Schwim Dandy

1 Post – 70 Comments
Joined 3 months ago

Was he practicing or is this just another case of punishment theater?

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Your story basically mimics mine. Guitar and drums, always wanted to play with others but at 50 years old, I jam every day by myself at home.

Other than about 6 months in my 20s, I've not played music with others. I want to but I don't interact with others and the thought of trying to is overwhelming.

I hope you overcome your aversion. The 6 months I did jam with others was magical.

The statement is completely age dependent. Not too long ago(before the movie), it was pretty newsworthy any time the next group reported that they were trying to find it.

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It sank in 1912. Length of time is relative.

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When people complain about new music not living up to old, it just means they've quit exploring and form their prejudices on the pop genre they hear, which has always been the lowest hanging song on the tree.

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I don't think I could use the internet if I didn't have an adblocker. Ads genuinely anger me. I think it's just from the early days with pop-overs and unders, blinking, non-collapsible and the like holding content hostage. Intrusive or not, I'll do everything I can to not see an ad.

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Neither. Only fortune cookies can steer you along the true path.

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Schadenfreude intensifies.

What's odd is that they tell you you're banned for breaking an unnamed rule then invite you to create another account. If it were an offensive username, you'd think they would just force you to change it. What's the point of banning an account then asking the banned member to create another account?

As a brand new user, you don't need to use any commands to install librewolf. Open "Software Manager", type "libre" in the search bar and install the first result.

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I appreciate titles that let you know you don't need to waste time watching it.

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Same thing I did last time he was president. Ignore the news and spend as much time as possible in the woods on a bicycle.

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Yes but surely you're aware that even the most new-user-friendly distros and their tools aren't necessarily aimed at new users.

That warning is a perfect example of how Linux developers choose which hill to die on. They post a warning for an app that everyone knows can deliver bad times to two camps of users; those that know and don't care and those that don't understand the warning. If we could quantify the helpfulness of that warning, odds are that it saved 0 users from malicious action from that avenue of attack.

Never expect Linux as a whole to be "helpful" to the new crowd.

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My IQ continually dropped while reading this summary and anyone that knows me would tell you that I can't afford that.

I don't have a business account with them but have had a Prime subscription since Prime became a thing and have to say that something has changed in regards to the support as of late and not for the better.

Last week, we had 6 orders scheduled to arrive to our house and we got notifications for all that they had been delivered to the office and handed to reception, which we don't have, just a porch and a door. My wife contacted support to tell them and they said they would refund all of the orders without even looking to see where they got delivered to. The support person gave a few different totals, none of which were correct and we ended up having to go through our orders to add up the refund total since he couldn't do it correctly. After all of that a refund was issued..... and then the packages were delivered about 30 minutes later.

We have been trying for days now to let them know that the packages were delivered so we could be billed correctly but so far, every person we've talked to has said they're allowed to refund but not allowed to charge us and that it had to be passed to someone above them.

I don't have a lot of faith that they'll figure it out and worry that some day, they'll just cancel our account because they detected some type of fraud.

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I think I would swap all usage of "Lemmy" for "Hexbear" in the OP as that instance is not an accurate representation of the whole of Lemmy. Perhaps choosing one of the general Lemmy instances would give a more accurate representation.

I love the Connect app(Play store link). It's incredibly feature-rich for being so early in the game.

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When they say base, they're talking about the distro it's built off of(Debian, arch, slack, fedora, Ubuntu, etc.). As an example, Mint is built on the Ubuntu base, Bunsen is built on Debian, etc. These are often called flavors as they're not considered distros but rather something built on top of a distro.

The major visible differences in distros are the package managers and tools provided for it but they also have different goals. Debian aims for rock solid stability, fedora puts FOSS first, Arch is designed to take up your free time by making you build everything from scratch and pointing you to a wiki when you're stuck (I kid).

The flavors then customize the experience, usually muddying the distro goals in the process. For instance, someone might take a fedora base then pack it full of proprietary software and release it.

I wouldn't say what you use is irrelevant but you can truly make every base look and perform the same if you do some work. People that don't like a particular base usually don't want to do that work, they want to use it. I'm one of those people. Where I used to love tinkering in Linux, now I just want to get it up and running so I can do my stuff on it.

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You can easily fine tune what requires a password in Linux by editing the /etc/sudoers file.

My family plays the games under my account now. I imagine not much will change when I'm dead.

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I absolutely love the token spoofing and hope more developers pursue that solution. The more unpaid API access, the better.

Who pays attention to votes?

Sometimes, the repos(machines where the software is stored) has a hiccup that causes installs to stall and fail. When that happens, I usually give it another try in an hour or so before bothering to troubleshoot. It pretty much always resolves itself when this happens.

I don't think major manufacturers ever will make them. We'll continue to get one-off kickstarter-esque fringe phones that'll keep the most devout Luddite happy and the rest of us will buy what we are offered whether we want a dumb phone or not.

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I have tried. For the games I like to play, this is not the case, sadly. Windows provides a vastly superior gaming experience in my case.

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Can I ask what you consider "spamming ads" to be? That could be relevant to suggesting alternatives.

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It will be interesting to see how the technology fares with something like pi-hole.

It's not just the youth. The numbers for the older has risen significantly as well.

The article seems a little light on any single fact but does anyone know if there's any actual data that shows personal disability information being recorded/collected? Is the tracking code being served both on the public side and in the logged in portion of the portal? Absolutely no meaningful information was provided.

I know we can sue a sandwich, is this one of these lawsuits? "I found Google tracking code on the DMV site so it's time to earn my retirement" sort of thing?

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Good for you.

Youtube has ads?

Unfortunately, our lives don't perform at the technical level but the practical. Gaming performance for the games I like are abysmal on linux. I appreciate linux for what it excels at but I would never suggest it to someone that wanted to game.

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The ol' Battery Burner feature.

Can the song really be called "indy" or "alt" if it topped the Billboard Modern Rock Tracks chart?

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A better comparison would be if you had a third arm, or if you were short one arm due to a genetic anomaly or injury. You may feel social pressures that you may not fit in or maybe you feel body dysmorphia about your body being different from other people you identify with. You likely would want to seek care to more closely align your body to one that is socially expected.

This was very helpful, thank you. I also understand better regarding gender-affirming care. That seems very hard to receive currently, at least in the US. Perhaps it's being politicized by those in power but I see more comments about not being able to receive any care than I do about successful treatment.

I know and consider those to be squarely on the fringe.

Being a woman is bad, so doctors think wanting to be a woman isn’t bad. That’s why body identity disorder is a disorder, and being trans isn’t.

Can I ask if you meant "wanting to be a woman is bad."? If so, culturally, is being trans in the opposite(a culturally recognized female wanting to be male) more accepted?

Are you using a VPN perhaps? Maybe they corralled the accounts coming from a particular IP.

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No alts, just some orphaned accounts from moving to new instances.