6 Post – 67 Comments
Joined 1 years ago


My 100-search trial expired this week and I was literally planning on subscribing later tonight. This has made me think twice.

But it takes me back to why I tried Kagi in the first place: What else can I use that respects privacy?

I don’t think any of them do completely. DuckDuckGo uses Bing, so is Microsoft; Google is… well, Google; Brave is apparently really shady; I’ve never thought much of the results from Bing directly. Startpage seemed ok but apparently uses Google.

What else?

I also like something to be integrated into the browser. As a Mac user, I can’t add new search engines to Safari (and have actually switched to Orion, but may now switch to Firefox or back to Safari).

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And this is why I love places like Lemmy. Balanced, different opinions 🙂

I personally have no issues with 1Password (except that v8 is Electron), but just tempted to try the alternatives given how strong a following Bitwarden appears to have.

Either way… it’s good to have options.

I’m seeing a lot of love for Kagi as well. Not sure I’m quite ready to have to pay for search results, but I fully appreciate people that do. I have lots of subscriptions already and am trying to reduce them (i.e. self-hosting Vaultwarden as a replacement for 1Password).

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Yeah I know they’re all based on one of three, but they are all subtly different in what they offer.

So whilst there are three main engines, there are definitely more than three choices.

Bottom of the pile for me is Chrome - I don’t use anything Google knowingly/willingly.

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Thanks. I’m tech savvy so that’s not a problem. Just always used 1Password based on recommendations. More than happy to go open source, and 1Password 8 feels like a step backwards from 1Password 7.

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The Apple integration is probably the main reason I use Safari I think; the likes of Apple Pay, Touch ID/Face ID all just works. I’d love that ability in Firefox and then I’d probably use it exclusively.

Haha I hear you re: the old people. My parents use a notepad, and they scribble out old passwords and write down the new ones. It’s beyond archaic. And my dad has dementia which is just a recipe for disaster.

I’ve added them to my 1Password family and setup a separate vault for them to use, and I have a few of their key passwords shared with my vault in case they lock themselves out of important accounts.

But I’m sure if I did decide to switch to Bitwarden I could move them over pretty easily.

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You’re all awesome. So much feedback for me to work with.

I’d say the vast majority are recommending Bitwarden (or Vaultwarden should I want to self host), with lots of shoutouts for 1Password as well. Honourable mentions for KeePass as well as a few others.

I’ll continue to run Bitwarden in parallel to 1Password for a little while longer to see if I prefer one over the other. I’ll definitely look into self hosting it as well, although I don’t currently have a domain name so would either have to get one or do the slightly more convoluted method of getting self-signed certificates.

Thanks all for taking the time to indulge me — very much appreciated.

Because it’s now an Electron app on macOS and — in my personal view — Electron apps suck. Much prefer native apps.

Functionality-wise it’s the same, but just doesn’t feel as nice to use, if that makes sense.

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Yeah I had SearXNG running via a Docker container and it was pretty good. I didn’t like having to use a domain name and expose it over the internet though, because Docker is running on my NAS. I guess I could give it another try using Cloudflare tunnels so I don’t have to open anything up.

Or else go back to Startpage.

That wasn’t the OP 😂

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I’ve always just used Safari as my browser on iOS and macOS so have never paid attention to reviews/opinions on the newer browsers such as Brave. Before I switched to Mac I always used Firefox on my Windows machines so know how privacy focused they’ve always been. But I’m hearing a lot of positives about Brave, and so far it seems pretty decent.

I’ve tried Arc but wasn’t entirely convinced. And in work I have a Windows machine so have been tied to Edge (although I’ve recently put in a request for Firefox and had it approved).

I guess it’d be nice to have a consistent search experience across the board, which the likes of DDG would give me. But definitely seeing good things about Brave and Brave Search.

Now you may have me there. Visual Studio Code is certainly an exception, I’d be willing to admit.

Boo, Google! Haha j/k, each to their own 🙂

1Password has been one of my go-to apps for years now, so I’m clearly happy to pay the $80 a year or whatever it is (I’m a Brit but I think it’s around that price). But it’s very good to know that I can get the exact same (more or less) functionality in Bitwarden for $10 a year. And I have the option to self host on my Docker stack on my NAS should the mood take me.

I absolutely wholeheartedly agree about Watchtower — that’s a nice little piece of functionality. I saw Bitwarden can check if your passwords have been involved in a data breach, but nowhere near as many little add-ins as Watchtower. It feels like a credit score for your passwords 🙂

Yeah all similar to 1Password. I think that times out after a week or so, so you have to put your master password in. I like the Apple Watch integration with my Mac so I just double click the Digital Crown most of the time rather than even using Touch ID.

Sounds like the only thing I’m losing in switching from 1Password to Bitwarden is the ever-so-slightly more polished apps. But functionality-wise… nothing.

Would love an up-to-date tutorial on how to do this without a domain name. I don’t own one but would still much prefer to use https://jellyfin.myserver.home than

I see what you did there!

