1 Post – 28 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I am a software engineer living and working in Belgrade, Serbia. My hobbies contain a lot of things including cycling, bikepacking, photography and quantum computations.

All the photos in my posts are made by myself (if not specified other) and are shared under CC-BY 4.0.

They are just trying to maintain an image!

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I had an yearly experience with Nix, but I'm thinking that it is overhead for just a home PC system. You may have more pain with static linkage compared to benefits of Nix reproducability and flexibility. Now is a year I'm on the Fedora Silverblue and this one is a really good balance between complexity and usability.

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I mean if you try to use anything like python packages or even try to build python from sources it is painful. The only way to create developer environment is to use something like nex develop shells and you need to care about passing to LD_LIBRARY_PATH all that you need. And nothing downloaded as a binary is not working... For example, if I'm working on a Java-maven project that includes maven-protobuf then it is not working for you because protoc binary for manylinux is made for a dynamic linkage... Overall developer experience is painful. And anything that is not in nixpkgs you cannot just download, build from source and use: you need to pack everything into packages with resolving all the dependencies by hands...

What android application supports RCS except Google Messages? So, for me it is not about "allowing iOS users communicate with Android users", but about allowing communications between iMessage users and Google Messages users.

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While that is true, the missing part is the following. As I understand registration process in zone .ru / .рф is done by a russian legal entity (Coordination Center for TLD RU) and under the jurisdiction of russian courts. As a citizen of Russia I can say that russian courts are far away from the Rule of Law and under the strong pressure of russian government. So, even if the actual website may be hosted anywhere, russian court may make a decision to take back a registration and, theoretically, the row in DNS may be replaced (the link will be the same but may tend to a different, potentially unsafe hosting). That is the risk that I see.

emacs + elfeed


  1. I'm using emacs for almost everything, so it it is a quite obvious choice
  2. Links to rss/atom are stored in a plain human readable org-mode file that you can edit manually or use VCS on top
  3. It works fine from both terminal and gui
  4. It is a fully OSS solution under The Unlicense

Try to switch to console (ctr alt f2) and run xsession via startx. Or just try to install some meta package from console, like gnome-desktop (like sudo apt install gnome-desktop)

Anyway console (tty) is all what you have now and it should be rnough for restoring the system.

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Imo, it is a kind of trade-off between speech of freedom and easy automation/integration and all this spam. I'm ok with it, just a couple of marks in settings (like only my contacts can send me messages). If one wants to have a spam-free space, they can go to Facebook Messages or something like this. I can not imagine how Telegram can fight all this spam without hiring a lot of moderators like Facebook. Even to hire moderators, Telegram needs to change the business model and start selling user data for advertising.

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But is there any plans to support GNU Linux distros, like Debian or Nix? From the first look the browser is only for Serenity.

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Also, is there any plan to provide binaries and builds? Especially for Android, for example, via F-Droid?

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Did you read the article? It is about people arrested by Israel's officials. Some of them are released after without being even tried. Sometimes they are released without a leg, for example, because in Israel's hospitals they did not gave him treatment. How a person, who is shakled to the hospital bed can "just go to Egypt"?

The problem is that personalization of search results tends to information bubbles. That is the reason why I prefer DDG over Google.

Wow! Looks exatly as what I need. And GPL license 🤩🤩🤩!

Org-mode + emacs. Org-roam + org-roam-ui to vizualize zettelkaster.

It is the same question as "What are trustworthy countries" imo

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I cannot imagine the implementation of that without help of apps devs. How are they going to force companies, registered in UAE (Telegram) or US (Signal), to implement this feature specifically for EU market?

Orgzly app for android. It is based on org-mode plain text files and support sync via WebDav. Org-mode is one of the oldest format of todo files and have a huge community/plugins/guides/etc.

Because it is plain text in very popular format it may be easily migrated between different cloud storages and may be edited from PC tooo in a any text editor.

Also format of org files is human readable.

Looks tasty! I should try to make it 😀

True answer.

QT apps looks not so good in any GTK window environment... And they do not follow general setting about windows.

As open source replacement of google drive I would prefer to use Nextcloud

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I guess, that would be a better place for such a post.

The main thing is that now no one has proposed to ban DNS-over-HTTPS...

Better analogy is inside the publication as a quote of Aldo Lamorte, a member of parliament with the president’s conservative National Party:

“The Roman Coliseum was NOT destroyed because Christians were killed there.”

Maybe my opinion is biased. But in Russia where I was living until the beginning of 2022, only in Telegram you was able to find channels on independent media and bots, like "smart vote" (the project of russian opposition about coordinate voting against ruling party). And I understand that if opposition leader can easily create bot that would be very hard to block, then anyone, including spammer, can easily create such a bot that would be very hard to block. That is the reason why I still like Tg and thier approach to the business, when they allow almost everything to almost everyone on their platform.

It is not how capitalism works. At first individuals should start prefer local production and production of more green companies. And only after that corporations change their politics. For example, there is a yearly rating of green electronics (how much green electricity company uses, how clean production is, etc.) but customers do not care. And if customers do not care, why corporations should care?

I'm using the managed solution from Hetzner (they name it "Storage Share" but it is just the same Nextcloud). Here you have the admin rights in your own instance, including setup keys, cryptography, access, etc. I'm paying 4.29 eur/month for 1Tb of storage (including all the services of Nextcloud, like tasks, contacts, etc.).

I think that maintaining the own Nextcloud on the EC2-like instances will be even more expensive and also requires a lot of time. So, for me managed solution with control over keys is a good balance of privacy and control over data versus number of efforts and technical complexity.

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They weren't hit by WWII, Nazism is not a tragedy for them, so why should they care?

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