uh, not the most clear as to what the hell I actually wanted/needed.

This certainly clarifies that, at least, so thanks!

Depends on if you need a CMS, or if you can use a static site generator.

For a CMS, I'm still a fan of Ghost and it has (mostly) not enshittified to the point it's unpleasant to use.

If you don't need the whole CMS thing, there's an awful lot of options. (And hosting them is super simplified since you can just stuff the output into a S3 bucket/Cloudflare Pages/Github Pages/a dozen other providers for basically free.)

So that apk strikes me as probably malware, and who the hell would trust some spamming jackass with their personal data even if it isn't?

Yeah I was more referring to huge outliers, like the 4? 6? Tb seagates they had a few years ago that were like 25% Afr.

You talking modern stuff, or are we talking 90s Tiger Electronics games here?

I'm somewhat surprised that there aren't a lot of good alternatives but uh, yeah, there doesn't seem to be.

I would have expected there to be at least one or two good TTS engines but I guess that assumption is quite wrong.

As to your other post, it's less that I care in any specific sense that Microsoft knows what I'm reading and more of a (admittedly irrational) dislike of providing anything that an ad company could maybe later use to sell me shit.

I'm glad we've taken care of the access to guns and made progress on the societal issues that led to school shootings in the past 12 years, and that they're no longer common.

Oh, wait, we didn't do either of those things?

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Lol, they're just renaming Remote Desktop to Windows.

So I can use Windows to connect to Windows, and run my Windows.

Truly a moment of marketing brilliance.

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Dude's progressed from boot licking to boot felatio to boot deep throat, what in the fuck seriously.

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Dude can't build cars that don't fall apart when they get wet, and can't build a truck that doesn't fall apart for uh, existing, and we're supposed to let him stick stuff in our brains?

No, thanks, but no.

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Everything a corporation does that's not outright trying to fuck you out of your time or money is 100% a scam they're trying to pull to convince you they care.

I really wish people would stop falling for it, because, well, there's never going to be real progress made unless there's the force of law behind things like DEI.

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So maybe it's just me, but if you have to make promises of spending a billion dollars so that the government will let you buy your next biggest competitor, perhaps you're already too damn big and don't need to be gobbling up your entire industry?

Like I said, just a thought.

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The high-quality onboarding experience?

Oh for fucks sake, this is just people entering information into a webpage.

Just another failing business model trying to find somewhere to "extract value".

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