1 Post – 136 Comments
Joined 8 months ago

A garbage to run ads again. Everyone already knows the myths and they don't need the same post to pop up every year.

It doesn't make any sense.

Why staying on old package for unnecessary stability (that stability is for highly "mission critical" things).

Why not put everything in one big partition

A comment: The guy who make that video might be a troll, I reviewed his videos' titles.

And such bullshit is much more accessible in plain text form.

BSD developers: who cares about that. And, it is already happen. Android libc use lots of code of OpenBSD libc. OpenSSH is used everywhere.

GNU's ssh implementation seems to be some abandoned trash, even though it was started in 1998, before OpenSSH. If OpenSSH doesnt exist, we can hope that everyone will be using differently broken ssh implementations; I'd expect gnu ssh to be a buggy, unreliable implementation which support hundreds of thounsands of flags and configuration options. Workers everywhere will be punished because of their buggy implementation of ssh. Why workers in every companies have to make their own ssh implementation? They should be doing something else.


Please have a partition for /home. In fact, you need partition for /usr, /var,.. too

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OpenBSD is the easiest to use.

software should work independent of any distro

and you should know how to use your package manager, if you can't, it should be the package manager's issue: too complex

Alpine Linux.

I don't think firefox nor chromium is related to linux

Thank you.

The main argument is, the number of Debian's Apparmor policies is not comparable to RHEL's SELinux policies.

I don't think anyone dislike this comment is really correct: When they said you can use flatseal, they are making user become security expert overnight.

Too much for anyone claim themselves "practical" "security"

Is there a Linux for people who are deeply entrenched in how Windows works

How Windows works is different I think?

I’m not above googling command lines that I can copy and paste but I’ve spent HOURS trying to figure this out and have gotten no where…

You don't need.

I heard you are using a debian-based distro, can you read the man pages for apt?

Then use apt to find docker, and get it.

Once it’s installed in the terminal, how the hell do I find docker so I can start playing with it?

It is not installed in the terminal. It is installed on the system, ON DISK!

docker should be installed on /usr/bin. It is on PATH. Type docker and see what happen. If not, try searching on /usr/bin (on BSDs third party software are separated from base, so docker should be installed on /usr/local/bin)

And the docker service should be started, if not. Use the fucking systemctl to start it. The service name should be docker, if I recall correctly

Encrypted forms are not usable. Uncaught Error: TIMEOUT. I enabled WASM.

I am too lazy to research it and still wondering.

The arch wiki wrote about linux-hardened. You can repeat what they say like a machine.

You cannot trust us doing researches for you.

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I think it would save you someday, when there is nothing writing in /usr so the writing in /home would not cause much damage. On a system with a huge root partition, an incomplete writing might damage the whole filesystem.

Fsck would be faster. newfs (mkfs) would be faster. I found NetBSD spend so much time when it do newfs a 32G root partition (installing NetBSD in hyper-v).

Also for the /tmp partition, we can use memory filesystem (tmpfs) if we have 4G of RAM or more, instead of physical disk to store things that are cleaned on reboot.

I don’t know that you can learn “all of them”, there are new ones popping up all the time.

The core remains the same. And if I'm not stupid, everything I learned in Linux (yeah, kernel things) can be easily adapted to OpenBSD which I'm using.

My dad always urge me to learn things "around assembly" (binary math, how the kernel operate). I wanted to know how to get started with these :)

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Don’t copy terminal commands from internet if you don’t know what they do.

Very important. Don't run arbitrary commands on the internet, but don't paste sysctls and config too.

YouTube can be a good resource at the start.

Linux lacks much documentation. Man pages, tutorials from arch and gentoo wiki should be considered.

that's my feedback

Do you know how can I get started with things around the kernel?

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I use OpenBSD, and Alpine is the only Linux distro I can recommend :)

It is somewhat like FreeBSD (not having X by default), and they are both not friendly to newbies when compare to OpenBSD.

People should start with a free and sane default and gather knowledge, not start with a beautiful desktop environment (integrated graphical environment) and use browser and libreoffice and proprietary software on their device.

Congratulations for not being in any team!

I've written more clearly that you must be a writer to join team 1 or 2. Keep going on your project, and ignore those who are fanatical and like to meddle in other people's affairs, like the guys who want a project to refuse donations and contributions from some specific or all company.

Arch wiki and Gentoo wiki are both great tutorials

but the thing you need to read is manual pages

Does bloat actually matter or is it just a meme?

What is bloat. If I recall correctly fedora or RHEL (or both) enable the cups daemon even if you will not print anything. If I recall correctly Ubuntu enable openvpn service even you will never use it.

But it seems neither of them have tmux installed by default.

Feel free to test and correct me because I won't bother those distro anymore.

Any other resources besides the Arch Wiki that I should be aware of?

arch wiki is a tutorial.

Manual pages are best, and if GNU hells put the documentation in info pages, you can install info.

If the manual page is unreadable and the program is part of the base system (on BSD all 3rd party "packages" are installed on /usr/local and base system is installed on / and /usr), try reading the BSD (OpenBSD) maintained documentation. They are also provided on-line.

What are some habits I should practice in order to keep my system organized and manageable?

