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Joined 12 months ago

bog creature


Captcha buster is taking care of the captchas now at least. A robot that proves I'm not a robot. Is this the singularity yet?

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LinkedIn just isn't for Jobs Anymore. It's Now a Pile of Trash.

Ads about pushing your career, then more ads about how to create a better work life balance. And everybody seems to be a coach who tries to push their courses about the above mentioned topics. Thanks but I'll pass.

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I was leftie before I was techie. If you don't know anything around tech and computers you wouldn't know what to do. Even as a fairly tech-adjacent professional it took me quite a while.

Then again, I only became a real leftie again after kicking all the corpos out of my computer.

Tech used to be (and still is) obscured by heavy gatekeeping. We who understand a little more like to joke about those who don't, and I guess we'll have to stop that if we really want to unite the left. Don't ridicule, explain. The person might never have had a chance to learn the concept.

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I am a translator. Some decades ago the language industry introduced MT - some kind of precursor of LLM. The prices of translation jobs didn't change, and translators didn't lose their work entirely. But gradually we were offered more and more MTPE (euphemism for fixing the robot's shit) jobs, for a lower rate. Many older colleagues stayed with the few remaining translation jobs, young people starting out became "MTPE editors". These days there are a few translation jobs, many MTPE jobs, and more and more jobs in "AI output rating" - and the new generation will be working as an "AI linguistic assistant" or other such barbarity for even less money.

The tech isn't necessarily bad in itself, but what we have to wake up to is that tech is used to pay each generation after us a little less. We have to resist this and demand fair pay for fair work always - no matter if they want to call it 'translation', 'AI output review' or 'ertdfg sfdgs' - it has a price, and this price has to respect our dignity and enable a healthy life for us language workers and all other workers.

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'Tech Billionaires give all wealth away to end world hunger.' 'Tech Billionaires lobby for wealth tax with national governments.' 'Tech Billionaires realize they are normal people like anyone else, not super smart world-saving geniuses, and finally shut the fuck up.'

Now these would be news.

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Same with real people out there. I grew up in conflict with my parents before the internet and had the exact same issues you describe, just offline. it comes down to taking any and every advice with a grain of salt, no matter. Online and offline self help groups can be great, and life saving.

Currently sitting next to silent bf silently. We just grunt at each other for days in a row. Live with someone wanting constant interaction = hell.

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No need to read the full article. Clipped ear shows it got neutered, so now it has more time to focus on business things.

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no you can't

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More tech bro world domination shite. Please regulate these guys and their ludicrous ideas out of existence, we just got rid of monarchies and now this?

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c/iamverysmart c/iamaclosetfascist

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I kill and butcher animals for myself and sometimes friends together with my boyfriend. Mostly pigs, some sheep and goats, poultry. Sometimes injured animals who are too injured or in too much pain.

The idea is to save the stress of transport to animals who are raised in good conditions as part of diversified restorative small-scale agriculture.

The killing and butchering is just one part of a circle of activities around the farm throughout the year, but probably the most unmentionable in any social setting other than among meat fanatics.

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Somewhere between

A bunch of incapable, spoilt, completely insane men-children with too much money think they can save the world.


A bunch of scam artists build an artificial human who they claim can talk and draw and reason just like a real human would.

For the CEOs of this brave new AI world this probably changes depending on their level of hangover and/or midlife crisis.

Animals often avoid eye contact, it's considered rude. Humans are a very touchy-talky-looky species. So yeah, it's freaky. I used to think I suffer from face-blindness (forgot the fancy name of it), then it occurred to me that I just straight up forget/avoid to look into people's eyes so I never even see their faces. Now I sometimes try to make a conscious effort to look at people's eyes - but how long is even appropriate?

Your story of the lemur reminds of staring into the eyes of a genet for probably about a century during a somewhat substance-enhanced camping trip. Can't say I was freaked out, rather honoured by the animal deciding to hang out with me for a while?

