1 Post – 105 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

/c/ appears to be run by some strange people. I got banned for pointing out that Russia broke previous treaties with regard to Ukraine since 2014.

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Not engineer.

At least here in Germany, engineer is a protected profession. Other than that: All of the above.

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God beware someone posting the solution to the problem. ¯\(ツ)

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Never heard? No.

Hasn't switched over yet? Certainly.

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Not a lawyer but from my understanding of intellectual property: You wrote it on company time, so it is the companies code. Publishing it without explicit approval would be copyright infringement.

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Same situation here in Germany, where companies are worried about attracting skilled foreign workers while right-wing extremist parties are gaining more and more votes.

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Well, time to buy then, to show support/demand for Linux gaming.

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Tbf I am a Linux person and was still scratching my head somewhat.

I argue insurance in and of itself is no ponzi scheme. Working together is the basis of all civilisation. Trying to make a business out of a social service however ... that's rife for abuse, yes.

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No, you don't own them. You have a licence for usage, which is revokable. One of the many problems within eaas (everything as a service).

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Suddenly? It's been labeled Chinese spyware since day one.

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So the issue isn't QR codes, but people being unable to recognize scammers additions to public infrastructure and the websites being scams. Basically, it's the same principle as scammers sticking an additional device on top of cash machines.

No news here.

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Not use a hosting provider that charges by the amount of traffic?

This appears to be an extreme edge case but overall there is nothing preventing you from waking up to such a huge bill if your site turns into the most popular page on the internet over night.

Because it normalises the site as reputable source. Yes, there are most certainly some unbiased articles there, but at the end of the day it is still a propaganda tool. Russia uses the same playbook with RussiaToday: Tons of propaganda and some factual news sprinkled in between, so they can point to those and claim "Its not just propaganda".

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IMO its fine for vendors to abandon their products but they should be required to release all technical documentation and software used with the device into the public domain so enthusiasts can continue where companies stopped.

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Na, she's still a person.

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Efficiency ... German Efficiency!

Does it have "WE DO NOT BREAK USERSPACE!" in golden letters somewhere?

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Basically all illegal drugs started as legal drugs aka medicine (Opium, Morphine, Heroin, etc). The distinction is a relatively recent development. Even today a drug store is a reputable business. A drug den not so much.

On the one hand sure, that's an issue. On the other hand, who hasn't been in contact with asbestos in one way or the other. Asbestos has been banned for many use cases but it is still widely in circulation. It's a bit like asking for people who have never been exposed to smoking.

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Speak for yourself.

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Well, they do provide the AppStore and the whole underlying infrastructure. So a fee in and off itself is not unreasonable.

However, since the AppStore is the only channel for selling/downloading apps it reeks of monopoly (which Apple is rightly being investigated for).

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Germany checking in: The chancellors wife at the time having ties to the copper industry doesn't help either.

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Free speech as in "I want to insult everyone without consequences"? Dude, srsly: Get lost.

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Talking to your pet is supposed to be weird? Wait ... am I weird?

999/1000 users won't do any research on how 'this new fb thing' actually works beyond 'where can I sign up'. All they want is a stream of content which the greater fediverse provides free of charge. It is going to be the whole Reddit situation with one more step. Portray yourself as the shining beacon of love and liberty, slowly start creeping in more monetisation and then build a wall once you get big enough. Meta and the overwhelming majority of the user base don't care who is morally 'better'. That's not how capitalism works.

But depending on the software (looking at you Teams) they GAF which browser you use.

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7a here. Works like a charm and I was baffled by how easy it was to install.

The reason for using Pixel phones is afaik that Google is one of or the last vendors who allow a complete unlock/relock of the bootloader alongside having a workable security chip with.which most security features are implemented.

Also: Cross post to both communities if you like.

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Monkey's paw moment: Simply wish for unlimited wishes

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You see, I think spiders are incredibly interesting animals. But I really can't look at them. I guess my Mum screaming every time something with more than 4 legs appeared had a lasting impact on me. So having one next to me while I sleep is nightmare stuff to me.

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No! Not The Woz!

Where would one get a 3d face scan from? For my part, I don't have a scanning rig set up anywhere.

Mostly software based tech. Israel is leading in the field of "legal" spyware for example.

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Where is the qoute from?

Forget about biometrics, they are way too insecure.

Our cameras have reached a stage where we can replicate fingerprints from photos. 'What you are' is useless when we leave part of us everywhere. And furthermore, in parts of the world, authorities can force you to unlock your device with biometrics but not with passwords.

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As a PHP Dev: Please avoid PHP unless you have to use it.

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A friend asked me to atempt data recovery on some photos which 'vanished' off an USB stick.

Plugged it in, checked for potential hidden trash folders, then called it a day. Firstly I havenever done data forensic and secondly: No backup? No mercy.

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I've never bothered with them, but aren't there already? Additional stuff for your personal avatar?

Oh do I miss the days when Unixstickers was an independent company. Way better merch and offers. But oh well, can't argue with a Dollar...

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