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Joined 1 years ago

They don't actually care about the law. Hunter Biden is only useful to them as something to deflect and waste air complaining about, they don't actually want anything to happen to him legally and they don't care about principle.

It's so hard for me to grasp that all these people would make these insane claims solely due to their affection for Donald Trump of all fucking people. How on earth did he manage to pied-piper these dipshits so effectively.

It's so delightfully absurd that the conspiracy theory-loving crowd would be so excited about a fucking Kennedy.

I bet it's 'unsinkable'

middle out

the Silicon Valley-based memes already write themselves

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are you going to be biking in water deeper than 1500 ft?

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they're just being opportunistic and sense that this is Reddit's weakest moment, short of an eventual (assuming that even happens now) IPO

Fry: How many atmospheres can the ship withstand?

Professor: Well, it’s a spaceship, so I’d say anywhere between zero and one.

Thing is, people looking for a Reddit replacement are going to be in some way disappointed, since part of the idea of developing a new system is to avoid the things that made Reddit turn terrible. The sad truth it Reddit is probably too big for its users to just leave, but maybe they will financially just crash since their efforts to become profitable aren't looking all that effective.

"might only provide 'milliseconds'

"Don't give me your mumbo-jumbo Mister Scientist - will the alarm go off or not?!"

They're not gonna replace all of them at once

At this point it’d be interesting if all the moderation teams resigned at once, especially for the top hundred or so subs that want to remain private.

I must be in the minority here, I turned off sub-specific CSS as soon as I could.

A gun is a tool with only one use.

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it's a tough question, for sure. I mean, the Silicon Valley joke was about one person jerking off everybody instead of a massive circle jerk. I have no doubt linear algebra is required for a circle jerk of that magnitude.

I wonder if it’s another missionary

If they are aborted they die innocent and go to Heaven.

exactly, if everyone got into heaven then they wouldn’t be so special and get to judge other people

Seriously, Trump earned those impeachments.

Literally none of this is surprising, I can’t see what difference it would make to publish a book about it. Trump’s obvious deficiencies are obvious, and he still has people who think he was somehow good. If unassailable evidence came out that he raped a child, for example, it wouldn’t hurt him politically. The GOP would still be all in on him.

I think all that would happen is billionaires would pay people to be their 'front' character and somehow find a way to monetize it on the down-low.

ooh, is there another time? that’s my birthgay

Can't trust these companies to do what's right.

This has to be drilled into the collective consciousness as much as possible. There is no such thing as an ethical corporation, or an ethical company that is for-profit -- they simply cannot be ethical, they are amoral by design. If Target or Walmart or Netflix do something that is seen as positive, the only reason is a profit motive, not because they are moving towards being 'good'.

It's not even like the object screams 'sexual organ'. Boston University archaeologist Curtis Runnels, who was not involved in the recent study, told Science the ornament looks "rather shapeless", and at first glance, it's hard to disagree.

really wish they’d said “at first glans”

it seems a little wild to accuse the Christian Right of not supporting Jews (Israel).

They “support” them in a way, but not out of any real egalitarian or humanitarian reason. For some, supporting Israel is the same as attacking Islam. For others, they support Israel because they think that will hasten Armageddon. It’s not because they really like Jewish people or Judaism, I suspect a number of the Christian Right really just like that Jewish people have a place away from them to call home.

As a non-AI Learning Model, I cannot conclude one way or the other with any certainty. What I can say is that ChatGPT responses tend to follow a similar pattern:

  • Consistent and clear responses: ChatGPT will often respond to prompts with very readable, well-formatted bulleted lists
  • Socratic reasoning: Items in those lists will have a logical structure from beginning to end

Finally, ChatGPT responses tend to end those lists with a summarizing statement that restates the previous ideas - that ChatGPT will often respond in lists, use a formal and logical writing style, and end with a concise summary of the previous statements.

I mean this completely apolitically - has anyone ever seen Hunter Biden and Jordan Peterson in the same place at the same time?

in fairness, the title said “how”, not why

I love how you go from 'guns are just tools' to 'I think about fighting all the time' in like three sentences. I've had guns, I used to be a member of the NRA, I'm also not a dipshit who thinks a gun is just as much a tool as a hammer is. They're designed to kill things, it's not weak to admit that's what they're for.

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Dumb question: what’s a mind map? i’ve heard of it, and seen some examples, but still have no real idea what one is for.

in fairness, he used to be Jimmy Cymru before the English got to him.

at some point it'll be worth investigating what the "real" cost (inasmuch as this can be determined) for the blackout was to the IPO, and whether the fees Reddit makes of API access makes up for it.