1 Post – 32 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

It depends. If they can still be funny then go for it.

"These days people spend thousands of dollars to visit the sun-kissed islands of the Caribbean. But in the 1700s you could go there for free, if you were black and you didn't want to go there."
-also Cunk

Why would it be an n-turn? The n shape suggests you back up before turning. The capital U asserts that you simply turn. That's how I've always done it.

YouTube is great, but I prefer reading the review so I can skim more easily.

What would be the benefit of a single user instance?
I guess you'd really control your data.
You could do a magazine as your own personal blog.
And you could still post to any instance you want.

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I use Podcast Addict on Android (both phone and tablet) and it's excellent. I'm using the paid version so it's ad-free. It has a good set of widgets too. Five stars.

I used to use Podkicker Pro, but the paid version started showing ads. So I switched to Podcast Addict Pro and it's excellent.

They were hilarious.

Did spez create reddit or did they just hire him?

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Whoa, I didnt know that guy was involved with reddit. He's the anti-spez.

And that's why we need to constantly remind ourselves to spread out while staying connected (the precise function of federation)


Okay, so I guess is defederated, and I should join an instance that plays along.

@nydas @DamnCatOnMyDesk

Nope, I'm here to save your souls and to save the soul of the nation. I'm here for the long run. You can expect a full critical analysis of every shitpost.

How can apps made by small teams or even a single person be better optimized than one supposedly made by a larger team with a larger development budget?


There's some bots out there just spamming this "advice" for some reason. It's an insane thing to suggest.

testing your assertion

Good point. Defederation is one of my biggest concerns about the fediverse.

No, we shouldn't just passively observe the experiment either fail or succeed by its own pre-existing state. We should actively engineer our behavior and connections to avoid the slimey tentacles of corporate manipulation.

I think they're supposed to be lemmies, not rats

Are Swartz and Ohanian still around? Are they all trying to cash in?

I can understand wanting to get retirement money out of your long-term project, but we're not obliged to stick around and assist in the degradation of a once-great platform.

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Yeah they're not perfectly synchronized but I can interact across platforms and instances.

Okay. I keep reading about docker. What's the difference between a docker and just installing an app on rented server space?

Does each dock (?) have its own server? (Apache or nginx or whatever?)

Does each dock host a whole site, or do you have a dock for your database and a dock for your web app?

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I love arch, but I don't recommend it lol.

Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion

This was just a groundbreaking game. I know the graphics aren't as nice as Skyrim, but the world has more depth and the guilds are all full games in themselves.

Such a big open world, fully populated with flora and mystical fauna (Minotaurs and unicorns), an endless supply of side-quests.

Oblivion destroys Skyrim in the following places:

  • Much more interesting and in-depth Thieves Guild, Assassin's Guild, Fighter's Guild, and Mage's Guild.
  • Being a vampire is infinitely better than being a goddamn werewolf
  • Skyrim leans too heavily for the Nord race, while Oblivion's story leaves race selection more open-ended. I always want to be an Argonian but it felt weird to be an Argonian in Skyrim.

@DamnCatOnMyDesk Are you sure that people can actually send messages between apps? I mean, for example, between lemmy and kbin and mastodon?

It seems rather like kbin users can view stuff from other instances and instances of other apps but any comments or messages are saved in your instance as comments on posts of other instances. People on the receiving instance can't see your posts or messages.

Please correct me if I'm wrong. But this is what I've noticed.

EDIT: I just commented on a lemmy post, and then went to rhe actual lemmy site and saw the post. So I guess I was wrong, and people can actually post between apps. Which is honestly amazing.


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Man this defediverse stuff gets tiring

Arch is low-bloat. But it's also a lot of work.

EndeavourOS is arch-based without the bloat of manjaro.

Mint is non-bloated and it "just works."

Debian is non-bloat, a bit of work to set up, but then it's more "stable" than arch.

If you're ambitious enough to try arch, but you're a beginner, I think Debian is an excellent choice.

How would it benefit BigSocial to spread us out among instances?

Your belligerent attitude is unbecoming of a sophisticated internet user.

what do you want us to do here? Discuss how the industrial revolution ruined global society as we know it?

If anything the industrial revolution launched global society. There is less starvation and disease than ever before. But we didn't get there by shitposting.

this is c/lemmyshitpost

That's right. I'm delivering the word where it is needed most.

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this place is called "lemmyshitpost" for a reason... You coming to this specifically secluded place and asking us to talk about more "elite" topics is like asking the landfill manager why there is trash everywhere.

That's why Jesus hung out with whores and pimps and thieves, because they were the ones that most needed to hear his message.

I was referencing the Unabomber

It makes sense that you would be a fan of the unabomber. Shitposting is basically terrorism.

So are they going to hire people to mod all those subs?

Okay somebody quickly code up a free alternative to Linux

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