17 Post – 377 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

They don't "hate" chronological feeds. The study say they are more likely to disengage, and that's probably because people got what they need from the chronological feed and log off to do other things....

Proving that chronological feed is more healthy.

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When Hbomberguy goes after you, you know you are in big trouble.

I still can't believe I watched a "3 hour" video essay on plagiarism and its worth every minute.

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I never understand why we need gaming headphones when normal headphones already do the job well.

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Maybe kid watching too much Andrew Turd or Lobster cult? That's why de-platforming is so important. These people are genuinely harmful to the world.

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It is very important for us to "NOT" support any films, shows, games, and whatever form of art and entertainment that tries to use AI to replace human creators.

Greed is going to tear apart every part of society unless we stop it.

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Fired for taking 3 days off ?!?! What the actual fuck!??!

Banning login bonus is such a good idea. When I am busy I simply don't have time or remember to login once per day and then I miss out on some items.

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  1. Say no to chromium. Use Firefox and its forks. Even Safari (webkit) maybe a better choice to support a healthy web environment.

  2. Say no to crypto. I hope I don't need to explain this one. If you have to use Chromium browsers for whatever reasons, use Vivaldi.

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Thank god we have people working tirelessly to prevent Google’s greed

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If he resigned he might still save himself from public humiliation. Now everyone is going to see the misogyny and understand the sexist attitude in some part of Spain.

The blue bird being killed by the X is such a fitting graphic.

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LOL They knew the problem existed for a long time and decided to do nothing because more reviews = more sales

Only when people started discovering the issues then they pretend they are doing things

Dumb mistake???? How do you mistakenly kiss someone???

Stop justifying sexual assault!

In the article quoted by Ars (

I truly don’t think it was done maliciously,” our Unity insider said. “Ultimately Unity has lost a lot of money over the last 18 years – billions of dollars – and they need to do something to make more money. Sadly, it wasn’t delivered well, but the need to make more money is still there.”

Using anti-competitive tatic to try to eliminate a competitor is literally malicious.

The problem is neoliberalism that seeks to turn everything into profit and sees money as the only valuable target in the world.

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Some relevant comments from Ars:


The absolute hubris required for OpenAI here to come right out and say, 'Yeah, we have no choice but to build our product off the exploitation of the work others have already performed' is stunning. It's about as perfect a representation of the tech bro mindset that there can ever be. They didn't even try to approach content creators in order to do this, they just took what they needed because they wanted to. I really don't think it's hyperbolic to compare this to modern day colonization, or worker exploitation. 'You've been working pretty hard for a very long time to create and host content, pay for the development of that content, and build your business off of that, but we need it to make money for this thing we're building, so we're just going to fucking take it and do what we need to do.'

The entitlement is's incredible.


20 years ago, high school kids were sued for millions & years in jail for downloading a single Metalica album (if I remember correctly minimum damage in the US was something like 500k$ per song).

All of a sudden, just because they are the dominant ones doing the infringment, they should be allowed to scrap the entire (digital) human knowledge ? Funny (or not) how the law always benefits the rich.

The outsized influence of ad money in society is getting worse day by day

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At this point? Fuck Unity!

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There is nothing "fair" about the way Open AI steals other people's work. ChatGPT is being monetized all over the world and the large number of people whose work has not been compensated will never see a cent of that money.

At the same time the LLM will be used to replace (at least some of ) the people who created those works in the first place.

Tech bros are disgusting.

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Honestly people should stop buying Google products....

You should care if you follow any YouTube creators. It is the biggest topic right now on YouTube. Everyone is affected because lazy creators and content farms stealing other people's work is such a big problem on YouTube.

I don't think they can.

I cancelled my Netflix because they kept giving money to this shit and the CEO is unapologetic about it. That and also they are shit towards their employees.

No regrets.

Thank you for making this post so we don't have to.

Transwomen are women. Transmen are men. Bi-sexual people are valid and shall not be erased.

We stand with our brothers and sisters.

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Ars Technica covered this much better

Basically, the company providing the service is shady and should not be trusted.

Seriously the US needs to take Starlink away from Musk. Its a national security issue at this point.

No, because:

  1. Content creators want to monetize their videos, even if it is shit monetization.

  2. Users and content creators want discoverability.

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YouTube is getting worse real fast.

They even deleted the "sort by old videos" button to force people to watch new videos. Sometimes I just want to watch old videos and have to scroll for minutes to find old videos because you know, they don't load unless you scroll past the newer videos.

And why can't I drag the timeline of shorts?


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Unlikely....MS Office is still the default for many enterprises today. 365 Office online version is not convenient. OSX version is deliberately made worse to entice people to use Windows

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I feel like they are more dangerous than oligarchs.

Look at Russian oligarchs. They don't try to change the world. They know they are not welcomed so just buy properties at London, buy yachts, etc. and then enjoy what they have.

Tech libertarians seem to view themselves as savior of the world and attempts to change it (for the worse).

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Japan is very bad in terms of copyrighted stuff. If that person lives overseas this would never have happened.

??? PS5 Slim is a smaller version of an already existing console. Its a QOL improvement. Why do we need to be excited about it?

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The complete victory of money.

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Its more like the problem of Neo-liberalism and hyper capitalism at this point.....

Journalism dying is just a by-product.

Ah...the good old wikipedia drama. I remember some said wikipedia is playing an MMO, and I completely agree.

I used to do translations for pages until I realize there is so much drama going on.

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I used to think Brave was good until I found out they are into crypto.

Nope Nope and Nope! Not using that thing again. Firefox is my friend now.

Yes it is. Yes it is.

If you really interact with the lemmy community you know they are very pro "freeze peach", which means it comes with all the fascists, all the phobias, and the trolls.

I like Beehaw for what it is. Tight moderation.

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The interesting thing is he really seemed to believe he knows better than all the experts.

There are reasons why ships and planes are all highly regulated. Its called physics.

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Nope. Nope. And nope. Any company tied to crypto I will not trust.

Lol The finally realized that Altman brings more bad press because of his association with crypto and his weird views on things.

I doubt the successor can be a good person but hopefully a less creepy one.