The first is to drop all the things you learned in Windows. Many have no value, many are flawed and create bad habits, many are disposed.

New linux user often prefer GUI or menu instead of command line tool (what I mean is different, see the next sentence). They prefer to browser chromium and chat and typing this comment instead of taking time reading manual page, books, learn how to maintenance their system, even you need to learn how to INSTALL YOUR SYSTEM CORRECTLY!! You use 'a' huge a partition (sorry, root / partition) with an EFI partition and a /boot partition (and perhaps a /home partition too, and that's the end?). No /usr, no /usr/local (this hierarchy is not used in Linux so keep it small), no /var, neither the /opt hell?

To keep your system organized and manageable, you first need KNOWLEDGE.

What to learn:

install and maintenance the system: partitioning, use your package manager (I hope you won't read websites that have to teach you to use your package manager but the main topic is to use some software). Example: Absolute FreeBSD; Absolute OpenBSD (Michael W Lucas, although this is for FreeBSD and OpenBSD).

Learn not to wine (don't run windows software on other operating system since it will need much kernel modification, OpenBSD explicitly refuse to do; I think running windows software on linux is unstable and insecure; I'm hostile with wine.)

UNIX programming: The UNIX programming environment; select some (like sed, awk) in the UNIX 7th edition manual pages, volume 2 which are tutorials that are still valid these day; manual page.

useful addition: get on tmux,

Enough for a regular user?

my personal habit:

I think I'm so lucky that I never do neofetch; once tried to decorate LXQt with the arc theme and then never used LXQt (since I switched to sway), if decorating the graphical interface make no sense to convenience I wouldn't do (I myself hostile with unixporn or something like that, mean I never care about such community) and never created a colorful github's myname/myname repo readme. (of course at the time I didn't do learning since I'm chatting and being an discord terrorist)

What do you wish you knew when you first started using Linux that would have saved you a headache in the future?

I wish I could know what books to read

But when I know it's too late (wasted 2 year using linux and learned almost nothing), and I have already switched to BSD. "Gần mực thì đen, gần đèn thì sáng." (Near the ink you get darker, near the light you get brighter, that's my poor translation.)

"real". is lightweight. Codeberg isn't, and it is currently not as fast as github.

You can always fall back to your "zip", anyways. But why don't .tgz?

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They don't expect users to do development on android.

(Phones should be used like telephones lol.) I'm going to buy a landline phone

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top is the standard.

My current issue is i see you guys constantly having issues, editing files etc.

These guy cannot self-develop

They never learn thing themselves. Never read books. Never read manual pages.

Just ignore them.

Is it not stable?

Commits to softwares around Linux (userland, system maintenance tools, etc) usually just works (even if alpha). There are few bugs.

Alpine Linux edge+testing is much stable (my only issue come from testing mesa packages, just don't upgrade this package to any version without -r0 or -r1 or like that :) )

Can you not set it up and then not have ongoing issues?


A system that never have to su root (except for shutdown, reboot).

OpenBSD = Security

It is actually correctless. OpenBSD = Correctness + Simple + Free (free from copyleft too)

FreeBSD = The main UNIX-like



maximum portability??

But up to NetBSD 10 (at the time writing it was not released) YOU DON'T HAVE SSL CERTIFICATES INSTALLED IN THE BASE SYSTEM !

That's my warning :)

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I think it is better to partition /usr (and /usr/local) too, for stability and security

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It requires any modifications to be under GPL.

And it also requires anything that incorporate GPL codes also be under GPL.

And the code must be published to the copyright holder as far as I know.

How it harms the end user are described.

You can sue them if the work is not public domain or 0BSD, MIT no attrib,...

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It isn't possible :)

Windows' filesystem is different to unix, and it is much flawed.

Use Codeberg ;)

I love since it is enough.

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I’ve been using Linux for 30 years now, certified to teach it and everything

I'm curious what have you learn and certified to teach? I want to learn all of them :)

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I hope they will not switch to AGPL.

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Now that Arch is so easy to install with the Archscript

Trash. Not true arch user.

Switch to BSD instead, it is easy to use while being better in quality.

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Apps aren't even distributed via snap or flatpak. we have the option to install software we need and compile those are snap or flatpak only.

Qubes os does not run xfce in a vm I think?

It actually run everything in a vm, not a container.

Years ago some Linux howtos or Linux distributions during their installation recommended to have several different partitions (I believe some of the BDSs like OpenBSD still offer such an option during installation)

There are advantages of having multiple partitions for multiple mount points.

OpenBSD can do partitioning for you, and it is not recommended to use a huge single root partition. If you can't do partitioning, use the default layout.

One advantage of that for /home is that you can have different mount options like noexec for preventing the execution of files inside your home directory which can be a good security measure.

If you never do development.

Anyone just having / and /home in separate partition are actually windows users, or not sysadmin.

For a reasonably stable but updated os I would recommend FreeBSD. You only have to install X yourself, and linux guides doesn't work. But reading manual page and searching on mailing lists can solve every issue. OpenBSD is easier but it is a bit "slow" in performance, packages are not updated (you have to follow -current, the latest development branch).