Schwim Dandy

2 Post – 98 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

Orrrr.... don't use Google Chrome.

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You can still opt out by not visiting the site, which I encourage everyone to try.

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Never trust a rant from a person that can't install Windows.

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I won't sit through a non-organic product placement. If I'm watching a guy weld up a body panel and he tells me how great a welder is, it doesn't bother me. If I'm watching and he starts telling me about his VPN or a phone game, that shit's getting skipped.

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People who craft intentionally misleading titles with a qualifier at the end that diffuses the statement have been proven to be pedophiles, schwim says.

You can still opt out by opting not to use Dropbox.

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I don't think the issue is performance though. The unspoken part of this comparison is in bold:

"Linux vs Windows tested in 10 games. In the games we could find that work on linux, the performance was 17% faster on average. In all the rest of the games, Windows worked 100% better."

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More guns in the hands of the other children would have kept this travesty from occurring. #hopesandprayers


YT's push into ad-blocker blocking did the same for me that Reddit's API change did, that being it was enough of a push for me to stop using their platform. In Reddit's case, I get my fix from Lemmy and in YT's case, I use Freetube to watch videos. In both cases, I'm sure they're not losing money in my absence but I do feel better not giving them the data that I used to.

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They report on that because that's what their readers care about. Don't hate the player, hate the game.

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Wikipedia said:

Estimates from 2021 suggest that of the entire U.S. population (332 million) about 63% is Christian (210 million).

12k just doesn't seem like a newsworthy amount.

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How does Firefox fail you at tabs? I've always been happy with it, I sandbox my FB and Google social stuff, Save groups for opening at once, share tabs across devices, I don't want for anything.

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pops the golden parachute

"Later, bitches!"

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Nobody can even state that it's actually happening "for competitive browsers" as even Chrome users are reporting an unexplained lag/slowdown. At this point, it's just wild speculation and bandwagoning.

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I always wonder how I would feel in this scenario as other than viewing it as some form of terrible lottery winning, it just all seems even worse. There was no justice for what occurred and anyone that says government entities need to pay for when they do something like this, I'm not sure why you think anyone other than the taxpayers are footing this bill.

It just seems like a "better than nothing" scenario where the government pays victims off with the victims' own money to go away.

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Wouldn't this be applicable to any EV and not just a particular brand that it's popular to throw into titles for maximum views right now?

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This has been Tesla's modus operandi since day one of Musk's involvement and the bootlicking fanboys have helped blame the victims of the failures to keep legitimate claims from gaining ground in recalls.

Donald was never "mentally sharp".

“Riggers,” of course, is just a letter away from a heinous slur.

Thanks for the clarification, Huff.

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Had the child been armed, this tragedy would have never occurred. 'Murica!

Freetube adopter as well. The experience is actually an improvement over using the yt site. I wish I had done it earlier.

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I can't say I don't use Google as I own an unrooted pixel on the Fi network but I've done what I'm able to lessen the information given to them by stopping the use of the search engine, browser and sandboxing any Google pages in my FF browser. It started bothering me how much I was relying on one company for nearly everything online.

My next phone will likely be rooted and running a different OS.

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I highly doubt these mental midgets took care to properly hide their identity when making these calls. I'm fairly confident they could easily be round up and charged with criminal threats against an officer of the law.

That works in both directions. Don't assume that the few that didn't return are the ones that would have saved Reddit via incredible content.

I'm not saying this sarcastically but with honest confusion, is the warning from an entity or group that hasn't spent a lot of time on the internet? I'm not young by any stretch of the imagination and people have had very easy,almost accidental access to horrific imagery and media since the advent of the internet. Fake titled gore on Napster, image boards, etc.

I will say the quality/detail of the content has gotten disturbingly more clear. That part makes it more disturbing to me. The Ukraine community has a shocking amount of drone video where it's like a front row seat to the last seconds of someone's life.

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It seems just the American religious right are doing that. There just seems to be many more of them than I first imagined.

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Everyone has a price.

I wonder what database is in place that would allow them to determine what weapons were made after that date. It seems there would be a lot room for getting around that aside from just buying used.

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What are you gonna tell me next, that 4chan isn't the best place to go for relationship advice?

I'm sorry but I don't see how that check is browser-specific. Is that part happening on the browser side?

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Apple only so Fuck'em.

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Didn't we get to that point by the loud ones being able to vote their chosen into office though? That's the part that surprises me, that there were enough of them to get the proper people in office to dismantle the country's democratic process.

Neither impacts me in any appreciable manner so I don't think much about it.

I love anything that further sinks the site.

Although it makes the people who don't like her feel better, unfortunately, it does nothing but strengthen the resolve of the people that support her. They will view this as some sort of patriotic stand against the woke anti-vape libtards that are ruining theatergoing everywhere.

I loved the social distancing aspect of the pandemic.

Averages out to be 67,567.56 per.

Someone point this man to a soap opera instance, stat!

I don't have anything to back it up but I think it's a large group's correlation between trans/gay == pedophilia. When I was a kid, my mom(southern baptist republican) didn't differentiate between gay people and illegal sexual activity like molestation(this was in the 80s). If my mom had been told that a guy that viewed himself as a girl wanted to use the girl's restroom, she would have immediately decided it was because he wanted to do something terrible to the girls.

I think the main reason for that is because her God told her gay people were going to hell.. It made it easy for her to view them as evil.

Better known as playing hoops.