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both the headline and the insect, yes

In my immediate surroundings: small-scale farming. The old folks all know how to run a few goats and sheep, will have a few pigs and chickens, a vegetable garden, some fruit and olive trees, grapes, small fields. Once you figure it out you can feed yourself comfortably, but it's a steep learning curve if you didn't grow up with it. Quite a few foreigners who move in because they dream of self-sufficiency overload themselves with new stuff and become overwhelmed. I still can't compete with my neighbors at gardening after 20 years but I'm getting the hang of it.

I've spent last August sitting in the shade listening to the music from the village parties mixed with the sound of the airplane engines flying over a nearby forest fire. It was bizarre. But then, what is one to do really? People who live around here aren't really the ones to blame. Can't really blame them for still wanting to have their village party. While I, who does give a shit, do little more than eating local and avoiding consumerism. Eating the rich might me more efficient, but there's none around here, we just have grapes and potato.

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Some rat-off-sinking-ship move? Only in this case the rat also was responsible for the sinking, and leaves with a pile of cash? But then I'm no expert in neither gaming nor stocks, nor ships.

Watching turbo capitalism eat itself live and in colour is rad.

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There is a similar thing not far from where I live. Through an unlucky friend, then the neighbour of their festival grounds, I got to discover the organizers' 'ideals' and 'ethical and ecological approach' first hand. In short: it was about money. And more money. And they managed to turn a large reservoir into a dying punch bowl of acid, piss and shit within only a decade. I suspect Burning Man to be the same, considering the ticket prices. The fact that some poor fools with their heart and soul intact save their little money to visit this monstrosity just makes it more sad.

I don't actively engage in Schadenfreude much, but I do carry a little of it in my heart. If people think flying or driving very far away for Entertainment, and bringing thousands of people into an otherwise quiet place is okay for the wildlife there, and can be in any way an ecological thing, they have understood very little about ecology. And now also ignored by most: the destruction that happens by the thousands of 'poor humans who just wanted to have fun' trampling through the last remnants of life in a drought stricken place.

We are not alone on this planet. Invading a place with our idea of fun is very damaging. We can party perfectly well at home. If home happens to be bleak and sad maybe we should work on that first before invading quiet places.

TLDR: Because AI is shite

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My only chance has been remote work. In my case, I work as a freelancer. I'm quite functional when I can do everything at home without facing people, and my job pays well enough/I have my life organized so I do not have to work full time.

This setup worked so well for me that I decided to return to university as a grown up just for the shits and giggles. I was well prepared, had no real pressure to be there, was just going to have fun, but got burnout anyway. Peopling is just not for me.

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Wait is Github enshittifying already? I thought that was on next year's schedule?

I think most storytelling in most entertainment is pretty fucked up. Another comment mentioned torture scenes in kids animated movies, I might want to add rape scenes in pretty much every episode of every TV series (often excused as historical realism).

Lately I got ultra-annoyed at how propaganda-y every police series is. Even the ones where police is depicted as corrupt, like for example The Wire. The criminals are always shown as a little more evil than even the most rotten cop. I can't stand that anymore.

There is not a single show or movie I've seen recently that didn't have this shit in it. I'm so tired at being sold this cheap, stupid, uncreative, misogynistic, always-the-same crap. Please tell me what to watch anymore.

Oof. Mine wrote me in a letter that she wasn't my mother anymore. Later pretended she never meant it. 20 years pass. Then she writes me a message saying I ruined my kid's life. I cut contact then. I still miss the friendly mom she sometimes was.

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Helping someone escape domestic abuse and care for her animals while her dangerous lunatic ex keeps wrecking her house and farm, actually risking to put the entire mountain on fire, and the police keeps typing a pile of documents about the ongoing case without actually doing anything. I'll keep doing it even if I end up tearing the 'Call us if you experience domestic violence' posters off of the police station walls tomorrow to shove them up the arses of the smug bastard clowns in uniform who are supposed to guarantee the safety of vulnerable people. Been a long week and no end in sight.

