1 Post – 24 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

We can't let these fascists overtake society.

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I'd really like to spend a good chunk of time learning how to play/produce music. It's a lifelong dream and something I'm slowly dipping my toes into, but real-life commitments make it difficult to keep up :(

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Things aren't going to get better, are they?

My personal, uneducated opinion is that we are going to have a period of ever-worsening crises, mainly because climate change is nowhere near to being at max ferocity yet. But I mean, humans are great at adapting to change. Maybe once things get bad enough, once people realise just how badly we fucked up and there's absolutely no reason to believe in the lie of capitalism anymore, humanity will rise from the ashes and things will get better. But I'm not looking forward to seeing what's next.

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WSL - Microsoft Linux

Everything MUST be divided neatly into boy and girl spaces or my brain will explode!

I signed up a day or two ago and still haven't been let in. Possible that was it. Or that i mentioned I'd rather lurk haha

Drums for me, but due to the mere logistics of that it'll probably always be a pipe dream. Oh well

It's already happening, North Island has been flooding so much this year it's barely newsworthy anymore. And yet people think voting in the rightwing "we need to be fiscally conservative but also we will spend billions on roads" party is a good idea.

You WILL watch this flashy, totally necessary popup video on 4G and you WILL like it!

There's something just so charming about the DS format. I'm hoping to work on a small game for it when I have the time.

Imo society needs to be restructured in a way that encourages people to log the fuck off and talk to real people in their town, not some astroturfing bot on the other side of the world. Have councils pay randomly selected people to join meetings on solutions to local issues or something. Real people will call crazy people out on their shit and are (probably) not paid to undermine democracies.

I switched to Tidal from Spotify, never looked back.

Had this happen to me taking a marketing course (bleh) the other day.

"The word count is 2000 but I'm close to done with a lot less than that, do I need to have ~2000 words?"

"Hi! You can go 10% over the word count. Thanks! :)"

They also had a glaring issue in a quiz that, apparently, was never noticed by 500 people over the span of two years. Blows the mind.

Wtf? ChatGPT gets things wrong way, way too often to trust it to "know" anything you don't. Of course it depends on how niche the topic of information is, but I don't ever trust it to definitely not be confidently incorrect.

Are those articles shown to you by Google News (the thing built into Android) by any chance? I've had those exact ones recommended to me in the past few days and it's a little unnerving seeing someone else mention reading them all lmao.

I think it's pretty easy to explain it just by saying "the fediverse is a group of small social media sites that work well together. These sites talk to each other, so you can post on any of them with just one account. Usually these sites are ran by small groups of people instead of corporations, so it's less soul-crushing than Facebook/Tiktok/Twitter/whatever." No need to go into details about how everything works, the internet is magic to most people anyway.

Grim, but not out of the question.

And then they have the nerve to give you dirty looks and ask why you're wearing a mask. Buddy, employees going to work with covid is now cause for celebration where I am, fuck off.

Some are.

Specificity vs sensitivity, no?

Eh, I do think it's possible for it to fizzle out. People freak out over ChatGPT but I haven't had great experiences with it and question exactly what sort of job it can reliably automate out. Fundamentally it's just a quicker way of querying the internet but with a loss in accuracy. There's the argument that the technology will improve and become exponentially greater - which is certainly possible - but there's also the possiblity of it just being overblown hype.

I can count on one hand the amount of MS products I've vaguely enjoyed using. Most things seems to be designed with the attitude that people will be using this whether they like it or not, making the user experience fucking awful. Nothing wrong with shitting on them.

One of my high school teachers, when asked what the relevance of some maths concept was to the real world, threw a literal tantrum about how all of school is bullshit and you don't need to read Shakespeare to get a job so how dare you ask that? He would also yell at us when he made a mistake on the whiteboard and nobody noticed. I don't know what compelled this washed up boomer with the emotional maturity of a toddler to teach.