2 Post – 8 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Wha... what exactly are they doing to her??

Are you high? Who in their right mind thinks this is a good idea?

Ya I only exercise so I don't get fat and die.

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I think it depends more on what you're doing on those screens. I regularly download books from my local library to read on my phone. People used to read paper books, newspapers, and magazines all the time. Same shit, different means of consumption.

EcoTank for the win

"Mediumware" just doesn't have the same ring to it.

I'm just gonna go back to calling everything gay and retarded now because my substitute word "lame" is now unacceptable.

Unpopular opinion: If we ended fossil fuel use immediately a lot of people would die and the entire economy would collapse. People would starve because stores wouldn't be stocked. People would freeze to death because they wouldn't be able to heat their homes. Looting and violence would soon follow.

The only people who would likely be ok are the ultra wealthy.

Change takes time and right now there are no alternatives that can immediately absorb the extra load from cutting off fossil fuels.

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