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Thanks for putting it in words so well. These days I have to default to 'no thanks' for most information arriving in front of my face or I get quickly overwhelmed or distracted. Re-learning how to find the important stuff in an ever-changing media landscape takes up quite some energy, especially as the brain gets older.

Degrowth first.

Every single 'green' solution that is hyped at this moment is just going to be used as an excuse to continue business as usual. Every promise of some greener battery tech, carbon capture solution, ocean cleaning effort, tree planting campaign will only make people complacent and distract from the one thing we need to do now: LESS

That would be the exact opposite from what OP describes, where a person goes "Oh woe me, all the weight of the world is on my shoulders and I get zero acknowledgment!"

I guess somewhere between the extremes is a healthy range of "My life sucks, and so does everybody else's."

Now imagine a room with an infinite number of computer chimps, at least one of them is going to make the machine work again. Another one is going to write the works of Shakespeare in soldering tin all over the motherboard, etc.

All my parent's bookshelf when I was little is there, plus a lot of the fantasy novels I read later. I just can't help but wonder wtf is left for the kids to read? The Bible and the Very Hungry Caterpillar?

Please feed this prompt to an art AI, I want to see

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Oh, the last paragraph hits hard. I've gone the hardcore route and deleted all those apps and just use lemmy as social media - and it's bad enough here. I realized how much of a smartass I am myself. How often I reply to stuff I could just leave alone. So I just try and uphold my self-imposed quality standards of writing: if it doesn't add positive quality to the discussion just don't add it.

And the family and friend thing? I guess I'm still trying to wrap my mind around it, as with leaving certain sites I lost contact with a lot of people. It was a very conscious and also tough thing from my side to not connect to anyone from the real world through this channel. But then, a lot of drama just has disappeared from my life. I don't really need to know what all those people are doing, have time to focus what I want to do instead - because lately, I have scrolled so much and done so little and it is leaving me unsatisfied. Also, the constant input from online what one could be doing and the pressure to share the results with others was leaving me stressed out.

Now as my instance is small and slow I'm through new posts and comments quickly and sometimes think about stuff for a day or two before responding to someone. It's a much better quality of discussion and matches my real life speed of life much better.

I snorted, slightly ashamed of myself

I might be working on a 441MP camera sensor

Those big tech solutions always strike me as a very complicated way of solving a very simple problem. The Iberian peninsula is drying out because people (and their animals) are turning it into a desert. Look at Extremadura and many other places in Spain (and Portugal, to a somewhat lesser extent) - what ever happened to the trees? If we allowed trees and the connected biodiversity to return we could also retain water in the landscape more efficiently. And the best about this is that it doesn't need high-tech anything. It really just requires to think twice before you chop down a tree. Actually, do less. Cut less, plough less, stop transporting stuff around ... just chill, and the planet can chill as well.

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You sometimes need rest? Don't try to work harder, try to work less. Your body and brain might be telling you it's recovery time.

I know I can force myself to be more productive, and can work really hard, and will eventually reach burnout, because I force myself to work hard really efficiently. So yes, I found some ADHD brainhack to study, work, raise a kid and tend a small farm, all at same time. It worked great for about 7 years, then my energy was depleted.

Nowadays the only thing I'll get busy for is fighting for the 4-day work week and against the productivity myths people tell themselves.

Roman Empire > too much lead US Empire > too much plastic

I got into and forced my way through a degree in EE just to prove I could as a foreign student working mother. Dropped out after half the time in part due to burnout, in part due to loss of motivation.

Learned a million different things (literally from basket weaving to drone racing) all stored away or suffering from lack of time after figuring out how to do them well. These days I'm between pretty decent and almost hopeless at everything. Want a mediocre wooden bed? A fairly good bathroom with mosaic art? A vegetable garden? A small computer program?

I sometimes wonder what this ADHD thing is good for, for sure it must have some purpose? It's like I'm waiting for the big conclusion of something that connects all the things I have been picking up throughout the years.

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Multigenerational housing for the win! Also, neat job, congrats!