1 Post – 78 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Hey now. If you're so adamant that Israel should be invoking divine retribution on these infidels, wouldn't you want a piece of the action? It's the Crusades 3.0!

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Then why (and I'm not trying to attack you, I'm genuinely curious) have we not seen anything about them protesting before? Because it didn't directly affect them? Sounds pretty similar to most ultra-conservative groups, I guess.

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It's interesting to see how much of Canada has bitten the American onion over the past few decades.

The big differentiator in this thread is "can you bend?" because if you're stuck in an Air temple unable to fly, that would kind of suck. I guess if you had a buddy with a sky bison, that might make it easier. But the Earth kingdom seems to have their shit the most figured out out of all the kingdoms (Fire's fascism notwithstanding).

+1 to PopOS. My only gripe is that they and Nvidia still haven't figured out how to move to Wayland, but once that happens (and we can all switch to cosmic), I'll be a happy camper.

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What? If anything, Israel is the one wrapped in progressive propaganda.

Honestly, - and 5 years ago I would have been appalled to hear myself say this - that might be the best outcome for us all.

Broken clocks and all that.

Only ever seems to be used to describe bastions of conservative support. I wonder why.

What, subsidizing dairy farmers?

No, it really isn't... being able to essentially declare no confidence in your legislature and immediately begin the election process is, in general, a great thing.

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AWS was kind enough to cancel my S3 bill. However, they emphasized that this was done as an exception.


Basically the opposite of what you've suggested. Theoretically this is allowing the parliament to more closely align with what the EU elections suggest the people want. Obviously he's probably hoping that his party is voted back into power, indicating that France actually does support a pro-EU stance, but that's not guaranteed to happen.

I was feeling saucy after having learned about the metric system, and for a lab report I deliberately wrote 125 mL as 1.25 dL. I lost half of a letter grade for that.

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Has the US ever been ahead of any of its peers when it comes to consumer rights?

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That would imply an unrealistic level of self awareness, imho

The surrounding context of that statement is talking about the app, not the protocol. From the Apple user's perspective, they see no difference except for the bubble color.

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This shit is infuriating. "No one drives in New York because there's too much traffic" has been joked about for how long? Absolutely baffling how people can be so stubborn in holding onto their outdated and incorrect ideas about traffic and public transit.

He sees another board member do a Sieg Heil, even sarcastically, and then resigns? Borderline irresponsible.

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The problem is that fandom tends to vacuum up and supersede the smaller wikis, and the SEO bullshit just makes it happen even faster. The answer to your question unfortunately is "it depends on the game/show/fandom".

Maybe that big bonus package that the board approved stipulated that he must not, quote "say anything stupid" for a little while.

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But the statement made is not incorrect. I agree that a note that it's because the conversation switches to S/MMS would be handy, but they're not incorrect.

(When photos and videos are sent to an Android user through iMessage), (Android users receive lower-quality photos and videos [via being downgraded to SMS/MMS).

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I think they were saying that redheads have a higher tolerance to anesthetics, not pain

This is the case in essentially every developed nation. Immigration is not just beneficial, but necessary for the wheels of capitalism to churn. Not sure what people think is going to happen when those who pick fruit for cash under the table or those who man the Taco Bell drive-thru at 2 am are deported, but I'm guessing their plan doesn't involve applying for those jobs themselves.

Do us all a favor, you two, and just stay... here.

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There are also some okay crimes

It doesn't belong to the president, no. Think of it as Macron basically asking the French people if this (the anti-EU coalition that did so well in the election) is what they want as a whole. Because if so, their parliament is not properly representing their views.

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Yes, but if they had invested it like they were supposed to, the grid capacity would be higher, so there would be less chance of failures...

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In a lot of cities, it's extremely difficult to see past the corner because of parked cars. We could cut down on street parking, but people scream if you even consider restricting their parking options.

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To a certain kind of person, saying they're wrong is a personal attack.

PodcastAddict is my go-to, with the caveat that it's absolutely chock full of nerd knobs.

Don't be ridiculous. It called one of its contractor friends to install the pipe for them.

Then that's even more pathetic.

I did go to her. This was at a religious school where I was lucky to be learning any science at all, and when I asked her what was wrong about it, she refused to explain besides that we hadn't learned about deciliters yet.

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Good point!

Standard "it was just a joke!" response.

Representation in media but not for the money. If you happen to get more sales from it, great. But doing a 180 in response to backlash means that they don't really care - they just want more money.

Wait, your landlord doesn't let you pay your rent with deported immigrants? Wild.

Do you think your overhead would also decrease if you only had a 4-day work week?

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