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Joined 1 years ago

Back in my day, the stocks were kept in the public square.

Not one of the types you were asking about, but Hades feels like it's made for the Steam Deck, and it's a great game (and also on sale)

For FPS games, Doom (2016) is one of the all-time single-player FPS games and runs great on the Deck.

It's a dragonfruit. For reference, it's not like a standard cactus. Treat it more like a tropical plant. During the warmer months, they like to be watered frequently. In the winter, you might need to water it once or twice a month.

The two hour limit is for automated refunds. Under two hours, you'll get your money back with no questions asked. Above that, it's on a case-by-case basis.

This week’s rebellion is a response to part of Reddit’s plan to succeed as a business

Not a hint of bias in this article, is there?

I mentioned this in another thread about the same thing. The Samsung Galaxy S3 was great for that. It was a 10 second job to pop off the back cover and swap out the battery. No risk of breaking the screen, no glue, no miniature cables to unplug and replug. That really should be the norm. It would be even better if we also didn't have to buy expensive branded batteries to replace them.

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Sure, they're against it, but if it gets implemented by Chrome and by many major websites, they won't have a choice but to implement it as well. Otherwise, their browser just won't work and people will have to use Chromium browsers or nothing at all.

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The burner has two zones. A small one in the middle, and a wider ring around. If you turn to the left, you only turn the middle part on from High to low, and if you turn right, you turn both on from low to high.

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As I understand it, they don't need to ask permission, but they need to make an actual attempt at a diplomatic resolution before making the formal request. If that doesn't go to their liking, then they would speak to the judge.

It should have been a formality, because in all likelihood, the defense would have politely told the prosecutors to get fucked, but they really shouldn't have skipped that step.

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It's basically an archive of the last state of RARBG before it was taken down, it's not getting updated.

200 kg? Try 800 kg

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They gave it a fantastic ending at the end of the last season, and they should have just let it die there.

The whole point is that non-Chromium browsers might lose functionality on a significant portion of major websites. Imagine if Amazon, Netflix, and Youtube suddenly stopped working in Firefox. How many Firefox users would tolerate that?

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"Overwhelming majority" is a very common turn of phrase with a specific meaning. It doesn't mean that anyone is actually being overwhelmed, just that it's a very significant majority.

A chickenpox infection lingers in the body and can surface years later as shingles, which can be debilitating, especially for older adults. Having personally had shingles as a teenager when it's not dangerous, I can assure you that you don't want to get it because someone else refused to get vaccinated. When I had it, vaccines for chickenpox and shingles didn't exist yet.

I can't really endorse literally forcing vaccinations, but penalties for not being vaccinated are ok in my book.

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Movement of Jah people

Ok, but you can see how perhaps other people might care, right? Like you're not a complete psychopath, right?

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But as we learned just over a year ago, decades of precedent mean nothing to the Supreme Court. Decisions made 50 years ago can be overturned just because.

It's just frustrating because almost all the restaurants that used to have their own delivery drivers now just do Uber or Door Dash

For all the stupid shit that Elon Musk has said and done over the years, at least his quote at the end of this article makes sense:

This is bizarre. They want us to pay them for traffic to their site where they make advertising revenue and we don’t!?

Back in the old days of the internet, you would have to pay the bigger sites to have them link back to your site. Now the government decides that it should be the other way around. It was a stupid law from the start, and now they're finding out why.

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Lacto-saccharine sounds better

They care about visible, or tangible privacy. It's hard for some to grasp internet privacy and why it matters if "you're not doing anything wrong."

But barge into their house at 4am, or open the door while they're in the bathroom, or listen at the door while they're having sex, and you'll get a whole different response.

Ask them about their finances and most people won't talk about it, but they don't realize that facebook and google know all about it.

Sure, serves them, but what about the vaccinated people who were infected because of them?

Intel introduced a new graphics driver update containing optimizations for PC games, with a DX11 title receiving a 750% improvement

Notice it says "a DX11 title," and that title is Halo: The Master Chief Collection. That is to say that the game likely used to perform very very poorly, and now performs acceptably.

They're probably working with larger numbers of hours, like in terms of years, and compromises then lower the numbers that later get divided back down into fractional hours.

If you've read the article, they mention that nobody has seen the final branding yet. The logo we see now is not what they're using to sell the product.

He's also had other projects like a free Pantone competitor that he's defended successfully. Apparently he knows what he's doing.

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Have you tried enabling gyro aiming? It makes a pretty big difference in FPS games for the smaller movements that are hard to get with a joystick.

The main thing is that beehaw has an application process for creating a new account, while most lemmy instances do not. They defederated because they were struggling to keep troublesome people out since banned users could just create a new account on another instance and get back in.

Their moderation/admin policy is very strict, and they only have a few admins to manage it.

Male ducks have corkscrew penises, and female ducks have corkscrew vaginas that go the opposite direction.

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But now we have the word asshole

40% titanium, 40% dolomite, 40% zinc, 30% iron, and a 0.04% nickel impurity.

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Which is the same reason they make characters of different races, genders and sexualities in video games.

And people complain about these things "being forced on them" obviously without realizing that all those minorities are typically not represented in media. It's such a minor thing that should be easy to ignore if it doesn't apply to you, but when it does apply, feels good to know that someone was thinking about representing someone like you.

Which Pi alternatives don't?

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Back in my day, our parents made us get it, and it suckd pretty bad.

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Hopefully he grows up to be a decent human being

Y'all are coming here trying to turn Lemmy into Reddit.

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You can subscribe to and participate in any community regardless of what instance you're a member of.

Sure, if you're actually being safe and following good security practices, the risk is low, but the average user does not follow all the best practices.

The chickenpox virus persists in your body and can surface decades later as shingles. Look up what that experience is like if you want. I can assure you it's not pleasant. Once you get that, there's no getting rid of it. Children should NOT be made to purposely catch chickenpox. It puts them at rsignificant risk of debilitating disease later on.

One vaccine is effective at preventing both, and there's no real reason not to get it unless you're allergic to the ingredients.