No I’m pretty open to either hosted or self hosted. I use KeePass in work (because it’s mandated) and I’d probably describe it as “OK”. The plug-ins are a little fiddly to get working, and my work actually block most of them which drastically reduces the functionality. I have zero browser integration, for example, so I have to copy/paste passwords in each time. Which isn’t the end of the world, but annoying.

Also not sure if there’s a macOS version of KeePass or something I could also use across iOS, watchOS and iPadOS as well.

I may look into VaultWarden because I do have a bit of self hosting going on as well…

Thanks. There’s definitely stuff in here I want to do, I just need to figure out the order of play and break it down a bit.

As per reply to another comment.

Do I have to port forward 80 and 443 no matter what? Ideally I don’t want to forward anything.

Do I need DDNS in here somewhere, i.e. create a DDNS and link it to my NAS, create an A record in Cloudflare to point my domain to the external IP of the DDNS? Is that how I get into my NAS from the domain without worrying about the IP changing? How do I then prevent anybody accessing the NAS admin on port 5000/5001, as well as anything else except the containers I expose via Traefik?

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Yeah I have a self-hosted one but I’m struggling to get results. I posted under another comment on this thread, was just gonna ask for some support troubleshooting.

Completely agree though, self hosting over public instances all day long.

What are your thoughts on Arc? I tried it a couple of months ago but couldn’t really get used to the layout, etc.

Sure it’s as good a browser as any, I just wasn’t feeling it.

I didn’t know they stored local copies — had a very, VERY quick skim through their privacy policy on their website and couldn’t see any reference to that (sure it’s there but I didn’t see it).

I’m not a Spark user btw, was just following the conversation. I use plain ol’ Apple Mail.

Will definitely let you know if I figure it out, for sure.

Thanks, I’ll look into it I think

Wasn’t necessarily going for separation of services, just haven’t used Bitwarden long enough to figure it all out yet. I’ve literally imported my 1Password vault and that’s it. I need to spend a bit more time messing around with it.

Tried it, kinda liked it, but then read a lot of shady stuff about them not being as privacy-focused as they’re made out to be.

I might give Arc a go, not sure how good/popular it is though. But I think anything other than Safari will be a compromise because of the Apple Pay/Touch ID/Face ID integration.

Will definitely look into Vaultwarden. Always looking for containers I can add to my stack!

And this, my friend, is exactly what I came here for. Very insightful, informative and measured answer. Thank you for taking the time 👍🏻

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Before I was using Traefik I used to use plain NGINX and was pretty happy with it. I made the switch to Traefik after reading some good things about it on Reddit.

More than happy to switch to NPM and give it a try. At this point I have no reverse proxy running at all, so not even like I have to swap out Traefik — there’s nothing they’re to begin with.

Good to know, thanks!

Also good to know, thanks.

I feel your pain with the subdomains - I have a load of Docker containers that I access via reverse proxy and I get a list of every container’s credentials and have to scroll through and select them. Not the end of the world, but annoying for sure.

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I guess one is considerably cheaper than the other, so there’s that.

But yeah, other than that, no real reason to switch if there is parity on the functionality.

Awesome, thanks. I’ll take a look (along with Homepage!).

Before putting Pi-hole behind Traefik, it worked perfectly via :/admin. And the logs for Pi-hole now in Traefik show that it is up and working, and I get the login page. But just can't get beyond it.

The guides I've seen show how to structure the Traefik labels with and without the addprefix middleware, and both apparently work. So I'm wondering if by following several guides and taking bits from each, I've ended up overlooking something.

I'll try and expose 80 and see if it makes a difference, but like I say everything is up and running in the backend, I just can't get past the login screen on the frontend.

Sounds like a pretty sweet setup to be fair. I’m completely Apple so couldn’t replicate that entirely.

But from the feedback so far I’m leaning towards either Bitwarden or Vaultwarden for password management. And for OTP, guess I could use Authy or Raivo, but probably the latter.

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I assume Bitwarden is the same in terms of the master password? Again, I can’t say for certain.

My wife almost lost her 1Password vault due to forgetting her master password. Thankfully we remembered it eventually.

No I’ve never heard of it, but have just searched it and am having a read.

It’s personal preference of course. This article may explain it better than I ever could (might not be the best source, was just a quick DDG search).

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I can’t say I fully understand the ins and outs of it because, like you, I’ve never looked into it in any great detail.

I’ve used VS Code for a while and I remember seeing a post on Reddit about how good it is “for an Electron app”, which raised my interest. I then saw more and more complaints about Electron apps, mainly around how they consume a lot of resource and ultimately crash peoples machines, resulting in data loss.

Don’t get me wrong, I see the benefits of Electron apps — they’re easy to deploy across multiple OSes which makes things a lot easier for developers. But I guess as a macOS user, I do love a native app for its look and feel and user experience. Not knocking that on all Electron apps, it’s just a preference.